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Are your friends supportive of your LDR?

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    My best friend is in a LDR too, actually. So she has to be supportive.

    But my other friends; whenever the distance is brought up, I get a whole shitton of "I couldn't do that." or, "I don't know how you manage. I think I'd cheat." and I'm like... Have a little faith in human abilities.


      Originally posted by Tanja View Post
      My friends are supportive or at least I'd think so... Although my best friend encouraged me a year ago to get some guy's phone number cause I'm single...
      I said the hell I am and she started arguing with me, saying I don't know what Andy's up to in Wales and he could be fooling around with other women so why shouldn't I do the same?

      I said we trust each other and just because we're far apart doesn't mean we don't love each other and stay faithful... I think only after that she really realized how serious we are and now she's really supportive and looks forward to meeting Andy every time he's here.

      Also my family is very supportive as is his so we're both very lucky in that way!

      Did you miss my post babe?

      Originally posted by Andy View Post
      Oh man there's one of Tanja's friends... :/

      This happened after the 4th or 5th time I'd been there I think, I'd met her a hundred times, she's got some sort of grasp of English but she's never tried speaking to me because she's shy or worried about embarrassing herself or something, yet I think she's probably the least shy person I've ever met...

      Anyway, like I said I'd been there again and again. Then one day (while we were apart) Tanja got a call from some guy she was at school with who was working on knocking down her old school, and knew Tanja and her friend kept horses... so as there was lots of sawdust available he asked if they wanted to come collect some they were welcome to it as it was only going to be thrown away otherwise... there was tons and tons of it so they both went along and helped themselves, saving quite a bit of money by doing this. So after they'd got all they needed they'd obviously all been getting on well then Tanja's friend suggested that she goes and asks for the guy's phone number! Tanja couldn't believe it

      "I'M NOT SINGLE!!!" was her response I think

      Hopefully she got the message after that

      Seriously though, I could not believe it when Tanja told me that :/
      zz (inside joke )
      In a relationship with

      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

      My Albums:
      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
      My dog Sam ♥


        I have one friend who is really supportive of my LDR. He wasn't at first. He said we weren't really a couple because of the distance. I must have looked hurt because my friend apologized, and he's been very encouraging ever since.

        My family isn't as encouraging. My mom is trying to understand, but she worries. Dad just worries. My brother is (in his words) "protesting the online thing."

        I hope my family will be more supportive after they meet Chris over the Thanksgiving holidays.


          It's not so much our friends we have to deal with, as they are all very supportive as we were a CDR for 4 1/2 years and know we will last the distance.
          His MOTHER however, is a completely different story, and I quote "If the move doesn't break them up, hopefully the distance will; these last four and a half years have been hell!" Grrr, that woman makes my blood boil, mainly because since my partner has moved she has barely spoken to him and when he came to visit she refused to speak to him as he was staying at my house, not theirs (mind you he hadn't lived there for over a year, as we lived together for a year). Hmmm and as you can probably tell she never supported our CDR, let alone our LDR. In fact, when he did move she demanded he took every single item she ever gave us, down to the 20 year old processor that I only used. She was convinced we would break up, therefore he needed all of "her" items. When I move back with him, we are replacing all of "her" items so she cannot hold them over our heads anymore....


            Well, yes all of my friends either know him, or have met him on several occasions.. so they understand why I'm holding on to this one
            Also, we're not gonna be in a long term LDR.. "only" 6 months until I get to spend approx. 4 months with him..

            After that, it could be several years of on-and-off separation due to us getting educations in different locations.. but that's still not completely settled.


              Depends on which friends. :/

              My "Real Life" best friend is in a LDR herself so of course she's supportive :3
              My online best friend is supportive ^^ She's the one who helped bring us together x3
              My guy friends are kinda on the fence about it. They realize that I'm devoted to my boyfriend and will wait for him but they dont really understand how I manage to do it. They said they would go crazy from not being able to have physical contact. Then again they wish I was single because they like me and yeah xD

              My family is very supportive ^^

              First Met Online: May 08
              Became a Couple: 4.11.09
              First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
              Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
              Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                Some of my friends are supportive, and some of them aren't. There are a few you just kinda.. Agree with my parents that I'm wasting my time, but say I break down into tears or miss him so much, I can't breathe.. Thats when they sorta go.. 'Oh don't worry it'll be fine' I guess no one really knows what you're going through until they've experienced it. That's the only way for them to understand and be supportive fully.. Everyone has doubts about this type of relationship.. It's different..
                Although this distance breaks my heart,
                And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                I know that it will all be fine,
                As my heart is yours,
                And yours is mine.. <3


                  In today's day and age it's so hard to find someone who's going to treat you right and want the same things out of life as you. Especially when you are only looking in your own back yard. My friends would agree with me in saying this. So my friends and I have always been open minded when it came to dating. When I met my SO he had a g/f and was moving to MSU in a matter of days so when I told my friends the situation I was surprised to see how they reacted. At first they thought that maybe he was just another player who wanted some action while being away from his g/f but when I started talking about him and even weeks later when he broke up with his g/f and told me he loved me and wanted to be with me and only me, my friends saw how different he was from just any other guy. Not mention they could tell how in love I was with him just by talking about him the first time. It's nice to know that my friends are very supportive of my relationship. My friend Carly even got to meet my SO not too long ago and she was awestruck by how amazing he was in person. She began to notice all the things I've only told her. It's definitely incredible to have such amazing friends in my life. Even my sister supports me, and that right there means the whole world to me.


                    My parents have been cautiously supportive from the start... Dad particularly is wary of me going overseas to visit him because we met online etc, but my uncle and a few cousins live in the same city so I've told Dad I'm going to be keeping in touch with them while I'm there, and I think that will put his mind at ease.

                    Most of my friends didn't really take it seriously at first, except for my best mate who has been in a 3 year LDR himself so understands. My friends are really protective of me because they've seen how badly I've been hurt before, so I think they're all quite cautious and preparing to pick up the pieces if it all turns to crap. :P I know my SO is my soul mate though so I have complete faith in him and our relationship, and I can't wait to meet him. 15 days now!!! <3


                      I have 2 close friends whose opinions I actually give a crap about lol.
                      One of them is completely supportive, and actually approves of him! (which is amazing as she's never done so with any guy I've liked before :P)
                      The other does not believe in LDR's, has expressed his opinion to me, but doesn't push the isssue, saying that he respects our friendship enough to not make a big deal about it. I kind of understand where he's coming from though because he lost a close friend because of an LDR once. (long story...)

                      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                      -Miguel De Cervantes

                      Read our story HERE


                        At first my friends were not only concerned with the fact that I had met him on the internet but also because he's 5 years older than me, they kept telling me that it was dangerous that I shouldn't talk to him, despite me telling them all that he was a giant teddy bear and wouldn't ever hurt me. But that all changed as soon as I made them sit on the webcam with us one night, my friends absolutely love him now and they think we're perfect for eachother. ^^

                        Although they are getting very upset that he's only visited once and that they haven't gotten to meet him in person yet, so maybe he'll be moving back down on their lists :P

                        Met: 8.17.09
                        Started Dating: 8.20.09
                        First Met: 10.2.10
                        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                          What I did was similar to Sora1101, when I first told my best friend Jali, she freaked out and told me it was never gonna last but she never said anything after that. One night when we were having a sleepover my SO came online and the three of us just talked and in the end Jali liked him a lot and now she's always talking about our wedding and stuff >////<


                            My friends are all different. Some will tell me I'm crazy to even try LDR and that it eventually won't work. Others, are very supportive and say that my SO and I are an inspiration to them (mostly other people in relationships are the ones to say that) and then I have friends that really don't go either way.


                              My friends have been supportive on the surface but i know that they think I've lost it completely. I'm hoping it will change when he meets everyone, as at the moment they can't get past the fact i met him online.
                              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                                All my friends are supportive. They're happy for me and think he's cute.
                                Think they're mostly happy about the fact that I was able to find a nice, Japanese guy, since they knew that's what I wanted for years.
                                They all also got pretty excited when we got engaged, can't wait to tell my friends about our marriage XD

