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Are your friends supportive of your LDR?

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    Absolutely and I'm really thankful for just how supportive they've all been. I told my two best friends about it from the very beginning so they've always known what's been going on. One of them I call up and message ALL the time for relationship advice or just to ramble on about and she's so unbelievably amazing at listening to me and helping me when time gets hard. My other bestie likes to tease me a little more about it but I know she means it all in jest, and really, she helps me see my relationship on a more light-hearted note which I desperately need sometimes. With both my girls at my side they completely balance me out.

    But aside from them, even my more casual friends like I know from work, well, once I reach the point of being comfortable enough to tell them about my LDR and how I'll be seeing my baby in just 2 weeks, I am shocked they I haven't been me with a single disapproving attitude. Of course these aren't lifelong friendships and perhaps they are just being polite in not bashing me, but even so I've been pleasantly surprised with the enthusiasm I've recieved as I near the date of my trip.


      At first...everyone was like...NOT AGAIN...didn't you learn the first time?! And then our relationship progressed soo fast...engaged after three months...BUT! almost a year they see me...see that I am ALIVE again....and everyone is very supportive...they know...this is real.
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        My friends are surprisingly very supportive of my relationship


          My friends aren't allowed to have an opinion :P. Only my friends who are supportive or know how to maintain a relationship are allowed to have an opinion. Why the hell would I want to take relationship advice from people who have no idea what it is to have a healthy relationship? If they try to tell me anything negative about my relationship, they know I'll immediately retaliate by reminding them of the fuck ups they've dated and that they continue dating. Yeah...I'm not really a good friend. They're the ones that stick around though :P.

          Oddly enough, my family won't voice their opinions on my relationship. I'm pretty sure they're just talking shit behind my back since he's Catholic. That's just how they are. They know I can't find out though, they're terrified of me or something. I'm pretty sure they think I'm a closet serial killer O_o. I'm the most tame person in the clan! D: Screw it, as long as they pretend to respect me I don't care XP.


            Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
            My friends aren't allowed to have an opinion :P. Only my friends who are supportive or know how to maintain a relationship are allowed to have an opinion. Why the hell would I want to take relationship advice from people who have no idea what it is to have a healthy relationship?
            I laughed and nodded. This is the best thing I have read all day - thank you Darth - you win the common sense award of the day.


              My friends.. I guess they're more supportive than negative about this. If I have something to say, they listen. I don't think anyone's said negative stuff, not directly at me at least. There were some doubts in the beginning but I guess we've already proved them that this is working. This one friend of mine keeps telling me not to build castles in the sky when I talk about him moving here but.. that's pretty much it.

              Don't really even care what other people think, as long as we're happy together and want to make this work, which we are/do. I'd like it if my family were supportive though and they are so it's all good.


                Oh man there's one of Tanja's friends... :/

                This happened after the 4th or 5th time I'd been there I think, I'd met her a hundred times, she's got some sort of grasp of English but she's never tried speaking to me because she's shy or worried about embarrassing herself or something, yet I think she's probably the least shy person I've ever met...

                Anyway, like I said I'd been there again and again. Then one day (while we were apart) Tanja got a call from some guy she was at school with who was working on knocking down her old school, and knew Tanja and her friend kept horses... so as there was lots of sawdust available he asked if they wanted to come collect some they were welcome to it as it was only going to be thrown away otherwise... there was tons and tons of it so they both went along and helped themselves, saving quite a bit of money by doing this. So after they'd got all they needed they'd obviously all been getting on well then Tanja's friend suggested that she goes and asks for the guy's phone number! Tanja couldn't believe it

                "I'M NOT SINGLE!!!" was her response I think

                Hopefully she got the message after that

                Seriously though, I could not believe it when Tanja told me that :/
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  My friends are really supportive about my LDR and they are also helping me. When my BF came here, they all welcomed him like no one else and they also included him, eventhough he doesn't speak our language. (Not yet)
                  I am really happy that they are so open about it. Well at least one of them seemed to be a bit jealous. She fell in love with someone in Germany and they never seemed to work out, because he found at first another girlfriend, after a year he broke up and jumped into her arms again. This is going on since 5 years. And i guess she still loves him, but i have a feeling, that they really never work out, because she also has a lot of other guys (8 or something)... meh long story. At least when my BF was here, she acted a bit weird when she got to know he will come here next year to live with me forever. But when i asked her again, she said she really likes him and stopped acting like that. I feel sorry for her and i appreciate that she pushed herself together to not act stupid o.o


                    My close friends (like 3) support me. They listen whenever I wanna talk about Chris or somethin and also ask how hes doin and all that stuff
                    But other people I might could consider as friends dont really care, I think most of them even think its not a serious thing since I havent met him. So basically they think he's fake, virtual and all that jazz.
                    I dont care tho, Im happy and thats all that matters.


                      Nope, I have no friends or family that support our relationship. I'm not sure he does either actually. A couple of his friends have already tried to split us up and start trouble. My plan is to move near him and my whole family is fighting me on it. Funny thing is, I'm 41 and never married. You'd think they'd be thrilled that I finally found my Mr. Right.


                        My best friend is very supportive of my LDR. She always says how my SO is already a part of the family. She also hopped on webcam when I was talking to my SO and she keeps saying how much she wants to meet her. My family is very supportive too. At least most of them.


                          My friends are okay with it, i guess. Though things they say at times suggest they dont take it so seriously.
                          I have one friend in an LDR, which is quite helpful cause she understands


                            My best friends are supportive, but they weren't right away. They thought he would be a serial killer or something because I met him online, but when I introduced him, they realized that this was real One of my friends in particular is very helpful because she has been in a LDR herself--although it was a military one, which is kind of different. She still understands though, so she is there to talk to if I really need it

                            I did have one friend though who was always really rude about our relationship. She used to tell me I was too clingy for a LDR and that we wouldn't make it. Seriously, I was just sitting on the couch one day talking to Jared, and she passed me, muttered "Pathetic," rolled her eyes, and kept on going. Eventually I realized that she was a negative influence in my life (she would try to put me down about a lot of things), so I started to distance myself from her We have classes together so we still talk, but we are no longer bffs anymore.


                              I am sorry to hear you are going thru this. I was lucky that my friends were really supportive.


                                My friends are supportive or at least I'd think so... Although my best friend encouraged me a year ago to get some guy's phone number cause I'm single...
                                I said the hell I am and she started arguing with me, saying I don't know what Andy's up to in Wales and he could be fooling around with other women so why shouldn't I do the same?

                                I said we trust each other and just because we're far apart doesn't mean we don't love each other and stay faithful... I think only after that she really realized how serious we are and now she's really supportive and looks forward to meeting Andy every time he's here.

                                Also my family is very supportive as is his so we're both very lucky in that way!

