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Happy already in tears.

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    I got a beautifully worded email from my SO which made me cry this morning (good tears). He's now working the busiest night of the year from him so I probably won't hear anything from him till tomorrow.

    PS - I hate flowers, they make me sneeze so would also be opposed to their delivery at any time. I did once get cake sent to his work for him but his colleagues ate it all so I've learned not to do that again!


      Little things mean alot to me love the bear & card he sent me, but the best gift of all would be us physically being together in the same place. It's sweet & heartfelt recieving things in the mail IMHO. I like flowers,but eventually they die. So small personal things from him mean alot. It just sucks we have'nt been together on Valentine's Day...that in itself would be a gift in itself for me. I love him rather he sends gifts or not. I think it sweet to feel special from time to time with a gift. Not saying every single holiday on the calendar...but certain one that are important to you both as a couple.
      Last edited by Loveyoumore; February 14, 2017, 01:17 PM.


        He got his hand written three page letter today, and he has something planned tonight for Skype but won't tell me what it is. However it's just another normal day for me, except I went to the obgyn for my birth control shot. Our six month anniversary is also in four days, but we just treat it like any other day. Counting down the days till I will see him next~!
        First Met Online: April 2016
        Started Going Out: September 18, 2016
        First Meeting: Jan 11-18, 2017
        Next Meeting: Nov 8-12, 2018


          Originally posted by hmrambling View Post
          My SO doesn't want flowers delivered to her school. She's opposed to flowers being sent to the workplace. My ex before her was the same way (also a teacher). Everyone else was okay with it. So I don't need to worry about sending flowers to her workplace. :P
          You got off lightly!! I hope you have a great date later this week! Hopefully no crowds etc like today.


            It is tough to see everyone going on Valentine's dates with their boyfriends and girlfriends... but we do what we have to do. We sent each other cards- he sent me the absolute cutest one- and he surprised me with a charm for my bracelet. One day we will get to spend a Valentine's together, fingers crossed this is the last one apart...


              No gifts, no flowers. I lied saying that I have to study instead of having our usual "date night". Mostly because it feels like our relationship is falling apart and I can't find the strength to fight for it, not anymore. I'm tired of fighting for every bit of happiness, and we're not closer to ending distance than we were last year, in fact we're further apart.

              So currently finishing bottle of Chardonnay and pack of cookies. Also watching "Like Crazy" (romantic movie about LDR).

              Having a f**ing blast.


                I'm sure I posted to this thread already but can't find it anywhere.

                I can kind of relate to the post. Valentines are not really celebrated here so it is not a big deal. But holidays are a reminder how we are not together. They are more prominent than a random date. Not because something special should happen on that day, but it's a day that you don't get to meet. For me it is mayday and new years eve. Not that anything special should happen but I would like to share my traditions and show how my hometown changes during these holidays in a way that he has not seen. Also there is a music festival that I tell him about and he says he would like to see it. I like going with my friends and I have great time and I don't need him there with me but when you have had the 'maybe nextyear' conversation 5 times it becomes a reminder. So it's not necessarily about the holiday but more about not sharing the times together but holidays remind about it more.


                  Iknow I already answered, but I got this text from my SO this morning after I posted "Good morning, My Love. Happy Valentines Day. I remember when you first got off the plane and walked through the tunnel. What a beautiful sight. I love you and wish we could have been together today. You know to me it's just another day but at least today I know you are my wife, Mrs. Garza".

                  That's my Valentines. No cards or flowers and that's okay. The second Valentines we spent together he left for work at about 6:30 am and didn't get home until after midnight, so we didn't even spend it together even though I was there. For me, it doesn't have to be something big, just the acknowledgement is good enough. I had to laugh at him saying it's just another day - all holiday's are just another day to him. I think the only thing that's really important is our wedding anniversary.
                  To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                  ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                    My SO doesn't celebrate Valentines' Day. At first I was silently surprised. Then I Googled it, and found that, those who don't celebrate it. Aren't exactly a minority. So, I am not depressed about it.

                    First Visit: September 2016
                    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                    John 3:16
                    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                    John 4:12
                    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                      Chillaxing. My SO said the Valentines care package I sent is available for pick-up, but at the same time it's a public holiday in St. Vincent (they just opened up a new intetnational airport, lol, could very-well be a sign from the above for me) and their Prime Minister designated February 14th as a holiday there since they'd been building the airport since 2008.

                      I'm just happy to know it's available and tomorrow the one person my efforts matter the most to will finally get to physically hold everything. It wasn't necessarily the holiday though I wanted to be festive, but finally letting her know we can start planning our first visit. The intro to our very real conversation about it.


                        My husband and I are not together this year, so we celebrated on Saturday. I had to work in the morning and he came with me....and I was so surprised when the florist walked in with a dozen purple roses for me. As soon as everyone saw Her at the door they said "Tara got flowers again" and I said "no, they can't be for me...he's sitting right next to me". But they were. He's so sweet. He also gave me FOUR boxes of candy, each in a different size, so I had a chocolate tower.....and took me to our favorite place for dinner and it was wonderful. He's very good to me. Today, I celebrated by buying myself some diamond earrings! And when I got home from work I found a box of candy from "the kids (thank you ex husband) and my ex husband vacuuming my living room and kitchen. Happy Valentine's Day to ME,

                        I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                          Well I cried 4 times today, this has been a tough day. It’s also our second year of not being together and I feel so down. I’m from Mexico and he’s in Saudi Arabia, I had plan for him to receive a card and a pillowcase where I wove another took me forever! also I had to send my package one week in advance so hed receive it on time and it didn’t cost me THAT much.
                          He was in Dubai all of last week for work and he had to extend his trip!! he was supposed to go home on Monday and be there perfectly on time with DHL. So now my valentine´s gift is in storage in some part of Saudi and I’m completely heart broken.
                          This would be so much easier if we were in the same country, its definitely a difficult day...
                          Thanks for sharing!


                            Happy Valentines day to everybody!
                            My So and I have an extended one as Australia was yesterday and America, today.
                            This is our first one together and it was great. He got his gift yesterday and mine is still on the way! Yes, trust Australia post. Lol
                            I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have him! He's so good to me - the best anyone has been before.
                            We talk often, so I did feel very special, as I do daily now.

                            Enjoy the rest of yours in the Northern Hemisphere!

                            (122 days til I take off!
                            Met Online: 1998
                            Relationship began: January 2017

                            FIRST MEETING: June 2017
                            SECOND MEETING: October 2017


                              I cried about the same amount, im emotional anyway...its just rough getting through holidays that you and your SO find important & not being together. I'm happy he received my custom greeting card yesterday...but I miss him so incredibly much. Theres a sense of relief that the holiday is we all can relax a little. Even if we had to cry a few times important thing is we made it through it. I hope he gets his package soon I know the waiting & anticipating can be alot at times. Sucks when plans change so quickly.

                              Originally posted by sofigonz18 View Post
                              Well I cried 4 times today, this has been a tough day. It’s also our second year of not being together and I feel so down. I’m from Mexico and he’s in Saudi Arabia, I had plan for him to receive a card and a pillowcase where I wove another took me forever! also I had to send my package one week in advance so hed receive it on time and it didn’t cost me THAT much.
                              He was in Dubai all of last week for work and he had to extend his trip!! he was supposed to go home on Monday and be there perfectly on time with DHL. So now my valentine´s gift is in storage in some part of Saudi and I’m completely heart broken.
                              This would be so much easier if we were in the same country, its definitely a difficult day...
                              Thanks for sharing!
                              Last edited by Loveyoumore; February 15, 2017, 01:20 AM.
                              CLOSED THE DISTANCE FINALLY ON MAY 6, 2017


                                Hello - it was very hard for me as well - Valentine's was a sad day - my boyfriend of 17 years resides in Nevada while I moved to Florida 3 months ago to take care of my father - I am trying to get thru this too - I know all about the tears too - I miss him terribly as well - we will get thru this all together - I hope next Valentine's Day everyone here will be with there true love's

