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Immigration anyone?

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    Immigration anyone?

    Just curious if anyone else was in the immigration process to be with their SO?

    I petitioned for Rane last month, and now we are in the work and wait phase. Which is long and depressing. We likely wont hear anything until April, but after that it should go fast... and if he passes the interview, we should be together and married sometime in the summer.

    It's such a tedious and nerve wracking experience. So much "omg you better not f it up" paperwork, and then so much relies on if the interviewer is having a good day!

    Plus, it's expensive! This year, pretty much all the fees were or are about to be doubled. It sucks.

    Eh well just looking to see if anyone else was facing this right now, or thinking about starting it?

    Luckily we won't have that problem since an EU-citizen can just come to Finland, register with the police for a permanent residency and stay here for as long as they want without needing any visas or green cards to work or study... And you don't need to get married either. But we'll definitely have our own problems with it, finding a job (for both of us) is definitely the biggest one!


      Yeah the job thing is a bit worry atm, it's definitely our biggest obstacle, everything hinges on that right now. And it doesn't help that I can't speak the language really :S

      At least I don't have to mess around with any of the other stuff though.
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        I haven't dealt with immigration yet, but I'm eventually gonna move the US to live with my boyfriend so I've read quite a bit about it. The process certainly sounds long and exhausting and I'm not looking forward to it, especially because I'm not good at dealing with all the government stuff (just going through the customs when I visit America scares the crap out of me!).

        We're most likely gonna go with the K-1 Fiance(e) Visa, it seems like the easiest way for us to get married and live together. But to make things harder, we're both really young, he won't really be able to get a job because of his condition and I don't know how I'll manage with one either. >< Aargh, why did I have to go and fall in love with an American.. :P
        Last edited by Taija; February 3, 2010, 11:57 AM.


          well my boyfriend is mexican (=almost impossible to even take a plane that makes a stop in the US because he isn't richt) but as i am german i have it a little easier and i can live in mexico without greater problems while he needs to learn german and all to live here, also while married he wouldn't get the german nationality...
          but we still have some years.

          but since i've been to mexico, crossed the border myself and talked to many mexicans who did it or would like to do it gave me enough information to never want to want it, i hope i can be happy living somewhere else...


            I am hoping to move to Australia to be with my SO, but my process should be pretty easy. I will go in on a student visa (hopefully) and go to school, then get a skilled workers visa once I graduate and then get dual citizenship after that.
            That is our plan at the moment.
            <3 Genevieve <3s Shea <3


              My SO is German citizen and I'm US citizen. So we had to go thru immigration. Here I got an immigration lawyer, and I explained our situation, and she suggested the best way to proceed for us. So he ended up getting a travel visa, which he got approved this monday by the way, and while he is here for 6 months we will marry and then apply for the green card. We didn't go with the K1 cause she said is too much hassle and basically the same thing as after we marry he would have to apply for green card anyway. And she will do the green card process with us aswell. But I trully hate immigration and border patrol, they can be really evil and cold hearted. But what can we do, this is the World we live in!


                for me, even though I'm an EU citizen moving to an EU country.. its still hard (not as hard granted as say moving to the US) I have to apply for a residence certificate and can only get that if studying or working!


                  Well... i think most of us has immigration planned ahead.
                  T. and I have a few plans to make it happen, and even back up plans for them... But surely, i will be the one to migrate to australia (even if we don't end up together ;P )... i need to finish uni first, then either live together somewhere we can both live & work/study and get a spouse visa, or get a worker visa (as i am studyin engineering and its one of the HOT degrees in aus ) and just move there, or after i finish my course (1,5yr left, and 1 year has to be abroad, but cant be in australia because theres no agreement on that between my uni and australian one, boo... )... im pretty sure, that if we're still together we'll be ready to have a baby, so im happy to get pregnant and create a family and move on the basis on that. the only thing is that there's many obstacles and things don't always go the way we want them too (health problems, economic crisis, language barrier - toby cannot move to poland)... + toby doesn't know what, where he wants to do ... (and neither do i atm).
                  I believe goverments/visa departments dont make it easier...


                    The process is long, and very tedious. My dad is an immigrant, he talks about the process all the time. He said it was very difficult process for him, and I hope that it goes better for the two of you. (You guys defiantly have a one up on him, being that he was from italy and only spoke italian!) You'll have to keep me updated and if you have any questions please let me know, as I'll as my dad (or other family members that have been through the process) and help as much as possible!


                      Oh, immigration. If all goes as planned, I'll be going to Brazil to be with my boyfriend in august/september. But more than likely I'll only be able to stay for 6 months (rule for the tourist visa) and unfortunately I'll have to work teaching english on a tourist visa b/c getting a work visa is near impossible. What sucks is that unless we get married, I probably will have to come back to the u.s. for at least another 6 months before returning to Brazil. And I'm in no rush to get married just because of visa issues (although someday that is in the plans). In any case, it'll be me going to Brazil and not him coming to the U.S. because he doesn't speak english and i have more job opportunities there than he would here. So we'll see what happens. Yeah, it can be a real hassle :/

                      How do you guys feel about making the move to another country? Especially for people where there's not much considering which country to live in, but there is a necessary choice of one country because of the situation you're in (sorry if that's confusing!). I already know I like being in Brazil, but living there is another I just hope that I find myself being happy there, because it's really the only logical option!


                        Originally posted by garnet View Post
                        Just curious if anyone else was in the immigration process to be with their SO?

                        I petitioned for Rane last month, and now we are in the work and wait phase. Which is long and depressing. We likely wont hear anything until April, but after that it should go fast... and if he passes the interview, we should be together and married sometime in the summer.

                        It's such a tedious and nerve wracking experience. So much "omg you better not f it up" paperwork, and then so much relies on if the interviewer is having a good day!

                        Plus, it's expensive! This year, pretty much all the fees were or are about to be doubled. It sucks.

                        Eh well just looking to see if anyone else was facing this right now, or thinking about starting it?
                        Yeah, totally not looking forward to that interview lol. At least on the bright side, all the interviews I have can't possibly get worse than that. :O


                          If things work out with Chris and I, it looks like all I'll ever have to look forward to is immigration! Haha. None of this is definitely not for at least 3-4 years (), but if everything works out, I would be the one to move to England after I finish college because he's joining the army. Now Chris has decided that after he finishes his time in the army, which would be about 10 years or so, he wants to move to Australia! Which would be fine with me, I wouldn't mind living there... but trying to immigrate twice is going to suck! Oh well, it'll be worth it.


                            I feel a bit blessed I dont have to deal with any immigration stuff. I am having a hard enough time with moving across my own country. I have never lived anywhere but within a 50 mile radius of where I was born. So moving 2200 miles away has me on the edge of my seat!


                              Psst... for those moving to Australia... My dad is English and my mum Australian, when he wanted to move to Australia to be with her, he found out it's much easier to get New Zealand citizenship - once you are a NZ citizen, you automatically have permanent Australian residency. (I'm an Australian living in NZ!)

                              I wonder if that's still the case!

