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    We all experience it one time or another. Before we got into the relationship, heck, before I even saw him in person for the first time, Alex told me, "It's going to be hard and sometimes we'll miss each other so much it hurts and there are going to be times we don't talk at all for several days and some days we'll talk for hours and there is going to be a time where we want to break up because it's so hard. Do you really want to get into this?" Heh, right now is one of those really bad lovesickness times. ^^; I think hormones are slightly to blame in this, but last night and today I have been so ridiculously lovesick it's...I hate to say 'pathetic' but I'll say it anyway.

    Last night Alex was feeling bad but he got on Steam messenger anyway to talk to me for a few minutes before bed. he knew I was missing him a lot and I was saying some really sappy things and I apologized for it and he said, "No, don't apologize. I don't think they're sappy, I feel the same way, even if I'm not as vocal about it." *blushes* Right after that he had to go to bed, though, as he was feeling too sick. Worst of all, though, it made me cry. ^^; I mean, he said he feels the same way (which, basically, he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me because that's what I told him I wanted to do) so it's really good that he said that but...I just started crying. ^^; He doesn't know that. he knows I'm still missing him a lot, though. 3 months to the day, though, until I see him again.

    Worst part of this? I'm missing him so much I'm making myself sick. Literally. I was nauseous all of yesterday and have been today. ^^;

    Anyway, what do you do when you're feeling this way?

    Lol, I cry and feel down and try to get loads of sleep, there's not much to do cause when I miss him no-one or nothing can cheer me up.. I occasionally watch a film to get my mind off things but once it's done I go back to feeling miserable. But I know it's not going to last forever so I just deal with it. I hope you feel better soon, keep thinking of christmas

    ps yay for booking the tickets!


      I sleep a lot, that way we can be together in my dreams lol
      but for real I just try to do stuff to pass the time like focus on school or work and stuff. Then i've found that i don't miss him as much when i talk to him. I mean its not a WHOLE lot better but at least then I have someone who understands. We're working to close the distance soon so that gives me something to look forward to. So planning for the future makes my lovesick moments easier; that helps the most I think. So a combo of talking to him and planning our future.
      Honestly it makes me love him more and it gives me something to look forward to =]


        lately me and Denise have been feeling it more because the closer we get the harder it gets to be away from one another, and because its coming around the time we first said our feelings for one another, the only thing we do is cry until we feel slightly better. some days are bearable then others, the only thing i can tell ya is just talk to each other when your feeling like that


          For me, It's tough when I miss Luke. I usually miss him whenever he's not available to talk, so I'm stuck by myself!
          Tanja does what I do: I can't be happy when I'm missing him. I'll cry sometimes, but when i try to take my mind off of it, It never works for me. Usually, sleeping will make it go away, but also, writing a letter telling him how much I miss him helps. Sometimes I send it, but most of the time, I don't. It's just great to get the words out of me.
          I hope you feel better soon as well and don't worry! You'll see him soon <3


            I'm not usually the needy type at all, but the last few weeks work has really sucked, and I've just been walking around wishing that I could just have him in front of me for a long, wordless, comforting hug. Not sex, not conversation, not any of the other stuff we love, just a simple hug. I don't tell him that though, I try not to lay that stuff on him and make him feel worse about our separation, since there's nothing he can really do about it. I'm just holding out until I go over there in November/December. I've really, really missed him lately
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Whenever I feel this way I get super clingy! I want to talk to my boyfriend nonstop, which we can't do because of work and school. But I just talk to friends and my family and keep myself busy. But it's super hard!!


                I think I'm so lovesick I made myself physically ill this week. Which is nothing new.

                It's hard dealing with the desire to talk to my guy or even be near him because it's a whole other level of depression that pills can't touch and it frustrates me. On one hand it's nice to know my feelings are that genuine but on the other hand I wouldn't mind being able to freaking smile here and there and not feel like my face is going to crack. I try not to sleep out my depression anymore, it's messed with my sleeping schedule more than once, and it takes a good bit of control not to be 'that' girlfriend and text/call his phone all day to ask "whatcha doin?" like he has the time to deal with my stupidity. Some days are worse than others, some weeks are worse than others, and there are times I get upset when I don't hear from him for days or weeks and want to throw hissy fits like a child. In the end I just suck my thumb (not literally) and go about my business, then have a dadgum heart attack when my phone decides to be merciful and give me a few minutes of reprieve. Then it starts over the next day.


                  i think its the season. i have hard a really hard time lately...but its right around my monthly cycle and no matter what i do...i get extremely lonely and emotional. im not sure what i do, nothing seems to make it go away. i am watching a really sad show too right now and that doesn't help...


                    heh, I can't sleep if I'm missing him. ^^; I think it's leftover from a previous relationship. But I'll stay up until like 4 in the mroning even if I have to get up at 7. ^^; It's unhealthy, but i'm getting better about it steadily.

