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Giving up things you love to be with your SO

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    Originally posted by Tanja View Post
    That's cause Finnish people are just laid back and easy going
    You must be the exception to the rule then

    Originally posted by sam View Post
    They're nothing compared to me

    I'm like that too
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      My SO is moving here, so I'm not giving up that much. I'll be cutting back on my partying habits to spend more time with him. He isn't much of a partier.

      He, on the other hand, will be giving up spending more time with family and friends. Oh, and he wont be playing golf with his dad and uncle, which is something he really enjoys.

      "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
      - A. A. Milne


        Originally posted by Tabitha View Post
        My SO is moving here, so I'm not giving up that much. I'll be cutting back on my partying habits to spend more time with him. He isn't much of a partier.

        He, on the other hand, will be giving up spending more time with family and friends. Oh, and he wont be playing golf with his dad and uncle, which is something he really enjoys.

        Golf... that's another thing I'll miss too
        In a relationship with

        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

        My Albums:
        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
        My dog Sam ♥


          I'm giving up my college. I can transfer to another one, but I'll miss it. I'm also giving up the familiarity that comes with living in the same area for many years. I don't care about leaving my family because they've never been supportive.


            We haven't quite made the final decision on who is moving where - he is big on the idea of both of us leaving & moving to a central location, but I'd rather stay here...If I had to move, I'd be giving up my house that I worked really hard to save up & buy, the beaches, tropical climates, and the ability to wear flip flops practically year round And I live within 10 minutes of the majority of my family so not being around them would be the most difficult thing of course...
            Last edited by blankita719; October 2, 2010, 02:15 PM. Reason: my keyboard doesn't like me today


              I'm moving in exactly a week... October 9th!
              Just packing and getting ready for the move has brought up sooooo many things I hadn't thought about when I made the decision...

              My cat is probably the biggest thing I am leaving behind that I will miss... He is 10 years old and I've had him since he was a kitten and I have never had to be without him... Honestly I'm just trying not to think about it Q_Q.... He gets so stressed even when I leave for a few weeks... doesn't eat well etc... I just hope he will be okay without me!

              Other than that... I'm flying there soooo.... I am leaving behind a lot. I am bringing 2 large suitcases and one carry-on suitcase and there are so many things that I just can't fit in! A lot of my books and notebooks, stuffed animals, clothes etc...

              Also I won't have a car when I am there! I am going to miss the ease of getting around ;-;

              I am sure once I get there I will think of plenty more things I have left lol :P
              Met: 2.20.10
              Started Dating: 4.22.10
              Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
              First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
              Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
              Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


                My gun rights ;_;! I know this doesn't mean much to Europeans and Liberals, but I'm a Conservative American, dammit! I need my guns! D:< Damn you California and your insanely strict gun laws! Ever heard of the Second Amendment!? D:<

                Aside from that, not much. I can't attend college here, there's no work, most of my family is moving to California anyway, I'm taking my immediate family, I can see my friends at AX and ComiCon, disability insurance is ridiculous, can't find good weed here, birth control is too expensive, abortions are ridiculously hard to obtain, no good Gubernatorial candidate, it just sucks here xD.

                What will I miss? Just Vegas in general, not freezing to death (Los Angeles is too damn cold! D:<), and my father's side of the family. I don't get along with my father, just his family. It's gonna be hard that I might never see them again. I need to find them on Facebook to prevent that.


                  I am giving up my family, That I've never been further then a few min. from. My childhood friends, finishing my last sem at the same college I have been attending for 2 years. My buisness that I started with my twin sister. My job and my kids father ( which will be hard on the kids )


                    I'm giving up living in Ontario, and I love it here. There's so much that I still want to see...
                    But I guess I have a lifetime to do that. Me and my SO both love to travel, so one day I'll be back.
                    I'm also giving up my 2 cats that I'm very attached to lol I'm going to miss my boys. And my brother! Of course my family in general, but especially my brother. He's one of my best friends.
                    And one more thing: Baseball/softball! I've played on one league since I was young, and now I'm leaving that behind... Do they even have softball teams in Kelowna?! It's such a tiny little town :/ And I'm SO going to miss going to games... Imma miss my Jays! That was always my favourite part of summer, baseball games with good friends. I'd probably have to go to seattle to see a game now.

                    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                    -Miguel De Cervantes

                    Read our story HERE


                      I'm going to miss my football.
                      Big Swansea city fan, when I was out with my man for 4/5 months I tried to follow it but barely got to watch any premier league games. Also, the rugby. Nothing beats a Welsh international day. Going up to Cardiff on the train, drinking and singing in a pub and soaking in all the atmosphere then heading to the stadium for a good sing song, more beer and a cracking game of rugby!

                      I'll miss some food but realy I can live without it

                      I can stream Jeremy Kyle so I'm aaaaall good with my TV programs!


                        Green chile. OMG, unless you're from New Mexico, you just don't even /know/. I might miss chile more than my family, even.

                        Over 300 days of sunshine per year. Canada is where cold lives.

                        On the plus side, I'll be gaining Coffee Crisp and poutine and an awesome SO.


                          if and when i'll join him in america i'll leave behind my mum, dad, brother, grampa, dog, cat, friends, italian food, the sea..

                          Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                            Well of course my family, friends, and homeland which I love so dearly. But having lived in Costa Rica before I know what it is I miss the most.

                            1. Diversity. Everyone there is so homogeneous that they can tell in an instant that you don't belong. I get treated differently instantly because they can tell I'm a gringa (American) and of course they think I have loads of money to give them. I like in the USA that everyone looks different and you can never tell just by looking if someone is from the States or a foreigner or a tourist or anything.

                            2. Good peanut butter. They do sell little bottles of Jiff but they're like 8$! Peanut butter has always been my poor food, there it's like a luxury.

                            3. Going places at night by myself. This is just a no-no in San Jose. It's frustrating because I feel like I should be okay... but I've had way too many friends get robbed for it to actually be okay.

                            4. Good transportation. Now their public transportation is abundant. There's a ton of it! BUT you never know how long it will take to get somewhere. You can get on a bus that usually takes 3 hours and it could take 8 because some bridge went out. Which leads me to...

                            5. The roads SUCK. In fact sometimes it's better to drive through the river than go over the bridge. I'm not kidding. Plus with crazy ass drivers... Definitely not a biking country Pedestrian deaths are so common they paint hearts on the roads to show where people have died. There's hearts over every section of road...!

                            But all that being said, I love that country and can't wait to move back

