That's wonderful news =D Now it's just a few months till yous can be together for the rest of your lives. I wish you both the best of luck and happiness and I hope everything goes well.
No announcement yet.
A big step forward to closing the distance :)
Hey, what about being an English teacher at bilingual school? I'm from smaller country than Finland and I had subject called 'English conversation' with American citizens (not teachers) - all they had to do was talking to us in English about certain subjects, they didn't speak a word in my language. One of them learned my language and married a teacher from my country.
Thank you all for your comments - only people in LDRs really know how exciting this really is! And boy it is exciting!
@Gurl: you better be doing a lickle dance right now
@Elina: That's what Andy said, it would be AWESOME if Sam came here at the same time!
Originally posted by Tanja View Post@Elina: That's what Andy said, it would be AWESOME if Sam came here at the same time!They'd have someone to curse the Finnish language with
Hope everything works out that way, would be so good.. for all of us
Ahh, this is exciting!
Congrats, you guys, that's awesome news! Keep posting on the progress, I'll be following carefully, since I'll most likely have to go through the same process in a few years or lessOur separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein