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Doing things you never thought you'd do for your SO

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    Doing things you never thought you'd do for your SO

    Is there anything that you never thought you'd do, and I mean for/with anyone, yet you've already done it for/with your SO?

    Could be anything really, I can remember saying it a few times with Tanja - "I never thought I'd do that"

    A few years ago I can remember thinking that I'd never send any pictures of myself to someone who I met online

    That changed

    So how about you?
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥

    heh never thought i would ever take a 15 hour flight to go see someone all by myself, she's the only one that i would do that for. never thought i would ever like myself


      Well... I've not done it yet, but I never thought I'd be flying nearly 5000 miles for someone.

      Also... well... stuff that needs to go in the adult section


        I never thought I send pictures of myself to anyone, period. But, well, there's a picture of me on Penn's phone now in which my midriff is rather exposed.

        If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


          I never thought i'd start to think about marriage and kids, because before i met my SO those two topics were out of line for me. I never wanted to get married and neither i wanted kids (i always said: no way! Kids are too much work, blablabla). Lately i really hope i reach those points with my hun. <_<; pretty scary.

          And i never thought i would do such "perv" things on the phone. D:
          But that goes to the adult section.


            I never thought I'd be one of those people that fell in love with someone online that they never even met. I did that. I never thought I would send pictures, sexy and otherwise to someone I've never met, and I did that too!


              I never thought I'd plan my daily schedule around my SO - I kinda figured we'd mesh together, but the huge time difference means I plan my days around when we can talk.

              I never, ever thought I'd give an international relationship a go.

              I never thought I'd love someone, so much, from literally around the world. And not only that, but realize that our love stays strong and grows stronger even in our long distance.

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                After my first LDR, I swore Iwould never out myself through it again. But here I am!.
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  I told myself no matter what i would never learn spanish because I hated the language and hated how it sounded, but when i was with my ex I learned some spanish and now I absolutely love the language.

                  Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                    He is the only person I opened up completely, sharing really intimate things. And also he is the only person I ever though about having kids with.


                      Ever since I met him, it's been one thing after another of 1st for me. I never thought I would be in a LDR for starters. We just ventured down the trading pics road, Never thought I would do that. I have a feeling there will be alot more 1st to come.


                        I'd never thought I'd be in an LDR to begin with.
                        I also NEVER thought I'd play WoW ever, never mind for the sake of a relationship. But alas, I am. Just for him.
                        There are a few other things I thought I'd never do, but those go in the adults section...>.>;


                          I was in a similar situation to Tanja when I met my SO I was in a 9 year relationship and was very unhappy. Although I was unhappy I never thought I'd actually leave him as I had given up on love and kinda figured I was stuck. Glen made me realise there was more to life and that by making myself unhappy I wouldn't b making my ex happy in the long run. He got me out of my depression and gave me the strength to leave, even though he never asked me to told me he would be happy just staying friends as l long as I was in his life

                          Also I would never of thought I'd meet anyone off the internet I always thought it was dangerous and never gave out my details.....that changed when I met my soulmate though


                            I never thought I'd spend $70+ on a World Cup jersey. I don't even watch soccer!


                              I never thought I'd let someone into my heart and mind like I have my SO, I didn't think I was capable of such- guess he's just amazing!

                              I never thought I'd consider an LDR, but with my SO, it was the only option, I couldn't let him go for something as stupid as geography

                              and other bedroom stuff... but yeah adult section...

                              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!

