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Doing things you never thought you'd do for your SO

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    Haha literally the week before Reese asked me to be his boyfriend I said I was never getting into another LDR. :x That changed rather quickly.

    I also never thought I would be comfortable on the phone or on webcam with other people. Especially not webcam because I have some serious body issues so having to stare at a screen for long amounts of time and seeing myself is generally something I don't do but it feels totally normal with Reese I barely even look over at myself because I'm too distracted by how amazingly beautiful he is. :P As for the phone I've just never been comfortable with it I think it's yet again a body thing because my voice is very high. I'm perfectly okay in person, but on the phone I find I'm just weird usually, but yet again with Reese it just feels like an everyday thing to me. :P


      Like many others, I would never have thought that I'd be in an LDR or, willing to keep at it. I'm only willing to do it because it's Idan. Thinking of people I've been romantically involved with- yea, he is the only one.

      I've never before put so much energy or thought into gifts (as in, I definitely make more stuff by hand) but I do it for him.

      I've also never really let anyone see me fully- all my bad parts exposed and sharing my vulnerabilities. He's the only one I've been open with to such an extent and he is the only one who I could do that with. I trust him 200%.

      He is the only one I've ever talked about a future with, as well.


        I never thought that I would fall in love with somebody from the internet. That a few little comments would change my whole life around.

        I also never thought that I would spend over 3000 euros - just like that - to travel to a country I knew nothing about.

        I never thought that somebody could truly love me.


          Originally posted by Élan View Post
          I never thought I'd spend $70+ on a World Cup jersey. I don't even watch soccer!

          Haha! Love it XD

          Originally posted by sam View Post
          Never thought I'd love someone this much and leave everything/everyone I know to be with them in a country where I know nothing/no one and dont even speak their language

          You're so selfish

          Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
          I used a webcam for the first time, that was interesting. I've always hated them and my mom's paranoid the whole world's watching me even when it's unplugged. I embarrassed myself by recording my singing, taking lots of pictures of myself for him, and even a short video some months back. I don't make a fool out of myself freely. And I never thought I'd be motivated to actually want a car or a job. It's kinda like I'm "growing up" for him.

          Snap. Never liked the idea of them before in all honesty...

          Originally posted by mrsbubbles View Post
          I've never before put so much energy or thought into gifts (as in, I definitely make more stuff by hand) but I do it for him.

          That's a good one, I really like that
          In a relationship with

          Read mine & Tanja's story here!

          My Albums:
          Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
          Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
          My dog Sam ♥


            I never thought I would have someone love me as much as I love them.
            I never thought I would be the most important thing in someone's life.
            I never thought I would take naughty pictures or do naughty things on a webcam.
            I never thought I would be in a LDR.
            I never thought I would become a romantic person.
            I never thought I would use cute little pet names.
            I never thought I would get married again.

            I could go on forever!


              I never thought I would let all walls down and simply be.

              And I did.

              And what I found was my soulmate. AHH!
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                Originally posted by sam View Post
                Well done I like smoker to non-smoker stories
                Originally posted by Talent_2 View Post
                Congratulations on being a non-smoker i quite once for two and half years but stupidly started again ive regretted it ever since, but never seem to have the will power. Well done one day ill join you in being a non-smoker
                Thanks guys!

                Talent: You can do it! Everyone's got the will power, you just have to want to want to quit... If that makes sense

