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Never thought I'd love someone this much and leave everything/everyone I know to be with them in a country where I know nothing/no one and dont even speak their language
I never thought that I would be in an LDR again, after what happened the first time with me.
I used to hide from webcams. I hated being on webcam. And now, i'm on webcam almost every day. Because he loves it, and I'm finally comfortable with it.
Letting someone I know know absolutely everything about me. I was always the type of person to keep to myself with things, and now I have someone who I tell everything, and I never thought that was going to happen so early in my life.
And doing a couple things that are more suitable for the adult section x)
I never thought I'd go for so much trouble and pain for someone cause of the distance lol
Never thought I'd go buy langerie for a guy x)
Almost everything we/I do is somethin I thought I could never do.
I have never talked to a guy this relaxed, just ramble on without basically caring what he'd think of me lol
I "gave up" smoking for Andy. Not something I regret one bit though
I had thought about it before over the years - I smoked for 12 years and went without smoking for 3 years when I had my daughter but for some reason started again (out of stupidity).
No-one really pushed me to quit back then plus I had a lot of friends who smoked which didn't help, it was a social habit as well as an addiction.
Andy told me bluntly that he could never date a smoker, and that he wouldn't even wanna meet me if I smoked. At first I was really angry at him cause I thought smoking is my business and it doesn't change who I am as a person and maybe he meant he doesn't wanna meet me but later on I realised it wasn't that, it was just the actual disgusting and unhealthy habit of smoking that he hated.
So I promised to him I would quit and I did, haven't smoked in over 2 years now and I'm very happy I made that desicion because it's improven the quality of my life SO much! I've been bugging my friends to quit as well but they won't do it
I know I will never ever touch a cigarette again in my life though, I'm proud to be a non-smoker!
I never thought I would sober up.
I never thought I would fall madly in love.
I never thought I would have sex with a woman.
I never thought I would enjoy having sex with a woman.
I never thought I would trust someone ever ever again.
I never thought I'd consider giving up my dreams to become a homemaking mommy (in a few years)
but I've done all of it for my SO.
oh and I never thought I'd be in a serious LDR.
Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
Starting Dating: 5.22.09
Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10
I have been an online gamer for 8+ years and I always refused to get a webcam. But then I decided (after meeting) that we needed to get them! And then the first few times I was sooo embarrassed. Then you know there's the adult side of the webcam as well... *hums*
Also! Every thought that comes to my head I tell him. I have been so closed off for so long but now I'll even think something that might be slightly off and my mind sends me this signal that says "That's something that you need to tell Ryan" and so I do.
I never thought I would fall in love again and this time when my lover so far away . He never knew that this could happen to him of having love so far . We value every moment that we can talk . Pretty soon it won't be hidden . We are dating 4 months . I also send him a letter which I have never done for anyone . We are staying strong together . Even though distance is hard . No one says its easy . When love is strong it can pass anything .
I "gave up" smoking for Andy. Not something I regret one bit though
I had thought about it before over the years - I smoked for 12 years and went without smoking for 3 years when I had my daughter but for some reason started again (out of stupidity).
No-one really pushed me to quit back then plus I had a lot of friends who smoked which didn't help, it was a social habit as well as an addiction.
Andy told me bluntly that he could never date a smoker, and that he wouldn't even wanna meet me if I smoked. At first I was really angry at him cause I thought smoking is my business and it doesn't change who I am as a person and maybe he meant he doesn't wanna meet me but later on I realised it wasn't that, it was just the actual disgusting and unhealthy habit of smoking that he hated.
So I promised to him I would quit and I did, haven't smoked in over 2 years now and I'm very happy I made that desicion because it's improven the quality of my life SO much! I've been bugging my friends to quit as well but they won't do it
I know I will never ever touch a cigarette again in my life though, I'm proud to be a non-smoker!
I never thought I would ever buy a webcam, to be honest I didn't know what I was getting into it. It just all happened, and it was so worth it. I have completely changed over the past year...
I "gave up" smoking for Andy. Not something I regret one bit though
I had thought about it before over the years - I smoked for 12 years and went without smoking for 3 years when I had my daughter but for some reason started again (out of stupidity).
No-one really pushed me to quit back then plus I had a lot of friends who smoked which didn't help, it was a social habit as well as an addiction.
Andy told me bluntly that he could never date a smoker, and that he wouldn't even wanna meet me if I smoked. At first I was really angry at him cause I thought smoking is my business and it doesn't change who I am as a person and maybe he meant he doesn't wanna meet me but later on I realised it wasn't that, it was just the actual disgusting and unhealthy habit of smoking that he hated.
So I promised to him I would quit and I did, haven't smoked in over 2 years now and I'm very happy I made that desicion because it's improven the quality of my life SO much! I've been bugging my friends to quit as well but they won't do it
I know I will never ever touch a cigarette again in my life though, I'm proud to be a non-smoker!
Congratulations on being a non-smoker i quite once for two and half years but stupidly started again ive regretted it ever since, but never seem to have the will power. Well done one day ill join you in being a non-smoker
I used a webcam for the first time, that was interesting. I've always hated them and my mom's paranoid the whole world's watching me even when it's unplugged. I embarrassed myself by recording my singing, taking lots of pictures of myself for him, and even a short video some months back. I don't make a fool out of myself freely. And I never thought I'd be motivated to actually want a car or a job. It's kinda like I'm "growing up" for him.