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LDR: The Game! Need everyone's help!

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    LDR: The Game! Need everyone's help!

    Sooo, wasn't exactly sure where to put this thread. It's not really a game in itself, so I didn't put it in the game forum. But it's about one. You see..

    I'm a freshman at an art college. My long distance relationship is what drove me to attend this school (I now live in the same state as my SO), and it's what inspires me in all of my work. For 3D Design, we have to create a marketable "toy". I decided I'm going to make a board game about long distance relationships.

    It's going to be overly simplified, since I have to concentrate on design more than the actual game. The starting point is the beginning of an LDR and the objective is to close the distance (the end). Whoever gets there first wins, obviously. In between there will be chances to draw cards with scenarios on them that will either push you back, for push you forward and closer to ending the distance.

    What I need from the best LDR community on the internet are some scenarios I can put on the cards. ANYTHING, that comes to your mind, even if it doesn't pertain to your LDR.

    Anything about college couples, high school couples, military couples, couples that have been together for 10 years, couples that have been together for 2 months, it doesn't matter!

    I need both good and bad scenarios. Example: You get a pay raise at work, therefore more money to go towards seeing your SO - good. You bought your plane ticket but realized that you planned your visit for the biggest exam of your college career and have to cancel seeing your SO - bad.

    Stuff like that, but WHATEVER you can think of, especially things that have happened to you. Even if you think it's silly, I need as many scenarios as possible. You've seen those card stacks in Monopoly games, they're huge! I will write every single scenario everyone comes up with. And who knows, some people have used this project as their one-way ticket out of college and into a good job. Maybe I can make this into something bigger than just an assignment. =]

    Omgosh, this idea is sooooo cute! I would love to see this game design once it's completed!

    The only idea I can think of the top of my head for right now is-Shared your first kiss...obvious good <3 Haha, I'll be thinking up more and I'm excited to see what everyone else thinks of!


      Aww!! So cute!

      Car breaks down and needs expensive repair.

      Parents support you and are willing to pitch in for a visit!

      Flight is delayed over-night due to weather.

      You get a job interview in your SO's town!

      I'll try to think of more, hope those help! Good luck, this is such a cute idea!
      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


        interesting idea sounds like a good idea. hope it goes well!

        Iceland volcono makes your SO push their visit a week

        Iceland volcano allows your SO to stay an extra week

        ( both true!) lol

        will think of more,good luck


          Surprise visit!
          Get a webcam.
          SO gets accepted to your college!

          Friends/family don't support you.
          Weather forces you to cancel trip at the last minute.
          Webcam crashes.
          National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
          National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

          Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


            These are awesome guys, and I'm going to use every single one of them. Keep 'em coming!


              Oh my goodness~

              Good things
              First face to face meeting. (assuming you met online or something)
              First "I love you"s.
              First web-cam broadcast.
              First Kiss.
              "First time" together.
              Walking in the park, holding hands.
              Going to a movie.
              Watching a movie together over the internet.
              Playing a board game together.
              Going to the zoo.
              Going to a themepark.

              Bad Things
              Internet cuts out.
              Can't pay the phone bill.
              Can't pay for trip to see.
              Friends tell you the relationship wont last.
              You run into an ex in the bar/restaurant/club.

              (If underage)
              Parents don't approve of the relationship.
              Wont let you talk to them.

              Weird/Funny Things

              First time you pooted around your SO.
              When s/he saw you pick your nose.
              You were at a mexican restaurant, you ate way too many tacos! Oh no, later tonight s/he's going to have to hear and smell that struggle, in the battle ground that will be your bathroom!

              Not Exactly Sure Where it Falls
              First time you saw each-other naked
              Being shipped off to serve.
              Talking about getting married
              College is taking your time
              Work is taking up your time
              You both buy puppies/kittens/rats/fishies and name them after eachothers pet names
              You reveal your fear of heights.

              I'll edit more if I can think of any.


                Sounds like an awesome game.

                Your parents accept him/her into the family.

                Your SO is getting weary of the distance and wants a break.


                  This is so cute!! Post pics of the design when you finish, please!

                  Find out that you have a paid business trip to your SO's city

                  You've been looking for jobs in your SO's city for a year, and still haven't found anything.


                    Your boss tells you you're being transferred even further away from your SO.

                    You meet up exactly halfway between your two houses for a romantic weekend. (we did that once- it was literally in the middle of no where, but it was so much fun!)

                    You get space in the closet to leave your things at his/her place.

                    You lose your phone and have no way to contact your SO to let him/her know.

                    Miscommunication over text occurs- Big fight happens over nothing!


                      Huge thunderstorm rips through your city. Your power goes out during your online date night. You end the night early because you have 1 battery bar left on your cell phone and can't charge it. Move back 2 places/squares.
                      Read my LDR story!


                        Your roomate overhears an intimate cyber session - you're very embarassed

                        Love letter arrives in the mail smelling like your SO - You swoon ahead
                        Flowers come in the mail, 'Just because'. - You float ahead


                          Hahaha, I love it! Thanks so much, guys. You've made life million times easier for me already, and are making this game more intimate and believable. :} Keep going! I've got lots of card space to fill~.


                            I think this is great Lili I'd like to see what you end up with. Definitely send pictures when you're all done

                            It would be so awesome to actually have a game like this huh?
                            Read my LDR story!


                              Thanks, Michelle! I'll definitely post the final product. Especially if it turns out well, because I have to get stuff professionally printed like a real board game. Some toys from this assignment in the past have actually been sold and people have gotten hired on the spot!

