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LDR: The Game! Need everyone's help!

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    Your SO calls you on the phone to tell you that the radio was playing your song.... Move up 3 spaces
    You just signed with a huge new client at work and your boss gives you a bonus.... Move up 2 spaces
    Your SO just surprised you by sending you long stem roses..... Move up 2 spaces
    Your family all pitches in to pay for airline tickets to go see your SO.... Move 4 spaces

    Your SO fell asleep after work and never called you til the next day... Take 2 steps back
    You and your SO is having an argument over the phone and he/she hangs up on you.... Take 4 steps back
    You call your SO and there is alot of noise in the backround, then you hear someone of the opp. sex calling for your SO and they say the have to go.... Take 5 steps back
    You boss says he has to lay off some employees, you being one of them.... Take 4 steps back
    You finally finish your last sem at college but get offered your dream job even further from your SO... Take 5 steps back

    Hope these help


      I think pretty much everything I can think of was mentioned already haha
      But I wanted to say that this is an amazing idea and I hope we will get some pics once it's done!


        Everyone has expressed some really great ideas. I don't have anything new to add but I just wanted to say that this is such a wonderful idea and I am definitely interested in seeing the final result!


          1. SO buys you an engraved necklace for your anniversary
          2. Family happy for you to move in
          3. First kiss after a long break apart
          4. A week stay in a hotel just the two of you
          5. The first moment you have fallen for your SO
          6. SO turns down temptation from co-worker

          1. Finances prevent you moving
          2. First argument (go back three spaces)
          3. SOs co-worker comes on to him
          4. Work wont give SO time off to celebrate anniversary
          5. No signal on mobile so cant contact your SO
          6. Work schedules prevent you speaking to your SO for a few days

          Oh i love this idea!! please post pics to show how it works out! Maybe even approach a game manufacturer


            Here's some that have happened to me:

            Got a card from SO's mom saying welcome to the family
            Received downloadable "care package" with favorite old video games
            SO takes your needs into consideration when looking for new apartment (so you can move in easier)
            SO pays for plane tickets so that you can visit them

            Your parents found out SO stayed the night at your house and are mad (and you are an independent adult)
            Skype doesn't work and you can't talk to your SO
            SO says they will talk to you while you eat dinner, then friend calls and they talk to them not you


              Another good thing I forgot to add to my previous post:

              Hearing your SO's friends give you the stamp of approval on Skype.


                Is there any updates on this?

                I love this idea, I can't wit to hear more about it
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  Originally posted by Andy View Post
                  Is there any updates on this?

                  I love this idea, I can't wit to hear more about it
                  Yes, it's finished! Check out the game here: https://members.lovingfromadistance....ith-Pictures)! (:


                    Originally posted by Lilixandra View Post
                    Yes, it's finished! Check out the game here: https://members.lovingfromadistance....ith-Pictures)! (:

                    Saw that thread immediately after posting in this one. D'oh!
                    In a relationship with

                    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                    My Albums:
                    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                    My dog Sam ♥

