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trying so hard not to cry..

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    trying so hard not to cry..

    For the past few weeks I've been thinking about my relationship and what was going on in it. We've been together for a year and 8 months and still haven't met. He wants me to move with him and we haven't even met yet. I can't even meet him right now since I just started a new job and I can't take off a week for a long time. He wont even think about coming to see me which really made me think that as much as I love him and want this to work out. It just wont. I can't keep doing this long distance thing for the rest of my life. I mean we have gotten into such a routine that neither of us for the past month and a half even talked about meeting or anything. All I here from him is come here or move here. Its not that simple. I don't know if I can pack up my entire life and move across the country.

    So tonight I just decided to end it. As hard as it was and as sad as I am right now I'm thinking it for the best. I never wanted this to happen. I've been thinking about it for awhile but I just kept putting it off because I don't want to loose him. I've never felt this way about anyone. I feel like I've found the love of my life and yet I have him but can't physically be with him.

    I've never invested to much time and energy into one person. Now I feel like what am I going to do with all that time I set aside for him. I just feel kinda empty right now and I know that things will get better. UGH! I'm trying to hard not to cry right now!
    He just gets me... <3

    Oh honey *hugs* it's ok to cry, really it is. You tried so hard...
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      I sorry. It's such a tough choice when it gets to that stage. It's ok to cry. It's probably better if you do.


        Cry your heart out =( it really is ok. That was a brave yet tough choice to make. It will be alright *hugs*


          I'm so sorry to hear this Long distance relationships are hard....There are plenty days where I wonder how we will make it through this. It may hurt now, but just know that your life will move on. Give yourself time to mourn and then try doing things to make yourself feel happy. You sound like a very strong person


            It's ok to cry and spend time being miserable. I suggest giving yourself time to be hurt, and then start investing in ways you can rediscover yourself. Go out, even if it's by yourself. Try meetup. Rekindle old friendships.


            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              Let yourself grieve. The worst thing you can do is hold things back. You spent close to 2 years loving the person, getting your hopes raised up. That's worth being upset about. And I know it's hard to break up with someone you think you're supposed to be with for the rest of your life. It's not any easier for the one who decides to call it off. It does get easier with time; but don't even worry about that right now. Just let yourself feel how you feel. You'll get through this.


                The only reason why I was trying hard not to cry is that my dad who I live with never knew that I was seeing anyone and I know if he saw me crying or knew I was crying he would be asking me like a million questions. I think this is quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I mean he was my best friend. He says that we can still stay friends again. I hope we can and that the feelings I still have for him wont get in the way. I mean we've known each-other for almost 7 years so I don't want to loose him as a friend, I've never felt so upset over something like this. Well now that I think about it maybe I have.. I just wish I could of had the chance to meet him.

                Thanks guys so for the support. I guess break-ups are supposed to be miserable right?
                He just gets me... <3


                  awww, I am so sorry. This will only make you stronger and let know you what you want for your future. What a tough choice for you to make. You will make it!


                    I am sorry. But I commend you for knowing what your heart needed to do. We are all here to listen!
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      I am so sorry to hear this. But if you feel you did what is right in your heart, cry your eyes out.


                        Awww, I'm so sorry, but it sounds like you made the right decision, not that that makes it hurt any less I know it's hard to be in a place where you can't let out your emotions, go take a bath or shower, and cry in there, so the running water will cover the sound. Take care.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          My heart goes out to you.....
                          Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

                          ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


                            So sorry for your heartache even though you were sure about your decision, I'm sure it still hurts like crazy.. you sure sound like a strong person!


                              dont keep it bottled up let it out and cry its alright *Huggles* maybe a break would do you guys some good, and moving in with someone before you even meet them first is not a good idea

