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Where do you see your relationship in...

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    Where do you see your relationship in...

    I was going to add "... 5 years time?" to the title of this thread but I'd open it up a bit more than that I think...

    So, where do you see yourselves in 12 months time?

    Where do you see yourselves in 3 years time?

    And finally, where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?

    You don't have to answer them all if you don't think you can think that far ahead, in fact, change the time frames to suit you if those don't do it for you, but I think they're ok.

    How about studies? Your job? Their job? Will you have closed the distance? Living together? Married? Kids? Dream home?

    Lot to think about huh?
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥

    Why didn't you answer your own question first babe?


      Originally posted by Tanja View Post
      Why didn't you answer your own question first babe?

      Because I'm tired and I can't think straight because I'm missing you so much

      In a relationship with

      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

      My Albums:
      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
      My dog Sam ♥


        So, where do you see yourselves in 12 months time?

        Hopefully having met at least once and if not already living together, working on it.

        Where do you see yourselves in 3 years time?

        Living together, maybe engaged if we feel we're ready for such a thing.

        And finally, where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?

        Pregnant. lol I'm so practical. Already told myself that maybe around 26/27 we'd start our family, if I felt secure in having a kid or two. Other than that, hopefully married and happy.


          Holy big life question But I like it!

          In 12 months: I see myself back living with my SO in West Africa, teaching English and hopefully making serious progress on fiance visa business.

          In 3 years: I pray that my SO and I will be happily married and living in the States. I hope to be teaching French (preferably in public middle school) or at least working on getting a French teaching job. I see my SO progressing in his studies and working at the same time.

          And in 5 years: I can see us pregnant or with child(ren) already. After my kids are in school, I think I'd like to go back working as a teacher

          But whoooooo knows, ALL of this could change! Life is always such a surprise! I couldn't have predicted the way things are now if you would have asked me a few years ago. But I am so happy with where I am now

          Some of the best things happen when life doesn't go as planned!


            In 12 Months: Happily married and living in our own home.

            In 3 years: My kids will be 16,14, and 9....and I will be almost done with my Master's Degree..

            In 5 years: In my own office..providing therapy to my patients...happily married still...with two oldest off at college and my youngest one a pre-teen...WOW!!!!!!!!!!
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              In 12 months time I hope purplepirate and I are married, settling into our new jobs and new place, getting to know each others' kids and planning a vacation to Maui.


                In 12 Months: God knows. Probably still here. Whether thats with Elina or not, who knows..

                In 3 years: With Elina in Finland I hope. Probably not gonna happen at this rate but whatever

                In 5 years: *see above*


                  Truth is that if purplepirate and I are married within 12 months time we will have moved quite fast, but we are older and quite sure we've found what we've been looking for in each other.


                    12 months: I will Hopefully be back in Toledo, a couple of months into my PhD, renting an apartment with my SO, and we will most likely be engaged.
                    3 years: married, living in a house and have our puppy!
                    5 years: getting ready to move away from Toledo on to bigger things, hopefully in Chicago, and will most likely be wanting to start trying for kids

                    <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                    <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                    The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                    <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                    <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                    Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                    Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                      So, where do you see yourselves in 12 months time? im hoping we'll be under 1 roof forever by this point

                      Where do you see yourselves in 3 years time? the same but her finally getting recognized for her stand up and me my improv, and us moving to NC

                      And finally, where do you see yourselves in 5 years time? in NC, in the business about to start our own family


                        So, where do you see yourselves in 12 months time?: I hope we will be engaged and working on moving in together.

                        Where do you see yourselves in 3 years time?: Married and enjoying being newlyweds.

                        And finally, where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?: Having our first child.


                          12 months time: Hopefully in Scotland with my SO for my gap year before university. (:
                          3 years time: Hopefully in Scotland again finishing my degree.
                          5 years: Maybe moving in together or making more ''life'' plans


                            So, where do you see yourselves in 12 months time?

                            In twelve months, we'll have closed the distance. Hopefully we'll be close to getting married, if not married already. Kids are definitely a long way off...but we have started talking about buying a house, so I assume that will be on the horizon a year from now.

                            I'm not a good planner. I'd rather just let life happen. And I would also rather have some time with just the two of us enjoying each other's company before we start a family.

                            If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                              So, where do you see yourselves in 12 months time?
                              I see myself living with him up in Oregon. I'm uncertain how that will happen or where I will live...but I know we are both determined to end the distance so we will both find a way to make it work.

                              Where do you see yourselves in 3 years time?
                              Living together, saving money and setting up a future for ourselves. Engaged most definitely by this point =]

                              And finally, where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
                              Married and living on our own, growing as a couple and creating a life for ourselves and setting ourselves up for financial success not just for us but our future children as well =]

