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Support from BOTH Parents and Families!

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    My SO was a little reluctant at first to tell his parents as they are a little old fashioned, and might have thought meeting someone online is strange, but when we became more serious he told them and they are totally fine with our relationship and such. Just recently I spoke to his mum on the phone and we got on really well. It's nice to have parents approval, especially your SO mother's approval haha. Even in LDRs a mothers approval is vital. On my end family wise, it sometimes seems like my dad talks about my SO more than I do It just makes it all that much better when they approve and take the time to listen and help out to keep the relationship strong. I love the support my family gives. (:


      I am so happy to hear there are so many that have family support! My mother and father would have loved Ian.

      Thank goodness I'm OLD, because my only family is my brother and he refuses to acknowledge I am in a relationship. He is dismissive to Ian unless he is actually here. I stopped going to visit them because they were so rude about it. Can't WAIT to see the shock on their faces when I show up to deliver christmas gifts to my nieces WITH Ian! LOL. My age makes it easy to dismiss their opinions, and we've been together so long, if they haven't accepted what's between us yet, they probably won't.

      His family wants him 'settled down' with a nice girl, and making babies, not wasting his life on a woman that is 7 years older, and allowing him to continue his 'peter pan' fantasies instead of making him grow up! Luckily they are very very stuck on appearances so they would NEVER lower themselves to have an actual conversation about the subject. Ian is use to them ignoring him or pressuring him to do something that will make him miserable, so he has mastered ignoring them.

      Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
      And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


      Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


        My family loves my SO, though I have a very gossippy family and this tends to happen with everyone I bring around XD They pretty much adopted him in, seeing as he's already invited to all special family dinners, birthdays and Christmas. They want to know everything about him and well, it's nice but also kind of creepy. He doesn't understand why they like him so much and it makes him kind of uncomfortable sometimes, since his family is very quiet and reserved... XD

        We both have no idea what his family thinks of me, because they've never really said anything about it. All his mom said about me was to not go getting me knocked up. And that was it. I don't think they really have any opinion on me. His little 5 year old sister loooooves me though, and likes to cuddle. And Sophie (his dog) tolerates me, but isn't very impressed I'm stealing her man XD


          My mom hasn't been totally supportive of any guy I've dated...though my dad is cool. As far as I know, his parents really like me, although I've only seen them a few times over our relationship (2 yrs, 9 months). So glad you've got their support!


            Hahaha it's moo.

            I got lucky like this too. It's such a relief!


              Oh all can be so lucky to have supportive parents or at least one of your parent is supportive.
              Honestly I really dont know what I should do anymore its getting harder and harder each day when they say, ohhh we hope we will have you here around us for a long time, we dont want that happening :-(
              I wished only one of my parent would be at least a little supportive. But they arent at all.


                His parents are very supportive, they go out of their way to get us together, whereas my parents think we're wasting our time, and say that I'm crazy to be with someone who I only see every now and again. They think we're too young to be in a serious relationship, but when you know. You KNOW. I think my parents are coming around to the idea though.. He was in my house last Saturday and my mam was nice to him, and she cooked us dinner and my sister's were very sweet to him. I think it'll take time, but hopefully they'll accept it and we can all get along again..
                Although this distance breaks my heart,
                And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                I know that it will all be fine,
                As my heart is yours,
                And yours is mine.. <3


                  My parents were skeptical at first because we met online. His mom was always supportive from the beginning because she was just happy he was happy. His dad was skeptical because it was initially an internet meeting. My mom wasn't happy that I chose to go to Russia for our first meeting instead of trying to bring him here first (a very hard task to bring an unmarried, young Russian here on a homestay or tourist visa - USCIS is paranoid that they won't want to go back home when the visa expires), despite the fact that he and his parents financed my trip and I was off work for over a month anyway because at the time I worked a seasonally dependent job (I think she was just being protective mom and didn't want me to go far away). BUT, after 6 weeks there, and lots and lots of daily updates of photos to Facebook and a few Skype chats and phonecalls with them a week while I was there, my parents really calmed down and began respecting our relationship. They have gotten to know him better through Skype too, and also my Mom and him send some messages on Facebook sometimes. His parents loved me after meeting and spending time with me despite our language barrier (his parents don't speak any English). When we announced our engagement everyone was happy, and my parents are very supportive now. Both sets of parents approve, and it's very much a relief! We were both not expecting it to be so smooth, and it's amazing that it turned out with both sets of parents overwhelmingly approving and supporting our relationship!


                    My mother and sister have yet to meet my partner in person, but both love him already and I doubt there's much he'll do in person to change that. I met and stayed with my partner's family in August, and though I didn't spend too much time with either his brother or mother - we were constantly out or spending time alone with one another - I do know that I received familial approval on leaving and his mother did mention speaking with me on Skype. So all seems to be well.

                    I've been in one LDR before so before my mother really got to know my partner as a person (we've done a couple Skype chats and she's heard a lot about him from me, of course) she was wondering "when I was going to meet someone here." But she's very supportive of the happiness he brings me and is a fan of the boy. :P I know my partner's mother is supportive of it but still doesn't quite understand the appeal of such a LDR. I'm graced with my mother's understanding in the sense she had a LDR at my age, as well, so there's the added benefit of that.
                    Last edited by Haley53; September 24, 2011, 10:29 PM.
                    { Our Story on LFAD }

                    Our Beginning
                    Met online: February 2009
                    Feelings confessed: December 2010
                    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                    Our Story
                    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                    Our Happily Ever After
                    to be continued...


                      My mum and dad were fine and so was my SO's mum and step dad when we met..his real dad and his step mum took a while to adjust but they like me now phew!


                        my Mom LOVES him as do the rest of that side of the family. my Dad's side has not met him yet.

                        His parents LOVE me do all the other relatives I have far so good
                        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                          Our parents are both supportive. He has met my family and they all liked him a lot. I will meet his parents in January. I've never been serious enough with anyone to meet their parents so I'm a bit nervous but not much. I think that both our parents may wonder how we're going to make this work, but I think they know that we can figure it out and that if we are dedicated to this we can make it work. I am very glad our families are supportive, that is a big deal to both of us.


                            Mom met him last year and loves him (my son does too), but she doesn't know we're more than friends now. I'm really worried about how she'll take it. We plan on telling her when he visits next month. Well, I plan on hiding behind him when I tell her...

                            I've not yet met his parents, and of course I'm terrified, heh. I expect they'll want to know what he sees in some woman from so far away that he met online. But we won't have to cross that bridge for a while...

                            As far as the rest of my family goes, everyone who matters to me knows about us and loves my SO. The rest will find out at Thanksgiving. And we hope to dazzle them with his accent and throwing Christmas puddings at their heads!


                              YAY!!!! Thats awesome!
                              Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                              I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                                I've met his parents when we met and they make me feel like part of the family already! So, I love them, they love me. I feel very lucky that they feel that way about me! My SO, on the other hand, hasn't officially met my family (if webcams meetings don't count), but so far my family is cool with it. They accept that I love him and is part of my life now, but don't quite know what to make of LDR in general. Particularly my nana, who is very important to me, is hinting that she'd rather see me with a guy more closer to me. It's not bad, like insisting and putting my current love down, she's just saying. I also think it's because she dislikes the idea that I probably won't be close to her (she's a worrywart!) anymore if my relationship is serious enough for me to want to move down to him. My sister and brother are the same way. So, next year when he's coming for a visit in my country, I'll find out what they think about my boyfriend while getting to know him. I hope it goes well....

