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What's the nicest thing your SO's ever said to you?

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    Although we aren't officially dating! He is quiet Mushy and he has a way of making me blush very easily. I love it when he calls me Angel Eyes lol

    Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!


      There is no "give up" in my dictionary because of you."

      "Today I saw a couple in my workplace. I told my workmate that I am so jealous of them. He claimed I was jealous because the girl is pretty. I was spechless. Then, I smiled in my heart because you are more pretty and hot. And of course, I am cooler than that guy. The reason I jealous them is that they can stay together."

      Me: What is the one thing that you wish that I would tell you?
      Him: couples years later, "handsome, I wanna marry you. Because I love you and wanna have sex with you everyday" haha


        This morning he sent me a text describing what it would be like if we had woke up in bed together and him making us breakfast
        candi ❤ austin
        ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
        ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
        ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
        ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


          the nicest thing he said was when he couldn't wait for the day when I would become his wife.


            Think I'll update this... since my SO said some really nice things during our last visit. One thing I remember is:
            ¨When we get old, don't you dare die before me. You're the reason I live. If you weren't there anymore, my life would have no meaning.¨
            My SO is normally not good with words nor expressing feelings. So that quote came as a surprise.


              He has said heaps of nice things to me that it's kinda hard to pick just one. Often what he says is so simple but it means so much for me. These are the ones that directly come across my mind:

              Him: "If you're really interested in that master course, you go for it. Contact the supervisor and look for scholarships."
              Me: "But what about us? I don't want to be farther from you."
              Him: "We'll work it out. I won't leave you alone.

              From one of his emails last month:
              "Sayang I just want to assure you that I'll do all what I can to be with you and to have you. Always love you and you are always in my heart my little pishi...dooset daram."

              Sayang (Indonesian) means baby or honey.
              Pishi (pronounced as "pee-she") and dooset daram are Persian. They mean cat (in a cute way and usually only children use this word) and I love you respectively.


                A week or two ago, I was having a bad time with some memories from when I cheated, and I asked my SO why he decided to stay with me. He gave me an answer at the time, but then the next night he came up to me and said "I know you asked why I decided to stay with you, and it's because I could never love anyone else." It made me really teary and appreciate so much what I have and what he has done for me, because I really don't deserve him. He makes my heart melt though =)
                Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                First met: June 13th 2006


                  He said last night how he couldnt wait to marry me. It may sound silly but i could hear in his voice how much he meant it, that man truely cannot wait to be my husband.
                  As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                    I just got the sweetest note from my boyfriend that made me remember this thread.

                    "I love you more than everyone else loves everyone else put together. Factoid x"


                      the one i really love most is when he always says this:

                      "mejo, you are my reason for being."

                      and that made me have a teary eyes always..
                      "In love, two of the most important ingredients are being open and being content."

                      "God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. That's why he sent you to me."


                        One time we were lying in bed.. we had been up the whole night and he was holding me while it was becoming light outside. He said so many things but one that stood out for me was that he said I was brave, and I that because of me, he had become brave as well. He also said that he knows I'll be a good mother because of my kind and giving nature.


                          Well, I have time I had sent him some Halloween candy and cards just as a pick-me-up because I knew he was going through a rough patch. When he emailed me to thank me for them he included in it "can't say enough how you make me feel." For him that was HUGE to say. I also found out later that he brought these bats I made for him (black cardstock that said I'm Batty for You in orange glitter letters) into to work and showed people...again BIG for him. The second thing he said was "and thanks for everything every day we get together or we don't." They're small things, but mean so much to me because I know he's close with his emotions and this was a major turning point.


                            He used to say sweet things to me all the time, but it's less frequent now. I think it's because he has grown up a little tho, because I think before he was more infatuated but deeply cared about me but now he truly loves me, but has some trouble showing it- but it means more when he says it now.
                            The sweetest thing he ever said to me, and there was a LOT to choose from, was definitely "I love you [my full name]. For all that you are and nothing less." It came right after I told him that I had epilepsy, but had grown out of it and I was afraid he would be weirded out. It meant the world to me to hear that. To know that he loved me and everything that came with me.


                              His simple words:

                              "No giving up! We will find a way and we will get it done! So, heads up!"

                              Just by those words.. I know that he's worth fighting for and I must go to see him for real to settle everything whether we are meant to be together.. or just be friend.


                                well... i was crying about the ex girlfriend of his (thats a long story)... and well he started laughing, hugged me, and said "baby you are being so silly, id never let her do anything. if i had to re-do my life again id choose you all over again"

                                .... that made me stop for a lil while :P

