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I'm feeling really down lately...

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    I'm feeling really down lately...

    I am 10 hours away from my boyfriend, and we've been together for a year and eight months... I drive to see him once a month, and every time I go it gets harder. I'm going to transfer to be with him in fall 2011, but it's torture waiting. I miss him so much... I sit awake and cry almost every night, trying to hide it from my roommate and best friend. I never have cried like this. I'm not a person who cries, I've busted my face open and had to get stitches and didn't cry. I'm normally really tough, but now I feel horrible, and miss him terribly. I've never really been afraid of anything either, but I'm so scared of losing him.

    I never really understood how people could say they couldn't survive without another person, but now I do. I feel sick and feel like I would be completely lost without him. We don't fight, and we love each other very much. I'm just so sad and so scared.

    im sorry I know how you feel. A lot of people are feeling this way lately. Hang in there, it will get better


      Know how you feel love!

      I'm moving to be with my SO when I finish uni in September 2011 - its so close yet seems so far away! GAH!


        Well, you're not alone. This time of year is really rough on everyone and you have people here who will see you through the rough patch where your SO can't. I know I do the same thing, but I've never met my SO so it's a bit different in some aspects. You'll get through it, I promise, and you have something to look forward to.


          This time of year seems to affect many couples. I guess it's partly cause of the colder weather, shorter days and the fact tis coming up to the holiday season, so all we want is to curl up with our SOs by the fire and similar things like that. Alot of people are going through a hard time, but here we can all help each other out. =) Things will get better, and just think, each day that passes is one day closer till you'll see him again. And you're closing the distance next year, that's great =D think about that and it'll help you when you're feeling down. =)


            I agree with everyone else. The holidays make everything worse. This time of year intensifies everything. (((((((Sending big hugs)))))))))


              I'm with everyone else, the holidays seem to be adding to the stress now with them running right through til Valentines day in February *rolls eyes*


                I know completely how you feel... you are experiencing the true nature of what is to be deep in love with someone. It's scary, can make you insecure, weak and sometimes feel crazy, but also fills you with the most amazing feelings in the whole world for another human being.


                  I haven't met my SO in person yet, so I can't relate to the pain of separating from him (that's the one thing I'm not looking forward to this Thanksgiving), but I definitely know what it's like to cry practically nonstop from missing him. I hope you don't think that crying makes you weak. I think it takes a strong person to cry. Like the others have said, just hang in there. It'll get better, and you've got a lot to look forward to.


                    Thanks! I appreciate the responses. I skyped with him for probably over 2-3 hours and he made me feel a lot better. I just hate it, because just when I start feeling good, he feels sad, and it makes me sad. When I'm sad, he's happy, and I feel like I'm bringing him down.


                      Originally posted by AshleyH View Post
                      I just hate it, because just when I start feeling good, he feels sad, and it makes me sad. When I'm sad, he's happy, and I feel like I'm bringing him down.
                      Wow. I know that feeling. It used to make me feel so guilty, but I've mostly stopped blaming myself. My SO helped a lot with that. He's so encouraging and supportive when I need him to be. It sounds like your SO does the same for you. =) If you need this time to cry though, do it. Just let it out. I think it's important to do that sometimes.

                      I'm glad you're feeling better now.


                        Thanks so much! Yeah, sometimes it feels good to just cry and try and let it go. It just scares me to think of a life without him. I never really understood how people could say they can't live without someone...but I do now. I feel I wouldn't want anything else in my life. I'd give up my family, friends, pets, career, anything for him. I love him so much.

                        I hope the first time you meet is as fantastic as you're imagining. I can't express how much it hurts to leave them, but just cherish every moment you can with them. I'm happy for you!

