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Last night of visit..

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    Last night of visit..

    Getting ready to have dinner that my baby made....and I sit here thinking. I HATE this time of the know the night before. I drive myself crazy.. I recognized this today when I had to go in for a work when asked...I picked up a day shift tomorrow so that I wasn't sitting around while he is driving back to NH.

    It has been a great few days...I have been kinda moody...but his love has truly shined through and I see why it is we work so well together.

    I will NOT allow myself to sit and cry the last night we are together. I have had bad chest pains tonight...(I have heart issues from years of anorexia...)...they passed as they always do...but my love has truly helped me....he just adores me...I dont want him to leave...I hate the rollercoaster...but I truly have to focus...accept the fact that I have my love.

    We know that unless his house sells neither of us can get time off for the we won't see each other till a couple of days after Christmas..

    Just so many emotions. Thanks for "hearing me"'s good to know someone out there "gets this."
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

    awwwww glad you have had a good time *huggles*


      *hugs* I know the feelings well...Enjoy the night with him. Glad you've had a great visit!


        Glad to hear about your visit. He is such an important support for you and I'm happy that you have him!

        Now tomorrow BUSY yourself with work, kids, and NANO!


          Aww. Yeah, the day/night before a parting truly is the pits. I know that pain too well. But I also know that the sadness you feel won't be forever - his house WILL sell and you will close the distance to be with your love.
          My heart belongs to a pilot!


            *hugs* don't be sad, think about the next time you will see each other


              Feeling for you right now! It's the worse feeling in the world, but stay positive his house will sell and you will be with him real soon. You're strong and you will get through. Don't be afraid to cry let it all out never does any good to bottle anything up, keeping busy is the best thng to do.

              *hugs* everyone is here for you enjoy your evening together


                Thinking of you.


                  Oh my! I get soooo emotional always! And he hates it I guess it is hard to men to handle this. I need to train myself to not get so emotional the last night and the last day....
                  YOu know, dear LDR community, as I have mentioned here before in my other posts things are not very good with us, so those of you who pray, please pray for us that we get through this. Thank you!


                    Last nights suck. Really badly. I always say I'm not gonna cry, and I always do (just a tear or two before the major flood when we actually have to say goodbye the next day).

                    You're gonna be okay! We've all got each other, and we've all got lots of hope. Just remember to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated today if you're a crier like me...
                    (John always calls to remind me to drink more water throughout the day after we pick back up the distance routine).



                      I feel the same, I have just spent amazing week with my boyfriend and now I am in my room, doing nothing and feeling like **** I can't even get up to do my food shopping.


                        I can relate... as can everyone on here. Just think of the good times you had and are about to have before he has to leave... one more day without him is one more day closer to being with him ♥


                          Here's to a wonderful time and looking forward to your next wonderful time together. Huzzah, madam!

                          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                            Man the last night sucks! You want to enjoy it and try to but in the back of your mind you know whats coming. When my SO left on Thursday to go visit his family, the Wednesday night was horrendous. I hated it. I just wanted him to stay forever. Stay strong, I understand the feelings and emotions you are going through now. Keep busy and stay positive. Love and hugs ...


                              Wishing you strength! I always cry, I can't help it. It's a terrible feeling when you know that he's going to leave. Hugs!
                              How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!

