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My Mom Can't Stand My SO

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    My Mom Can't Stand My SO

    I love my mom, we've been close for years, best friends, I told her everything even if she didn't understand.

    That changed in February.

    Some of you guys have already heard this story. The day I told my mom about my boyfriend (who is black) a week after we began dating, I did not receive any congratulations or "when can I meet him"s. No, I received a 20 minute lecture about how my relationship was an abomination, that if I married him she would disown me and not show to the wedding, and if I had his child she would not acknowledge the child as her grandchild. This ideal has not changed.

    For months I have tried making her see the light by telling her positive things about him, saying how he liked and respected her (he does, for whatever reason) and offering they meet on cam or talk online/via phone. I thought perhaps I was reaching her, getting her to tolerate him and us because I knew half the reason was we're LD. She was in an LDR with my dad and, well, let's say it just ended real badly.

    Tonight we were talking about a friend of mine who's SO is coming to see her for Thanksgiving and my mom said she hoped it worked out. I added, "I hope it does too, they both deserve that happiness." I paused. "I deserve that too." My mom looks at me and I could see where it was headed, I should have shut up, but I poured out about him not having free time until the end of January, a month before our 1 year anniversary, how I wished I could go visit and the more I talked the more ugly her expression got until I just stopped.

    How is it because of skin color she can support someone she doesn't even know, yet can't support her own daughter? I'm at my wit's end because there's literally no one else I can talk about him to here and I do have moments where I need to talk like when he pulled a muscle or when he gets sick and I'm worried. But she doesn't want to hear any of it and just goes on her racist way.

    I needed to vent, sorry guys.

    I can relate a bit here...when I was in high school, I dated a black guy on and off for four years. I hid that relationship because once my mom found out we were even talking, she went ballistic. It was very rough because as much as I loved my mom, I just didn't agree with her perceptions. With time, she has gone a bit softer, as well she should since my ex was puerto rican and therefore my son is part puerto rican Maybe she just needs time to get used to it. It took my mother years to get comfortable with me being an equal opportunity dater. Sometimes parents are protective as my mother thought people would see me negatively for dating non-white guys. Unfortunately, I don't have any other great advice other than to give it time...even to talk to her about it. Once you guys actually start getting the opportunity to see each other, then maybe she will see that he's a real person and may end up opening up more to the idea. Either way - feel free to vent away - that's what we are all here for


      *Hugs* Vent away
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        *hugs* you can vent here anytimee


          How frustrating!! I've actually never been with anyone who is the same race as me, and my immediate family has never been phased by anyone I bring home. My grandma though... that's another story. She would say things like "you need to learn how to like white people" Whaaat???

          I'm sorry you're in this situation. I'm sure your mom will come around one day when she meets him and sees how wonderful he really is.

          Good luck!! And vent away!


            I'm so sorry, I really am. Please vent away. *hugs*

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              I'm sorry *hug*
              Vent away- that's what we're here for!
              LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
              Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
              Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                Like everyone else, vent away.. you can always talk to me even though we haven't really talked before, I'm all eyes/ears even to those I haven't met yet. Never be afraid to talk to me. I don't judge or anything. My mom doesn't like my SO so I can kind of relate....


                  dont apologize for venting. i do all the time. it helps to hear our support, i know! its unfair to you that she is like that. i hope she can over look color and see the person you love instead.


                    We are all here for you. But you already know that.
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      Hugs! Glad you shared with us.

                      Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                      And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                      Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                        Im sorry to hear that things can be so complicated. My SO is the first guy I've ever dated who wast hispanic. My dad and sister were not even phased by it and my mother's side of the family (although sometimes seemingly racist) have been quiet about any disapproval. My grandmother has even been supportive. I was nervous at first, to have him meet my extended family specially after the way they reacted when I left to an HBCU (Historicaly black college or university) in New Orleans.
                        I've been fortunate enough that the people I care for the most, my dad and sister, are as color blind as people can get. I <3 them.
                        Its actually my SO who hasnt told his mom about me. It makes me nervous since he doesnt make it seem like she will be any different than your mom.
                        I admire that your SO is making an effort to talk to her and get to know her regardless of the situation. I really hope for the best and from the looks of it, your mom will have no reason to hold on to her ideas once she gives him a chance. Good luck!
                        Message me if anything =)


                          Awwww honey *Huggles* well if she feels that way about him and black people in general all her life theres not much you can do to change her, maybe when they meet in person she'll warm up to him a bit, just give her a little time


                            Thanks guys. I know a lot of people have trouble with their families accepting their SOs, but it breaks my heart to know my mom stands by the fact she'd disown me when all my life she's been the only one who wouldn't abandon or hurt me. My SO says he respects her for standing by her beliefs even if he doesn't agree with them and he knows she has to be a good person if I came from her. She has no desire to meet him but I'm hoping sometime in February I can convince him to visit here so maybe she'd have to see him face to face and accept that someone who isn't white or Christian or anything else she deems not spit-on worthy makes me happy. Just felt bad venting because I know I can complain and whine a lot and it does grate on nerves eventually.


                              Mothers are only human and sadly just as flawed as anyone else. I feel really sad that she can't be happy for you.

