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What would you do if your SO said things like this to you?

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    What would you do if your SO said things like this to you?

    The other night i was watching a movie Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married? Good movie!! There is this one character that is overweight and her husband who brings along the woman he's sleeping with on the trip who's a complete asshole because every opportunity he gets he makes fun of her weight and says things like "shes a big girl.....litterly...." or "you could lose 50 pounds and then maybe...maybe i'll be attracted to you" omg i wanted to fucking smack him!!!! Cause here this poor sweet woman is trying so hard to please him but no matter what he still is extremely mean to her, in the end she finds her soulmate who loves her for who she is no matter how much she weighs which i thought was really sweet, reminded me so much of Denise who has told me "it doesnt matter what you weigh, if you lose weight or dont i will still love you!!!"

    i dunno how long she put up with it, maybe a few years. Question is what would you do if your SO said something like that to you? How long would you put up with it before walking away from the relationship?

    my answer: the minute someone ever said that to me they would be out on there ass in a heartbeat, my ex on the last day he was living here said that about me because he was angry i was booting him out, it hurt alot considering he was always one saying i wasent :/

    If my SO said something like that I would be seriously hurt and emotionally... damaged. I'm very sensitive about my outward appearance. It would ruin me if he said that. This kinda reminds me of a time when he was concerned about my weight and well... He tried to be nice about it (He really was trying) but he picked the wrong wording and ended up really hurting me :/ I've gotten over it by now but yeah D:

    First Met Online: May 08
    Became a Couple: 4.11.09
    First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
    Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
    Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


      Considering I'm overweight, if my SO ever DARED tell me something like "lose x amount of pounds and I'll love you" I'd tell him to grow x amount of brain cells and I'd love him back. If you ask me, they call 'em "love handles" for a reason. But yeah, if my SO ever started being verbally abusive like that, his ass would hit the curb, the street, and smack right into the door across the street.


        Well, i am really sensitive too about my outer appearance and my SO isn't very good in saying the right things... once he told me, that i am really hairy and for him it was a nice compliment D: I didn't take it that serious because its kinda funny that he even thinks that its nice to say <_<;;
        The other day i found a picture with the apple and pea picture, which explained two different kinds of woman and where they get their fat on... well and he said to me: look, THIS is how you look and sent me a woman who has definitely a lot lot lot more kilos than i have D:
        I was really hurt over it and said how can you compare me with such a woman... not to mention that i got bullied because of my weight when i was about 14 .___.

        Meh he said it was a joke, but if he would have been here i would have kicked his ass...määääh


          I've always believed in surrounding myself with happy people. As soon as my SO started turning negative, it'd be over. I can't be happy around unhappy people.

          But he's great with compliments and does it was more often than I do!


            Wow. I'm.. not overweight but if I was and my SO said something like that, I'd walk If he didn't love me for how I am, then screw him

            I've got a bit of a belly and Sam absolutely adores it He says I've got sausages and a burger (when I learn forward and.. well you know how your belly goes ) and squeezes my belly and the "handles" () every now and then (and I do the same, he's got the cutest burger x)) and I love it

            And love handles are awesome I wouldn't even wanna be really skinny..


              this has worried me about my SO, as he is pretty judgmental and says other people are fat, but then says if I put on weight he'd still love me... hard to believe that, the things he says sometimes... but I guess I have to believe it for now, I'm not overweight... I have my wobbly bits but I can deal with those for now

              He said he'd only mention or say something about my weight if he was concerned for my health, like now, I've lost quite a bit of weight, he is suspicious I'm not eating but I am- I like food way to much to not eat! I suppose if I was eating myself to death then fair enough, but if he was putting me down about my weight all the time, he'd be gone! I don't need people in my life who make me miserable, your SO is supposed to love you no matter what, so it shouldn't matter if I put on a few pounds.

              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                I once had an ex tell me I was fat and he used to grab my love handles. I wasn't fat at all, I was perfectly within the normal range for my weight. It hurt A LOT and I had alot of issues with how I ate after that. I still look at myself 3 years later and go" I could really lose another 5 pounds." I used to throw up if I ate too much, which i no longer do.

                and T loves me exactly the way I am.
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  Anyone who speaks disrespectfully like that to you isn't worth your respect. And a relationship can't exist without respect for each other.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    I wish I could say that I'd walk out or kick his ass but I'm so insecure that I would probably just go cry in a corner if he said something like that. He calls my cheeks 'hamster cheeks' though. No, seriously I think it's very important to respect each other. It hurts the most if someone so important and close to you makes you feel bad about yourself.


                      Well, I had a little talk with my SO about this the other day and she said that she "loves me for who I am". She actually started crying when I said that she might not like the way I look. I don't know why I said that. I know that she loves me and... I guess you just have to trust your SO on that. But if my SO would say something like that to me... no. It would be break up worthy for me.


                        I would dump that no good useless boy and go find a real man?


                          I have a friend. Her boyfriend said he would take her to hawaii once she lost weight, and propose. Well, she never really did, and a bunch of years later finally he decided he wanted kids so he could be a stay at home dad while she worked. So they got married, and are about to get pregnant with #3. It makes me sick that she put up with his mean weight nagging for soooooooo many years. She's a beautiful girl and deserves so much better.


                            Originally posted by NikkiP View Post
                            I would dump that no good useless boy and go find a real man?
                            Amen to that sister! I love my SO exactly how she is. She's got a little podgy bit around her belly and I love it! Its so cute when I snuggle and hug her

                            I think she feels a bit apprehensive (right word?) sometimes when I tell her about all the exercise I do and when she see's me naked because I'm a bit of an fitness-freak so have (or lack) all the bits that come with that... But I just tell her I love every part of her. I'd never ask her to loose weight on my behalf (unless it was affecting her health)... I love her for how amazing she is on the inside as well as how beautiful she is on the outside!

                            I'll always proud to walk down the street holding her hand and to call her my girlfriend


                              My boyfriend used to be big when he was a kid, but lost a ton of weight in puberty. He still has a little belly, though. It's not really fat, it's more like excess skin from when he was big. Sometimes I tease him about it, but always in a playful way. Since we both know I don't mean it, I guess it's fine. He also teases me about my appearance sometimes, but again, since we both know that we don't mean it, we don't mind. If he ever said it bothered him, I would stop right away, and I know he'd do the same thing.

                              But I have this "friend". Really skinny. Her boyfriend is a bit chubby, but not really overweight. She broke up with him once and he lost a lot of weight to get her back, and she still tells him he's fat and stuff. We used to be really close, but in the past few year's she's become a real... b*tch. Although I have gained a few pounds in the past years, I'm satisfied with my body. I know I have nothing to complain about. As my "best friend", of course she doesn't say she thinks I'm fat, but then she starts talking about people who have the same body as me, or are even thinner, saying in her barbie voice "OMG did you see her fat ass?" -- "OMG, that giant chick just hit on my boyfriend, look at her thighs! Gross!", and I'm standing right next to her. THAT'S hurtful.

