Hey Ya'll
The situation I am about to vent over doesn't really deserve the mild aggrivation I've felt over it all day, but I feel what I feel. Bare with me, this will be a bit longer than my other posts lately.
Wednesday, I am on facebook and see billy's nephew's status is telling a memory of Billy's half brother. I go to the nephew's page to see if I can find out what's up, and sure enough, there's an earlier status saying the half brother had passed earlier that day. The half brother didn't take care of himself at all, but this is still a bit of a shock.
I replied to the nephews status with my condolences and left Billy a short IM doing the same and saying I would be around for him. So I watch him being online for several hours on Thursday, yet don't hear anything.
I finally IM'd him to see how he was and so forth. We talked for a while. I asked if sending something to his mom's address would be appropriate and he said it should be okay. I also told him if he or his family needed anything, I would be here for them.
Fast forward to about 12 noon today (Friday). I get a text from Facebook that Billy's changed his status to something about being in Dubai then being on a plane to Atlanta... I was like WTF?!?!?

Dubai is a stop on the way back to the states, yet I had no clue he even planned on coming back...I am glad he is but it would have been nice to know something! He and his half brother didn't get along well, but I know he needs to come home to say his good-byes.
What is bugging me right now is a long list of crap I DON"T KNOW. Like when he will land in NC, how long will he be staying, does he even plan to visit with me (assuming he's here for more than a day). I mean, I feel like I should know some of this. I realize that when one is grieving, they don't always think of everything. But if he could take the time to update his facebook he could have taken two minutes to send me an IM or an email.
I really hope he's here long enough for us to visit. Unless he flies out right after the memorial service...naw, let's be reasonable. If he's here for more than a day after the service and doesn't contact me and make the effort to see me, I am done. I am about 75% certain he will get in touch. 50% certain we will try to get together to visit for a bit. What sucks is that I am not sure enough of HIM to believe 100% these things will happen, unless his time off work is so short he does have to leave right away (and that's totally possible with the company he works for plus the flight times back and forth).
I love that man to distraction, but things have got to change if he wants to be with me. If he makes the effort to see me while he's here, then I will give it a few weeks and we will have a nice long talk. If he doesn't, then we will have the you treat me like a friend so that's what we will be kind of talk.
Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. And, if you have a lil extra, send some good vibes for us getting things settled in a few weeks...after he's had some time to grieve, etc.
Thanks for reading this long winded ramble of a vent. I don't feel much better, but I do feel now that I am not over reacting. Which is pretty nice.
The situation I am about to vent over doesn't really deserve the mild aggrivation I've felt over it all day, but I feel what I feel. Bare with me, this will be a bit longer than my other posts lately.
Wednesday, I am on facebook and see billy's nephew's status is telling a memory of Billy's half brother. I go to the nephew's page to see if I can find out what's up, and sure enough, there's an earlier status saying the half brother had passed earlier that day. The half brother didn't take care of himself at all, but this is still a bit of a shock.

I replied to the nephews status with my condolences and left Billy a short IM doing the same and saying I would be around for him. So I watch him being online for several hours on Thursday, yet don't hear anything.

Fast forward to about 12 noon today (Friday). I get a text from Facebook that Billy's changed his status to something about being in Dubai then being on a plane to Atlanta... I was like WTF?!?!?

What is bugging me right now is a long list of crap I DON"T KNOW. Like when he will land in NC, how long will he be staying, does he even plan to visit with me (assuming he's here for more than a day). I mean, I feel like I should know some of this. I realize that when one is grieving, they don't always think of everything. But if he could take the time to update his facebook he could have taken two minutes to send me an IM or an email.
I really hope he's here long enough for us to visit. Unless he flies out right after the memorial service...naw, let's be reasonable. If he's here for more than a day after the service and doesn't contact me and make the effort to see me, I am done. I am about 75% certain he will get in touch. 50% certain we will try to get together to visit for a bit. What sucks is that I am not sure enough of HIM to believe 100% these things will happen, unless his time off work is so short he does have to leave right away (and that's totally possible with the company he works for plus the flight times back and forth).
I love that man to distraction, but things have got to change if he wants to be with me. If he makes the effort to see me while he's here, then I will give it a few weeks and we will have a nice long talk. If he doesn't, then we will have the you treat me like a friend so that's what we will be kind of talk.
Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. And, if you have a lil extra, send some good vibes for us getting things settled in a few weeks...after he's had some time to grieve, etc.
Thanks for reading this long winded ramble of a vent. I don't feel much better, but I do feel now that I am not over reacting. Which is pretty nice.