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Picking up Personality Traits (Becoming more like your GF/BF)

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    I am so much less dramatic than I was before Dan. I say "I see" a lot because he does. My favorite word is "Absolutely" (not by choice) and I hear him saying it more and me giggle...
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      I've started speaking English like him -.-
      His first language is Spanish, and so he sometimes phrases things... shall we say a little awkwardly.
      At first I tried to correct him. But now I've caught myself phrasing things just like him too.
      It's terrible LOL

      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
      -Miguel De Cervantes

      Read our story HERE


        Well I've not really changed much but since meeting my SO, I've become a much happier person and more driven. Something I started to do was start saying things in his accent :P


          I think we've developed the same typing habits.. he has a habit (which i've picked up) of not typing out full sentences in an IM and hitting the ENTER key too soon.. eg:

          i rode my bike
          up to the store earlier
          and got some corn chips
          and salsa

          its a small thing but now I do it too! also we kind of laugh the same now, and talk similarly.. I say a lot of words with an american/aussie twang to it, it's super weird.


            My Japanese is starting to sound more like his.
            Last time I was in Japan, his family often laughed because I spoke just like him.

            Like "what is that?!". In regular Japanese it's "nani sore?!", but my SO says "Nanda soreya?!"...
            now I say it too. (-_-'').


              He used to be very "proper" in his speaking... like instead of saying "what?" or "excuse me?" he would say "pardon?" and once my friends and family caught wind of that he stopped because they wouldn't leave him alone about it... My dressing style has changed significantly... I used to wear sweats and 4XL tees and no makeup... now I've got dresses and makeup and I wear both weekly just because I like when he tells me I look gorgeous. I started randomly speaking portuguese and his english is AMAZINGLY better than it was. I listen to calmer music, he stopped listening to JUST the instruments and started paying attention to the lyrics. I've been more understanding and forgiving, he has been more willing to open up and more talkative and honest. I'm learning to lie (not the best thing) and he is learning to tell the truth.


                Hahah this is so up my alley!

                Well, first of all we have developed our own language. It is going to progressively get more out of control hahah. We have sounds/noises for certain emotions and it's ridiculous. We have abbreviations for a lot of things.

                I have always been a very blunt person, but he almost made me more brash. I didn't think it was possible but I guess it is. He is quite the offensive boy.

                He seems more positive since being with me. I think my hope for the future has sort of rubbed off on him which I am very happy for. He tends to snowball things really quickly.


                  He makes me curse a whole lot less. Normally I have a mouth of a sailor, a really really dirty mouthed sailor. He's also opened my mind to religion and that type of thinking. In return I got him to say things like 'Bee's Knees', and have opened his vocabulary quite a bit.


                    hmm, he's made me more open to saying cuter things to him haha
                    annnd i've totally stolen some of his phrases (ie "chillbang" XD because i think its hilarious) and a few other ones have become running jokes all swathed in a horrible attempt at emulating his accent haha like when saying "if you know...what i mean...", "ignore that last part", and "i knowwww"


                      I don't really know what to give as an example but one of my friends is friends with my SO on facebook and this one time we were pretty much having a conversation in one of my SO's status and my friend goes... "you guys are so alike it's weird". I thought it was funny...

                      I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                      I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                        I've realized that I use a lot of his facial expressions. Haha. Haven't admitted it to him, but he's most likely going to see this, so...
                        We were already so much alike before...when we first started talking. We're almost like the girl/boy version of each other, we have so much in common it's insane.


                          He brings out my nerdy side. It was always there, but it wasn't quite as prominent as it is now.

                          As for him...I drink a fair amount of peppermint tea, and now I've got him hooked too.

                          "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                          -- Anonymous


                            We've picked up a few phrases from one another. I say "sure" and "don't worry" a lot, my SO has since adopted them, and I've taken on his frequent usage of "well" and "by the way". Also, he uses loads of commas when he writes - many more than are necessary! After hours and hours of chatting with him on MSN almost every day for the past 18 months, I now have no idea where to correctly put that piece of punctuation


                              We have started making the same facial expressions when we say words, like when we say 'really' sarcastically we always have the same expression. He also has a really strong British accent and since I've been talking to my SO and spending time with him, my family have noticed that I'm apparently starting to speak in a stronger British accent!
                              No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


                                When something cute happens or when someone says something cute I say "aaaaw" he says it all the time...
                                & also some of the face expressions I see from pictures, I've started doing em when I take a pic jeje

