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Is your SO the most attractive person ever?

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    I had a longish message typed out here this morning, but it somehow got lost.
    Anyway... My boyfriend isn't actor/supermodel-beautiful (but then I'm not attracted by most conventionally "beautiful" guys), but it was his looks that drew my attention to him in a concert crowd, no less, there were quite a few people around. He's definitely absolutely "my type" and incredibly good looking to me.
    I'm a very audio-oriented person, though. The way someone speaks (voice, accent, pitch, pronounciation, speed,...) is as important as if not more important than looks. My boyfriend not only has the most beautiful language in the world as a mother tongue, but also a great voice and the cutest, most amazing accent when he speaks in my language.
    He also has a great sense of humor and I could probably name a million things more. What it comes down to is that he is the most attractive person ever to me.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

