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SO dreams?

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    I dream about my SO occasionally and find it interesting to try and find meaning in them. Often, they have a theme of trying to find him everywhere (e.g., when I first came back from our recent visit, I dreamt that I had to go to each and every house of my my family members, as they were all telling me that my SO had just been there and I had to find him as he had really good news to tell me. In the dream, I kind of thought that he might be proposing! Ah, well...I never did find him) or sometimes reflect my insecurities (e.g., last night, I dreamt that I tried to kiss him and he turned his face away. It seems simple, but I definitely felt sad when I woke up. I think that was about feeling left out of his social schedule lately).

    Yet, I do have the occasional pleasant or romantic dream--Awesomeness! I wish I had more of those.


      I'm aware this thread is very old and the last post was in 2011, but I thought it would be silly to lose the great conversation that's already been posted by starting a new one, as the topic is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of.

      I have dreams about my SO from time to time-- not often, but on occasion, and I really enjoy it. I miss him so much all the time and it feels really good to see him in my dreams. Sometimes I get kisses and hugs and it makes me feel like I'm really there. This morning I was dreaming that I had taken an impromptu trip to Peru and we were traveling all over with his friends. I was nervous because I hadn't told anyone about my trip (not even my boss), but I was having such a good time with my SO that I didn't care. Sometimes it makes me sad when I wake up because I don't know when I'll actually see him again and my dreams have such limited basis in reality.
      Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
      Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
      Engaged: 09/26/2020


        I have a mixed bag of dreams when it comes to this. Some dreams are good and some are terrible. Some others are just plain freaky.

        For instance there was one where an acquaintance of mine was queen and everyone had to do as she said. She wanted to sleep with my SO just to spite me and he had no choice but to do it, and to hear him enjoying the company of another woman was extremely painful. I remember in the dream thinking I couldn't take it anymore.

        Then there was one where the dream started with me being in the middle of labor and giving birth to a baby boy. I was freaking out wondering how we could have let this happen, I don't want children and the fact that we let a pregnancy get to term without even thinking about arrangements made me hysterical. I kept saying we needed to give him up for adoption, but then my SO held our son and there was this lovestruck expression in his eyes and he said "maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we kept him. He's so perfect, half you and half me." and I started to see it and come around, and I said yes, let's keep him, we'll start our very own little family. And the moment I agreed and fully embraced becoming a mother, our son started choking and died in my arms.
        So, here you are
        too foreign for home
        too foreign for here.
        Never enough for both.

        Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


          I dream about my SO, with 70% of them being almost comically awful and 30% being good.

          Bad: Zombie apocalypse. I'm in Canada, he's in Cali and all of North America (except for San Diego) is an undead wasteland. All flights have been cancelled indefinitely. The borders were literally barricaded at some point and my only option to ever see him again was to travel 2 000 miles on foot, through hungry zombies, and not die. I call him somehow and tell him what I'm about to do. Since he's living in SD and never worries about zombies and, apparently, is a jerk who doesn't care about me at all, responded with "Oh, that's cool. You just come over when you're done school". End of dream. WHAAT! There IS no school! I'm willing to risk my life just to see you again! Cry or something at least... ._. I wanted to get back in that dream and give him a piece of my mind!

          Good: Typically, we're living together (sometimes married) and everything is going perfectly. Those ones are never long enough and I always wake up with a huge smile.

          Married: June 9th, 2015


            I have not dreamt about my SO in any ordinary dream, but right after my SO said he wanted to marry and sort of indicated he wanted children by me, I had this strange dream. In the dream I had a new husband and 2 girls around the age of 5 and 8. I was feeling so trapped for no apperent reason. Then the four of us went to a children 's performance where our girls were doing something like singing or dancing. I wanted to buy my girls books to congratulate them on their day, and did so in the nearby book store. When I was to return I felt so horny out of nowhere and I came right then and there. Before this, I had fantasized about running away. My husband really scared me.I realized I had been frightened because I loved him so much that I sometimes felt trapped by it. Then he gave me his hand and I took it, and it was like everything was brand new and shiny. I mentioned the dream to my so and I think it amused him. He wanted to know the face of my husband in the dream but I did not look at him in the dream, I just heard his voice and felt his hands. Anyway I felt really composed after this dream, like something that really bothered me just dissapeared.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              I often wake up at home utterly convinced that my SO is laying next to me in bed, then rollover to find he isn't breaks my heart every time.


                I dream about my SO all the time, but only a few seem real. I'll wake up after those feeling like he and I were really together. It's funny you started this thread again now, though, because last night I had a really bad dream about my SO. I dreamed he and I were talking on the phone and planning a movie date. He said we could go anytime but tomorrow night. He got a phone call, so he put me on hold. I could hear him talking WITH ANOTHER WOMAN! He was planning a date with her for tomorrow night!!! She was talking about wanting to go to dinner and he said he'd take her anywhere. I was furious. I was trying to decide what to say to him, when I woke up. In reality, if that happened, I'd just hang up and not talk to him again. I can't imagine why I dreamed that! Maybe I'm just scared of losing him.

                Only once in my life have I had a dream (or a series of them really) that bothered me. For a few years, I would dream about being in or around water, usually in a car. I had multiple dreams of my car dropping off into a river. I also had lots of dreams of my car driving along a flooded road. Some of the dreams had fish, and sometimes the fish would be alive, sometimes the fish would be dead, and sometimes they would be almost dead. I had so many of those dreams that I grew extremely nervous. This was way before I met my SO, though.

                Fortunately, all my dreams with my SO, with the one exception of last night's dream, have been really good.


                  I hate when I dream of him at night cuz it's usally not good. Like I have had dreams of him cheating or me cheating on him. I wake up so stressed but it's clearly something we never do but still so annoying


                    I don't really have dreams ABOUT him, he just occasionally makes appearances in my dreams very briefly. Like in the middle of a dream, I'll just be sitting with him with my head on his shoulder out of nowhere, and just like that it's back to my normal dream. I only remember him being in the actual dream once. Otherwise it's always like that where it has nothing to do with the dream, it's just a few seconds of us together.
                    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


                      I had a dream that I got drunk and cheated on my SO-- scared the hell out of me the next morning. The most terrifying thing to me is losing my virginity to someone who isn't my SO. I can't imagine that.

                      Otherwise, sometimes I have dreams where my SO and I are cuddling or kissing. The most weird dream was one I can't really remember that well-- I just remember my SO being there, and an octopus on my head.


                        Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
                        I often wake up at home utterly convinced that my SO is laying next to me in bed, then rollover to find he isn't breaks my heart every time.
                        Same here.


                          I´m having dreams about my SO every now and then. The last one was pretty weird as well, since he was a member of some secret brotherhood and they all went to a war, but he weren´t allowed to go with them, cause he wasn´t married. He was soooo unhappy, so I married him and he left. I don´t know if he came back to me, I woke up in that time I think it shows that I want to make him happy and help to fulfill his dreams. But honestly, I would rather him being with me and unhappy, than away in war.


                            Why are my current dreams so strange and symbolic? It bothers me. I dreamt last night that my SO sent me something online, a film or a link to a film. There was a naked guy, but the film was a bit blurry, so I could not really see. I thought is it of him? Then two more people showed up, on a bed. I thought is it porn? I really wanted to understand what he had sent me. All of a sudden I was in that film, in the flat, and I left and went out into the street and I did not recognize the city I was in. I managed to do some grocery shopping and find the flat again. Two guys were waiting for me in the living room and then I woke up.
                            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                              Fairly rarely do I dream about my SO, but I almost always love it when I do.

                              About half my dreams about him are pretty wistful... I dream about him being there in the same room as me but I'm unable to go to him, or that I can talk to him but he can't hear or see me. I wake up with the bittersweet feeling of having gotten to "see" him, but for the rest of the day I feel that pang of loneliness.

                              The other half of the time when I dream about him, they're really simple but sweet. We just sit together & spend time together--what I'd love to do more than anything if he were here right now.

                              There's only been one really crazy dream with him in it: For some reason I didn't want to use the door to get into the room he was in, so I crawled through a little hole in the wall. When I finally got in he laughed and called me a chubby lesbian so I chased him down and punched him. o.O I have NO idea where that dream came from. As it turns out, I told him about that dream and he cracked up laughing and sometime during that conversation was where we finally decided to become a couple. XD


                                I've had quite a few dreams of not being able to get my SO his tickets or missing my flights or something like that, usually right before one of us is about to go to the other. The worst dream I ever had was that I was on my way to England to visit him when his mum called me and said he was dying in cancer. I couldn't get there wile he was still alive so straight after I got there we had to go to the funeral, where I lost it and ran out crying to this summerhouse-shed-thing crying, where his ghost appeared and told me he loved me and everything was going to be alright. I remember I begged him to come back and take his body back to which he said that he couldn't because it was sick (this starts to sound like such a chick flick o.O ) and I tried to hug him but I couldn't. Then his sister came to get me and he said good bye to her as well and then he disappeared, at which point I woke up and had to call him on Skype and wake him up to check he wasn't really dead.

                                On a lighter note, in my most recent dream we got married at the cliffs at Dorset (where he took me over two nights as my Christmas present ) and I was wearing a hideous purple dress. Right after we had to go on celebrating several times with different part so of our families... After which I was earlier in the dream and about to meet him, only that I was a penguin trying to save other penguins from a whale swimming in hardened Tarmac...
                                We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay

