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How often do you talk to your SO?

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    I love how with all this technology these days it makes LDR so much easier compare to years ago without skype, texting and cheap cell phone plans! I love it! I text my honey and talk to him on the phone everyday! I even tell him about some of the stuff from the forums because some of the things on here are funny hehhe lol but of course not the site he doesn't know I'm using


      We talk all day throughout the day. When I am at work and he is home...he messages me through FB and it goes to my cell...
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Hmm, right now...we usually talk every day. Sometimes it doesn't work out that we can have a real conversation, but we communicate at least once every day.

        Usually, we use GTalk and chat for at least an hour every day. It's usually after I get home from work, and we end the conversation whenever he has to go to bed, since he's 6 hours ahead of me.
        We try to Skype once a week. We're working on having a date night every week, but for now, Skype on Sundays (or whenever it happens) is our version of a date. We'll usually talk for a minimum of 2 hours on Skype, I think the longest we've talked was 4 or 5 hours.
        We also text each other every day; I'll text him on my break at work with some update on how I'm doing or just saying that I love him, and he'll respond. Sometimes we have a conversation until I have to go back to work, sometimes it's just a simple exchange.
        Very rarely, because of costs, we'll chat on the phone. When we do, we'll talk for as long as possible, because neither of us minds paying, if that's the only way we can chat. I get unlimited minutes anyway, and my SO calls through Skype when he can, which is cheaper than calling from his phone.

        It's hard, now that school has started back up again; we are finding it harder to chat during the week. He's all burnt out from coursework, or else has to go to bed early, and I can't always get off work early enough to chat with him first. Weekends are good though.


          We send facebook letters every day to each other. We skype twice a week for sure when I have my days off, with the 7 hr time difference it makes it hard to do when I am working unless he happens to be home before I head to work...then we have a quick skype before I leave.


            We used to talk for several hours every day or almost every day around this time last year when his job wasn't as stressful and his hours were reasonable. Since about late May/early June we can go anywhere from a few days to near a month without talking. Our conversations last maybe an hour and are mostly over text message, he hasn't been online in almost a month and even then he was busy with an online project for a friend so we didn't IM. Phone calls are once a month if I'm lucky, but that's just because he works an early morning to midnight job and can barely catch small breaks.

            Long story short: not that often.


              I'm in the same situation as LMH. My SO and I go weeks with out talking sometimes. =( He gets so busy with his work and just other stuff that we don't get to talk like we use. When we first met we would talk for hours on end. Now, the last conversation we had was only for about 20 minutes. I understand it's stressful for him though, he's living on his own for the first time. We do however, occasionally send each other facebook messages.


                After reading all this I became a bit concerned. Well I guess I was before too...Even though we communicate every day through the day, it is not like messaging on yahoo every 10, 30 minutes or an hour...We both have unlimited internet and 3G iphones and he can yahoo message at work...But we do not do Skype every day even though I would want to but we find that sometimes we have nothing to talk about and he doesnt always want to turn his computer on or may not feel like skyping. I would skype every day. And we used to, but now...may be we are getting used to each otehr I do not know. I would want to fall asleep with the camera on but I really do not think he would like the idea. I understand that people are different but after reading all of yours posts, I started to feel like something is not right with us since we do not skype that much or do not talk on a phone for hours. ANd to be completely honest I would like for us to do it more often


                  Lately we have been talking about 11 hours a day via Yahoo, me on my phone like always and him on his laptop, when I am on the Pc though we Skype occasionallly when he isn't busying playing his PS3 heheh! Love school holidays!
                  We text when he isnt home!
                  Been trying to get a phone call, miss his voice, might hear it this week, we ring about once a month for an hour or so!
                  When we go back to school it will probably just be night times again! Texting when we aint in class sometimes! Skyping when I am at my Dads once a fortnight! We have it pretty good!


                    My boyfriend and I seem to talk less than all of you, but we don't use the internet at all to communicate, so that could be the difference. He's not techy at all, so unfortunately no skyping, IMing, etc.
                    We text throughout the day - sometimes a lot, sometimes just a few times. We usually talk on the phone about 4 times a week, so about every other day. We touch base with one another daily, but sometimes it's just to say hi and I love you. We both aren't big phone people, so our phone conversations usually vary between 5-45 minutes, depending on what we have to say.


                      My SO and I can't talk every day. It would be too expensive. Not even Skype is always an option because my SO has limited broadband. We do try to talk every other day though. I really wish it could be more.


                        Every day via text. Usually once a week on the phone. Due to the time difference and our busy schedules, it's hard to just sit and talk for 30-60 minutes.

                        When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                        True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                        When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                        1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                          almost every day!

                          We communicate almost every day!
                          GTalk, skype, phone calls, sms/text messaging. I am very lucky that he willing to try all of these. He admit that he never had cellphone before, and he bought it few week after he got back to Germany!
                          If we didn't talk, thats means there are no phone reception or internet/satelite signals from my side--as i literally live in jungle. Or when he had a project that really close to deadline, and he got stress out! all support i could give is by lefting him offline msgs.
                          Just few lines that said i miss him, thinking of him and definitely love him!


                            almost every day!

                            We communicate almost every day!
                            GTalk, skype, phone calls, sms/text messaging. I am very lucky that he willing to try all of these. He admit that he never had cellphone before, and he bought it few week after he got back to Germany!
                            If we didn't talk, thats means there are no phone reception or internet/satelite signals from my side--as i literally live in jungle. Or when he had a project that really close to deadline, and he got stress out! all support i could give is by lefting him offline msgs.
                            Just few lines that said i miss him, thinking of him and definitely love him!


                              We talk all day every day over texts, and then usually 3-4 hours of webcam in the evening times... More on the weekends


                                Now that the winter holidays are over and we're both pretty busy, daytime communication is pretty low. An email here and there (some days none, others a few) is about it. We Gchat some if I'm online between classes while he has a spare moment during his workday (rare), and then pretty much every night we have a good-night Skype session. Length varies, depending on how crazy the day was-- sometimes it's just 15 minutes of being mushy at each other, sometimes it's an hour or so. We have set aside Friday night as date night, and we spend 2-4 hours or so together either skyping or on Gchat while watching a movie together (and then skyping about it after it's over).

