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How often do you talk to your SO?

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    Originally posted by tissa View Post
    After reading all this I became a bit concerned. Well I guess I was before too...Even though we communicate every day through the day, it is not like messaging on yahoo every 10, 30 minutes or an hour...We both have unlimited internet and 3G iphones and he can yahoo message at work...But we do not do Skype every day even though I would want to but we find that sometimes we have nothing to talk about and he doesnt always want to turn his computer on or may not feel like skyping. I would skype every day. And we used to, but now...may be we are getting used to each otehr I do not know. I would want to fall asleep with the camera on but I really do not think he would like the idea. I understand that people are different but after reading all of yours posts, I started to feel like something is not right with us since we do not skype that much or do not talk on a phone for hours. ANd to be completely honest I would like for us to do it more often
    I wouldn't be too worried about it. I mean, if your relationship is going good as it is then there's nothing to be concerned about. I honestly know exactly how you feel, because a couple of years ago my SO and I would talk for hours and hours, my mom would even tell me to get off the phone lol (we also used to skype everyday)... and now is different.
    Even though, talking to each other is very important to us, we still have our own lives and things to do during the day, so we try to balance everything. We still text each other a lot during the day and at night we make some time to talk (or skype sometimes). We are both happy and it works out perfectly with our schedules.

    & I can see most of you guys talk to your SO everyday.. that's awesomeee!

    I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
    I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


      We talk once a day on the phone for 10-15 min. while he drives into work. On Sat/Sun, he calls me around 8-9 am in the morning. Unless it's tax season, in which case we don't talk on the weekends. If one of us calls at a different time of day, we both know it's really important. We don't use any other kind of communication, unless it's an e-mail that has official business in it, like something from the bank or insurance.
      17 years LDR out of 18 years of marriage. Oh, yeah, plus a year of LDR courtship.


        We text all day, we skype now and then and talk on the phone every night
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          We text or IM pretty much all day and always have a video chat for a couple of hours each night before we go to bed.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            We talk essentially nonstop all day, every day. We begin texting as soon as we're both awake and continue throughout the day, switching to IM or phone calls as circumstances allow. But from waking to sleeping, we never go more than an hour without talking by some method or another. We've been talking this much for nearly a month now.


              Originally posted by alx5150 View Post
              Through yahoo, she texts my phone while I'm in school. Its fun. Then depending on how much homework I have, we spend as much time as possible talking. Video of course. These hd webcams are worth it
              What he said


                Originally posted by tissa View Post
                After reading all this I became a bit concerned. Well I guess I was before too...Even though we communicate every day through the day, it is not like messaging on yahoo every 10, 30 minutes or an hour...We both have unlimited internet and 3G iphones and he can yahoo message at work...But we do not do Skype every day even though I would want to but we find that sometimes we have nothing to talk about and he doesnt always want to turn his computer on or may not feel like skyping. I would skype every day. And we used to, but now...may be we are getting used to each otehr I do not know. I would want to fall asleep with the camera on but I really do not think he would like the idea. I understand that people are different but after reading all of yours posts, I started to feel like something is not right with us since we do not skype that much or do not talk on a phone for hours. ANd to be completely honest I would like for us to do it more often
                Tissa - we don't Skype or IM at all. Our only internet communication is sending each other interesting articles and tidbits via email. 95% of our communication is via text message, the other 5% is voice calls and emails.

                When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                  sound like our communication is the same as alot of yours. usually one of us texts to other in the morning (since I have to get up around 5 its usually me :P) then throughout the day we text. Sometimes ill call him if I need advice on something and he's never too busy for that . A few times he's called me just to say he's thinking of me and loves me..

                  At night depending on what we are both doing we will either skype and play games (checkers usually) or talk on the phone. Since he was at work tonight he called and wished me goodnight..and thats pretty much how a normal day goes
                  " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                  Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                  Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                    My SO and I talked all day everyday when he was in the states. Now that he is in Afghanistan, we usually talk every morning. We usually get 20 minutes. We used to skype often but the internet connection at the base his is at is awful.


                      We are constantly texting each other and we try and Skype every night for a few hours.
                      Sometimes I stay in (when he has a day off university) so we can talk all day.


                        I couldn't count the hours my SO and I talk during the day. We text each other constantly when we aren't on the phone. When we are on the phone, we'll talk for hours. During our college courses, we'll text each other and we'll call each other when both of us are out. We also talk at night time and I hang up after he falls asleep. If I fall asleep, he stays on the phone with me and we fall asleep "together".

                        However, we do make time for our friends and our studies. 100%. I'm never upset if he wants to go hang with his friends because I'll just do something to occupy my time until he gets back. We both live happy, active lifestyles.

                        We have AT&T. Because we have the same service, we have unlimited minutes which we definitely take advantage of. We're never bored with each other and this is the way that it has been for 7 years Trust me, we do consider ourselves fortunate to have this but that is why we see more of a reason to seize what we've been given!

                        *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                          Everyday, even if it's only for about 10 minutes. There's two or three days we can get an hour on skype. Three or four days where we can talk on the phone when I'm driving to events for about 30 minutes. And there's usually a day or two where I can only call him to say goodnight.
                          We can text throughout the day usually. Sometimes it's conversations constantly when we're out and about or short messages that we get to respond to every half hour or so.

                          It's not as much as I want but I'll take anything. It's all my fault to, I'm the one that's super busy. Next year is hopefully going to be WAY better!


                            We do a mix of everything depending on what's going on - but we Skype the most. Even if we're not actively talking to each other, we like to leave it so at least it feels kind of like the other person is there, I can at least see him, hear him mumbling to himsef (it's so adorable). If neither of us is remotely near a computer or we're having connection problems we either call or more likely - text.


                              My SO on and off all day through messenger. We text on occasion as a surprise. We also do 'face time' cam chatting on 'date night' once or twice a week.

                              Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                              And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                              Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                                At least checkin messages everyday. A couple times a week I'll call after class(because thankfully, my classes end late), and then once a week we're going to do video calling. I'm busy, he's going to get busier, but what can we do? =/

