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Google-ing your SO

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    Google-ing your SO

    Have you googled your SO?
    Find anything juicy?
    Did you tell them about it?
    How do you feel about google-ing an SO? Or them google-ing you?

    I attempted to google my SO, unfortunately his name is so freaking common that nothing came up (or rather-- too much came up). I wouldn't mind if he googled my name. In fact I'd be impressed if he spelled it correctly!

    I totally did it when I first met him. I knew he was in a frat and I knew his first looking up the members list, I deduced his last name before he even told me. Creepy? I think so!

    Also, my friend ran a background check on him (also, very early into our "interaction") and found that he had a went to court for some driving ticket when he was younger. He already told me this, so it just affirmed that he was truthful.

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      I did google him. I let him know I googled him. He has a very prominent online persona. I mean, he's EVERYWHERE. Anything not really. Saw some pics of him with his ex-W. Other than that, it's all good.

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        I googled him but I google everyone. I google myself! :P I didn't find anything on him aside from a few articles stating some things he has done for his job. He's not really into computers, so he doesn't have online personas or anything. I don't care if he were to google me because he wouldn't find anything he doesn't already know. No biggie. I have nothing to hide and neither does he.


          lol nothing came up, however there's a famous female highland dance champion with his name XD


            Yep I've googled him. I google everything. There really isn't any dirt on him. Just school and work stuff. Boring! haha But in this case, boring is good.

            Speaking of ---- Funny story: I googled myself recently and one of the first sites to come up says that I am a pediatric doctor! It lists my address and phone number (My private CELL).. Creepy. My SO saw it too and he found the number for me to call to get it taken down. He is the best!


              Yes I have, lol. I didn't find anything too interesting.. Just his Facebook, Myspace, etc and a lot of soccer stuff related to him (college, high school...). I did tell him about it, actually... we googled each other at the same time, we were just bored and it was out of curiosity, haha.

              I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
              I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                I just googled him since it made me curious and one funny thing came up, someone with the exact same name first, middle and last is a criminal in a state close to us. It has a picture so I know it's not him, of course I never would have thought it was him anyway haha

                Madly in love with Michael


                  I have googled him. Heh, nothing came up :P

                  First Met Online: May 08
                  Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                  First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                  Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                  Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


                    I'll admit that I never thought of doing this, but as soon as I saw the title of the thread I thought "That's BRILLIANT!!!" and ran and did it. I didn't expect to find anything juicy, and all that came up was his facebook page and his name listed in a sports league he participated in. I love googling people though, it's fun to see what comes up!

                    I wouldn't care if he googled me, there isn't anything out there that I'm ashamed of.

                    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                    -- Anonymous


                      I just googled my SO. There are so many Chinese ppl with same name like him. lol
                      I couldn't find him anywhere. I will tell him that I googled him when I chat with him. He will be curious about his name.


                        Have you googled your SO? Yes.
                        Find anything juicy? Just articles of him doing parkour with his friends back when he was in his young teen years.
                        Did you tell them about it? Yup.
                        How do you feel about google-ing an SO? Or them google-ing you? He doesn't care at all. I don't care if he googles me but he has tried. My name is far more common than his.

                        *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                          Tried it once, nothing comes up, except his facebook page.
                          Also tried with the Japanese characters for his name - nothing related to him. Google also insists on changing the last character of his name. (His last name uses a character there's not in current use. Instead of 嶋 it becomes: 島 - which is the new version).


                            Have you googled your SO?
                            Yes i did.. hehe since i though he was a stalker... just being precautions...
                            Find anything juicy?
                            Humm, just the fact how smart he was that he got this job in one of university in California USA for doing some research, just things related to his work.. and he told me about that at the very beginning when we met...
                            Did you tell them about it?
                            Yepp.. and he said no, it can't be! hahah he thought i will find nothing on Inet
                            How do you feel about google-ing an SO? Or them google-ing you?
                            He just seemed dont care, and quite surprise as he was very careful will putting some information about him self on internet. If he want to.. he could browse me too.. hahah i just careless too.. well he did anyway.. only found about my university and my high school... also good things so far.


                              Nothing comes up when I google my girlfriend. I wonder if she googles me. I'm much more into the Internet than she is.

