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Google-ing your SO

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    I tried googling my SO when we first started talking--before I knew what he looked like.
    I did an intense Facebook search loads of times with location and name, schools...yeah. I REALLY wanted to see what he looked like. I was so intently curious. I don't think he knows this.
    As for googling, nothing came up, if i remember correctly.


      Guess I'm the only one who hasn't lol. He's not active online anyway, and I know everything there is to know about him.

      "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
      - A. A. Milne


        .. It might have happened at some point .... *cough* ..not to be creepy, just because boredom sometimes makes you do stuff :P

        Ha!! And I actually found an old paper she did in 8th grade back in 2002 ^^ ...I love it!

        I have no problem with my SO (or anyone else for that matter) googling me - I have nothing to hide! ...yet..


          I did after he did several times. Found nothing really, but his social profiles.
          However, the last time he googled my NICKNAME, not my real name, he had found an information that was very sensitive and it caused us breaking up. It was nothing about him or me or anything about our relationship, but about something that happened in my life years ago (and some of you may have read my posts), that he could not take that I did not tell him about it. So be careful with what you ever put anywhere online, AND be ready that if you are looking for something, you may as well find it and it is not nice when someone googles you. I personally felt like I had committed a crime and was trapped by a police or something.
          Internet has been breaking many relationships. One thing is to find out that your SO is cheating on you, but anotehr thing is to find out something, that may be they wanted to forget about themselves or did not wnat to share with you for whatever reason.


            Nope. We've googled his name together trying to find out what his first name's meaning/origin is. But he has no trace on the internet anyway and a VERY common west African name.


              When we first got together I did and just found his facebook and we were already friends on facebook.

              Funny story - I was googling both of us the other day cos I was bored.

              I found some audio recordings of his poetry from about 7 years ago when he read them at a poetry night - he thought it was really cool when I told him!
              Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

              Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

              And remember....Love really IS all around.


                Have you googled your SO?
                I googled my ex boyfriend for the fun of it

                Find anything juicy?
                An old dating site profile from 2004 by searching his email

                Did you tell them about it?
                Yep and he just laughed and then deleted the profile

                How do you feel about google-ing an SO? Or them google-ing you?
                It can be creepy depending on how long you've known the person for.

                In my case you can only find my facebook profile by searching my real name, but if you search my username you'll find a ton of stuff on me.

                Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                  Originally posted by LostInLove View Post
                  I'll admit that I never thought of doing this, but as soon as I saw the title of the thread I thought "That's BRILLIANT!!!" and ran and did it. I didn't expect to find anything juicy, and all that came up was his facebook page and his name listed in a sports league he participated in. I love googling people though, it's fun to see what comes up!

                  I wouldn't care if he googled me, there isn't anything out there that I'm ashamed of.
                  same, heheh which is unusual cause I've done it to all my other friends....

                  and yeah, I found some poetry and a story from way back when, was maybe interesting >.>

                  I also found out that I was spelling her surname wrong >.> *shame*



                    I've done it but his name gives a million results and none of them are about him

                    His friend googled me and found me in Facebook as soon as Andy told him about me - it only took him some 10 minutes even though Andy just told him my first name! Lol!

                    Andy googled me once and just found a few pictures of me from my company's website. There isn't anything dirty he could find, I'm pretty boring lol.


                      well just did and a photographer came up, a tv broadcast person who actually lives in England! people seeking employment, social worker lol this is interesting i gotta tell her this!! lmao!


                        I hadn't till i saw this thread! but i've found something rather odd...
                        I got an address and phone number for someone with the same name,in the same city,in the same province but its not my SO's!
                        Thats all kinds of weird.
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          I tried it when I first met him (imho googling someone isnt "stalking" at all), but he didn't even have facebook back then, so there were only like two results about him and they were about some really old school contests.
                          Now his facebook shows up, too.

                          For me, there's exactly one result: A language contest I took part in in 2003 :-D (but yeah I google myself regularly and make sure nothing turns up)

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            Originally posted by leonsfangirl View Post
                            I hadn't till i saw this thread! but i've found something rather odd...
                            I got an address and phone number for someone with the same name,in the same city,in the same province but its not my SO's!
                            Thats all kinds of weird.
                            Wow that IS weird! Did you ask him about it? Sounds quite dodgy


                              I googled him. But he knew I did. I wasn't looking for juicy stuff, was just interested. Found this really cute picture of him in the scouts from a few years ago. It's a amazing the difference from like 9 to 15..? He looks so cute!
                              Although this distance breaks my heart,
                              And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                              I know that it will all be fine,
                              As my heart is yours,
                              And yours is mine.. <3


                                Googling him is one of the first things I did, LOL.
                                I don't think it's stalking, it only makes sense early on to be as informed as you can be about what you're getting into.
                                (especially if you tend to attract the type of guys I used to! yuck )

                                With only his first name and country of residence, I learned his last name and middle initial, where he grew up, which school he went to and year of graduation, that he plays poker, and three associated names that turned out to be that of his mother, father, and brother... before he ever told me. (I am a fraud investigator by profession, this sort of thing is what I do all day long, lol)

                                I googled myself at the same time, and... I have managed to stay completely off the Google radar! (they'll never find me, hahahaha!!!!)
                                We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust

