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    Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
    Thank you, TknandLvnIt.

    To be honest I wouldn't know what job to look for in regards to him as I only know he has management experience, but that's such a broad term it would be hard to narrow down anything. There's also the issue of where to look and if it's out of town, how would he get there for interviews, etc. It's something I've thought a long time about but without his cooperation I don't see much progress being made on that front. As for sending him things, that's really no big deal to me. I'm the type who gives gifts for any reason to the point of it being almost annoying. Having no means to get something to him has allowed me to cut back on that habit and I just saved all the stuff I did buy and brought it with me when I visited to give him. Much nicer to do it in person. The communication I think has been exaggerated by someone somewhere. We do talk via text now and again and even if he doesn't reply I know he gets them. Here and there I leave voice mail messages if it's important, but we don't just not have complete contact, it's just very limited especially since his computer is currently broken.

    I don't think I'm blinded enough to not want or expect the basics, after all I'm human and as such crave these things, but I don't obsessively demand them like others might. Thanks for commenting, I know this thread's gotten scary and I'm sure I'm most of the reason since I've been biting heads today.

    Silviar: Trying not to, but it doesn't seem to be working.
    :-) I see yes it does seem to have been exaggerated a bit. Well I personally can't stand text too much confusion...I appreciate the convenience but if he has time to hang out with friends then he has time to make a phone call. I hate/love the days when he is so busy that we don't even text or talk all day but even then he will when he can. I love when my SO is in the middle of a convo with a friend and they leave the room and he takes the time to call me even if its for two minutes because he wanted to hear my voice. I know not all guys are the saps that mine is but I was only saying that to say that you do need a consistent means of communication...It has to go two ways and even if you don't have much to say and you send him a letter once a week its still communication. I'm sure he has the time to write a letter even if you can't Skype or talk hours on the phone just a couple minutes a day and problem is solved. That's all I meant by it not that you two don't talk at all but rather that even though you have accepted the state you are in. It can be better and those were just a couple of suggestions on how you could make that happen in the situation he is in. Well then I would apply for anything...if you see a listing on Craigs list or monster jobs or wherever anything that pays more than 10 an hour shoot it his way or bookmark it. You could even ask for his resume...Tell him how frustrating his job was for you while you were out there and how you wished he could do something about it and you want to help him because you don't like the stress its causing him or your relationship.


      Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
      To be honest I wouldn't know what job to look for in regards to him as I only know he has management experience, but that's such a broad term it would be hard to narrow down anything. There's also the issue of where to look and if it's out of town, how would he get there for interviews, etc. It's something I've thought a long time about but without his cooperation I don't see much progress being made on that front.
      Well since he's working at Disney he's definitely got experience in the hospitality industry. That's something to go on at least. And customer service! Disney has THE BEST customer service, so that can be applied pretty much anywhere with retail or food & beverage. It couldn't hurt to look up management-type jobs around Orlando and your area that have to do with hospitality or customer service. Maybe if you find something he's interested in, he'd be inspired to submit an application. Actually finding a job in the first place is a large amount of the work.

      It might be a good idea to find more about his past work experience so you know if he's qualified for certain jobs or not. (Plus you get to learn more about your SO ) I hope he gets out of that situation soon, especially since it's affecting his health. I'm a huge Disney fan, I LOVE Disney World (never get tired of it), I'd been dreaming of doing the college program since middle school, and I still hated working there. I wouldn't have lasted a month if my boyfriend hadn't been there.

      My boyfriend doesn't like accepting help either, but I like helping him. I've never had him get mad at me for helping when he didn't ask for it. Couldn't hurt to try, right? ^^

