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How long before you saw each other in person? Years never seeing face to face?

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    How long before you saw each other in person? Years never seeing face to face?

    How many months or years it took for you to finally see your SO face to face?
    I started to talk with mine, first as a friend on oct 2008 and we saw each other in dec 2008 in person, so 2 months.
    But I have a friend that got with her boyfriend online almost 2 years ago and they never saw each other, and they are really sad, so i would like to share with her some other stories like hers to cheer her up, she lives in brazil and he lives in portugal (im also brazilian but live in germany with my SO, my situation is really different from hers at the moment)
    have you spent years without NEVER seeing your SO in person, or know a couple that has been through this and it worked well (or even if it didnt work, for how long it worked before it ended), i would translate it for her to try to cheer her up, somedays she gets really sad thinking she will never see her boyfriend, because neither have money for the tickets.
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

    We met after one year of knowing each other, during which time I graduated from school, found a job and started religiously saving money for months. However long the wait is, the reward of seeing each other will be priceless. (: Remember how fortunate you are to have someone who has loved and cherished you all this time and work hard towards your shared goal--meeting each other.
    All the best!


      7 months. It would have been much sooner, but a huge work project got in the way of either of us taking vacation, let alone taking the same days off. Honestly, I don't think I could sustain a relationship where we never met face-to-face rather quickly. I'd be too afraid to invest the time and emotions on someone who I wasn't sure I had that in person chemistry with, people who wait years have a lot more courage and faith than I do!
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        Originally posted by 13000km View Post
        We met after one year of knowing each other, during which time I graduated from school, found a job and started religiously saving money for months. However long the wait is, the reward of seeing each other will be priceless. (: Remember how fortunate you are to have someone who has loved and cherished you all this time and work hard towards your shared goal--meeting each other.
        All the best!
        thanks for the answer! and yes i know! i was one year long distance with my boyfriend in wich i visited him twice in germany, but its one year that we live together in the same house! XD
        so i could not be happier.
        im just asking so i can pass the information for my friend as i said in my original post
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          Just shy of 5 years (I could even give exact dates now, thanks to all the immigration crap!). And theres another young lady here that I know also waited 5 years. So long waits, while they suck, are not uncommon nor do they spell "the end" for a relationship.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Originally posted by Moon View Post
            7 months. It would have been much sooner, but a huge work project got in the way of either of us taking vacation, let alone taking the same days off. Honestly, I don't think I could sustain a relationship where we never met face-to-face rather quickly. I'd be too afraid to invest the time and emotions on someone who I wasn't sure I had that in person chemistry with, people who wait years have a lot more courage and faith than I do!
            me too, i dont judge who does it, but i myself would not get involved without meeting in person first. we meet in person, my SO and i and decided we would be in a long distance, spent 5 months apart, saw each other again for a whole month, them 6 more months appart and i moved to live with him in germany. now i came to spend a couple of months in brazil with my family as my grandma is sick and was a whole year i didnt come here, and he is coming here this sunday to spend one week with me, and after one month i will go back to our flat, to our life, to him in germany. so im really lucky that i managed to work things out. and that we are ok. i just wanted to help this friend of mine with some stories that are simillar to hers, they are 1 year and nine months together and have no idea when they can see each other, but they are almost sure they will not be able to meet in person this year.
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              Originally posted by Zephii View Post
              Just shy of 5 years (I could even give exact dates now, thanks to all the immigration crap!). And theres another young lady here that I know also waited 5 years. So long waits, while they suck, are not uncommon nor do they spell "the end" for a relationship.
              that was when you went to live together or when you first SAW each other? by the way thanks for the answer!
              our story.


              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                My boyfriend and I have been together for just under a year now, and have never met face to face. It is tough, but I know it will be worth it when I can finally be in his arms :-)


                  We met in September 2009 and saw each other in January 2010 for the first time in person.


                    started dating somewhere before Thanksgiving of 2009 we didnt meet each other until August 6th of last year!


                      it took us 6 months to finally be in person together... but two years wow thats a lot!
                      by the way visit n travel around Germany its my dream n a goal that some day in a future i will make it real!
                      lucky u!


                        We met a year and a half after.. It was impossible for us to meet before because we were very young and still going to high school. I know it can be very frustrating... Just the fact that you're in a serious relationship with someone and you haven't even met them yet sounds crazy but tell your friend to be patient and stay positive!... the time will come for her, sometimes it takes longer for some couples, but in the end it's worth it.

                        I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                        I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                          Well I went to the same University when my SO and I first met, so I spent the first 2 months with him at the same place, so I don't have any experience with not meeting my SO until after we met, but I do have a friend who dated a guy for a few months before they ended up meeting each other


                            It took us approximately 13 months to finally meet one another for the first time since we officially began dating. I admit, after a year passes and one still has never physically met the person they are in love with it can be difficult not to grow jealous of others around you who are able to get together sooner than yourself. But then all it takes is the reminder that some people have to wait even longer than that and we're all on our own individual journey, it's not a competition and each relationship is unique. Of course then there's the envy once again of people who get to visit more than 1-2 times a year, of pople who'se visits are longer than a weekend, of people who have an end date in sight, of people who's family is supportive of their relationship, of people getting married soon.....there will always be people out there doing what you want to do faster than you are. It's a struggle. Once again, reminder to oneself, it's not a competition and focus on your own next goal.


                              It's been 2 years since my SO and I started dating, and we have to wait another year before we can actually see each other, due to various things. I know how she feels, how the waiting can be torture, but just as I feel, let her know that she will meet her SO one day and it'll be wonderful.

