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Sleeping Arrangments

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    Sleeping Arrangments

    Well, when I go to visit my SO in May, we're hoping to get our first night to really fall asleep together. In talking about it, and knowing myself...I feel that we're going to have a problem. I'm a blankey hog, and I just found out tonight he's a snuggly blankey hog too. I'm also a very picky sleeper, my blankets need tog be straight and even, i have to be on the wall side of my bed, i can't sleep on my back, he's VERY warm and a restless fidget, etc etc. My family and friends have been joking that if I ever do marry, i'll have a situation similar to that in the Dick van Dyke show...(and every other 50s family) where they had matching twin beds in the same room.

    So I thought it'd be a good discussion.

    Who in your relationship is the blankey hog/cuddle bug, who's the blanket tosser, any kickers? Do your sleep habits cause any issues with cuddling your SO or are you comfortable?

    I am a blanket hog. When I sleep alone I usually wrap myself up in blankets and I guess I attempt to do that when sleeping with my SO. He has found a solution to it by wrapping his end of the covers underneath him so his weight holds down the covers. We both like to cuddle before we fall asleep, but sometime during the night we separate and we reconnect throughout the night with our cuddling. I miss sleeping with him. I sleep my best with him because I feel so safe, relaxed and happy when we're sharing a bed.


      Well he gets really hot during the night cause I give off a lot of body heat. So he doesn't sleep with many blankets, but I love having blankets keeping me warm Oh, and when he falls asleep his body shakes a little bit. It's so cute!


        I am definitely a blanket hog. My Gareth always complains about it whenever we're together. I tell him that there are 5 blankets on the bed. If he gets cold, he can use one of them. Besides, I may try to use all of the blanket, but he tries to take up the whole bed. It's almost like I have to cuddle with him in order to stay on the bed. lol I'm not complaining, though. I'm like Micah. I sleep best when I'm with him.
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          Haha I'm a blanket hog for sure, but I think a good solution is having another blanket on the bed just in case someone wants more blanket! We are both very cuddly when we sleep, and once we get to sleep we both end up tossing around in different positions to get comfortable, so I like that we are both tossers so he doesn't get too annoyed with me lol and depending on where we are, he sleeps against the wall, but I don't care, I'm snuggled up on him so it all works out!


            Lol im nervous about this, during the 2nd or 3rd week together we plan to stay together, so my first night with him. I have no idea how were gonna mesh with our sleeping habits lol. i said i don't take up alot of room and he's like i do lol, and i need a blanket, and i have a sleeping position, so ehh i have no idea how were gonna mesh together
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              I take it a step further. I'm a bed hog. He jokes about how I roll over and take the entire bed and blanket with me.

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne


                Granted, my boyfriend and I only spent a weekend together, but we shared a twin sized bed lol. Neither of us really was a blanket hog. My boyfriend is generally warmer than I am, so he had the window open and no blankets on, where I was freezing lol. We both slept on our backs, and I remember 1 night, he rolled over and his leg was on mine...after awhile my leg was going numb, so I had to pull my leg out from under his. =P But, that was just because we were in a twin bed. That's college dorms for ya! XD

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  Neither one of us is a blanket hog, but we prefer to have our own blankets that way we're not stealing from the other. When we share a bed, it has to be a big bed because Joe needs his space when he sleeps. He's not used to sharing a bed with another person, so we don't cuddle as we fall asleep. I actually have trouble sleeping when I'm with him...I don't know if it's because I'm excited to be sharing a bed with him or if it's because it's a strange bed/surroundings. Probably both, lol. But during our last visit, there were a couple nights where I was actually able to fall asleep and sleep through the night.


                    I'm the blanket hog. Because I have the back of my head shaved I get cold very easily so I have to literally cocoon myself until only my face is visible. I was worried about that during the first night together but thankfully the hotel bed had two separate blankets on the bed so we each had our own then shared the thin sheet to still have that illusion of being under the same blanket. He kind of went inbetween being a hog and kicking the blanket off because the hotel's A/C was really screwy and we were either dripping with sweat or freezing, so I'm eternally grateful for the two blankets. Though he did keep stealing my pillows.


                      hahaha. I'm a cuddle bug ~ w ~ I love cuddling with him and he loves cuddling at night time, too, but I'm also a little fidgety and it takes both of us a while to find a sleeping position we feel comfortable in. but once we do we sleep really well.


                        lol I am such a blanket hog.. and even worse, I toss and turn like crazy! I am the worst, lol.

                        My SO and I have finally come to the realization that when it's time to sleep...... We sleep!! It works so well for us! He goes on his side and I go on mine. (Keep in mind this is after lots and lots and LOTS of cuddling and sweet time!) lol but when we are both exhausted, we give a kiss and it's lights out! We wake up very happy


                          Neither one of us really hog blankets but he is a pillow hoarder...I keep joking with him that I am going to start packing my own pillows when I come to visit. I'm always cold and he's always hot so he makes sure there are plenty of blankets for my use when I am there


                            I don't care what side I'm one, but I need aLOT of blankets because I'm cold blooded. Brandon only sleeps with one blanket and has a hard time sleeping with someone else there. Pretty much our nights end up just being tossing and turning with very little sleep, but that's okay because it's comfy anyways ^^


                              I prefer to be on the side closest to the door cause I get up a lot during the night. He will hog the blanket and roll on to it so when I wake up and try to get some back its impossible cause its wrapped under him. I like cuddling with him when we first get into bed but then I like my space.

