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    I just got home from seeing my SO two days ago. I was with him for a week and we had a great time!! Why doesnt it ever get any easier? I get to see him in about a month which is better than the last time which was like 3 months.
    im in a sad mood, anyone feelin the same way?

    "Together forever but never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart!"

    Met: 9.15.08
    Started Dating: 10.17.08
    Been an LDR since: 10.17.08
    First time meeting: 5.28.09 - 6.2.09

    It will have been 5.5 months between seeing my SO when I see him next. It sucks a lot. But just remember you are strong! It takes a certain person to be able to be in a LDR and it will be totally worth it in the end!


      Aww thanks

      "Together forever but never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart!"

      Met: 9.15.08
      Started Dating: 10.17.08
      Been an LDR since: 10.17.08
      First time meeting: 5.28.09 - 6.2.09


        I was (and still am) pretty bummed out from the last time I saw my boyfriend. It doesn't get easier for me. It gets harder each time we say goodbye. I've already made it 3 weeks and I have 6 days to go! I have made it through the worst, but the past 3 weeks have been depressing. So, I can relate to how you feel. It's a good thing there's places like this around to distract me and not make me think I am going crazy! I hope that you get through the next month okay.


          I know exactly how you feel, actually I guess we all do! It has been 21 days since we said goodbye at the air port and I flew home. Every departure is getting harder to deal with. I've only just been sitting here checking out flights and, fingers crossed, I will book a flight for in 46 days time. That will give us 5 days together, it is hard working out future flights always keeping in mind that we both have full time jobs and I also have to arrange for my two children to be looked after while I am away. (Gee that sounds like a very long time now I've just counted up the days )

          I find that booking flights, even down the track ones, knowing exactly when I will see him next, certainly helps with that 'numb' and oh-so-very-sad feeling that we all suffer from Nat


            I feel like it gets more difficult each time. I've been back 9 days and still not feeling back to "normal" yet.


              Yes. Yes. And YES! It does seems harder each time but I think we get back in the groove faster each time. I'm fortunate enough that this has only been 7 weeks for my SO and I. We have 17 days to go!!! I only get to see him for two days, but we'll make it count!


                I know how you feel.. It seems to get harder as time goes on, because you grow that much closer. And it's ALWAYS worse right after the visit.



                  oh i know exactly how you feel...

                  when john first came to visit me and left.. i felt sad...

                  the second time he came.. i felt sadder..

                  and the third time.. omg... it took me a few months to get over the fact that he wasnt right here with me still makes me incredibly sad sometimes..


                    oops.. double post


                      I am struggling bad. It doesn't get easier. It has been 3 days..
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

