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Your SO's parents?

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    Kalen's parents are wonderful! They love me and I love them too His mom has really taken to me and I love it. He said its the first time his mom has actually liked anyone he's dated. So its a great sign! His mom and I actually have a lot in common and we talk ALL the time, its awesome. As far as my parents liking him, well they haven't quite warmed up to the idea yet, I think its the whole double standard coming into play. The "oh, he might hurt my daughter" thing. But, they will get over it soon enough, they are accepting him more now.


      He hasn't met my family yet but I'm sure they will get along very well. He's coming this summer so we'll see what happens then

      I've actually met my SO's ENTIRE family since I went there for Christmas last year. I have to admit they are really nice people. My SO lives with his parents and his sister. Every time I've been there I've stayed at their house so I can say that I've spent a lot of time with them.

      His mom is a bit weird. She's a very cold person and I really don't know how to be around her sometimes. At times I get the impression that she doesn't like me, although he tells me all the time that she does, it's just the way she is... But at the same time I can't really complain because every time I've been there she's made me feel at home. His dad is very different, he's always joking around and according to my SO his dad loves me, haha. His sister is also very nice and we get along really well

      I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
      I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


        I've met them when I was on Skype with my SO. I haven't met them in person. His dad talked to me for a bit, but I was waay too nervous to say anything. I just answered his questions. XD They seem nice though.
        "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
        a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
        which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
        - Rainer Maria Rilke

        "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
        regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
        The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
        - an ancient Chinese belief


          I like my mother-in-law, we talk together a lot. The problem is my father-in-law, a stubborn, old fashioned, selfish old man. He gets angry over nothing and feels like the world is against him. My SO and he also have a very bad relationship, can't blame him though, since his father used to beat him up a lot as a kid, so they fight a lot - even when I'm there.
          His father always seem to only spot the negative things, also about me... after my SO and I have gotten married his father has gotten even more strict. Since he then compare me to his other daughter-in-law (who is Japanese! which means I can't be like her).

          My mother-in-law is a pushover when it comes to her husband, because he used to hit her as well. She'll do anything he asks of her and always ask my SO to speak nicer to his father and always tries to smooth things over in a way it pleases my father-in-law. Which is also starting to annoy me. Like when my SO was leaving this time around his mother begged him to say properly goodbye to his father (even though his father had been a prick towards him for the past days.) She even used me as an excuse "say goodbye to your father, at least for Isabella's sake" (she fears the father's anger will affect me even more than it has).

          My mother seems fine with my SO - only problem is that neither of them speak English. My father don't like I'm dating a Japanese, but treats him well when he visits. My family is non-violent, but nobody seems to like each other... so guess both of our families are pretty "useless", which why we hope to create our own family as soon as possible.


            i love eric's parents! they're sepeated and he lives with his mom, and i love hanging out with her. eric will have to work when i'm there, and i'll just hang with his mom, we'll talk, laugh, and just bond together.

            i've also been to his dad's house a few times because he only lives like 45 mins away from eric. i love him as well! last time i saw him was when i was there for christmas, and when i got there he said "hey future daughter in law!" it was so adorable

            and my parents loveee eric! he's always trying to hang with my family, and he cooks us dinner all the time. what mom wouldn't love her daughters boyfriend to cook the whole family dinner?!
            Last edited by amandamayaaa; April 17, 2011, 08:24 AM.


              i met them when i still thought things with my SO wouldn't last, after all i was just the exchange student who was about to leave. i love them, they are such a caring and lovely family, and the mom especially, she loves me, i kind of think she's glad to have a girl in the family. she got me presents and always talks to me on skype when she can.
              i hope we'll be like his parents when we get married

              Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.

