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Keeping up w/ SO's Family.

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    Keeping up w/ SO's Family.

    My SO Josh leaves in a month for AZ. He was talking about how it would be a good idea if I kept up with his family while he's gone and he will make sure they tell me if there's any family stuff going on. I'm close with his sister and one of his cousins, and his dad and mom and grandparents (both sides) live in the area. He has quite a bit of family a couple hours away. I have a bunch of his cousins on Facebook and a couple of his Aunts.

    What do you do with your SO's family (if anything, haha)?
    How often do you visit them?

    His parents are divorced, so I was thinking of maybe going to see his Dad and cook him dinner once in a while or something.

    Lol im so jealous! Thats so cute and fun and your lucky! I personally don't know his family or them of me. We live so far and he isn't very close to them. so to answer your question i don't do anything with them lol But i'll visit them one day
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I'm kind of jealous too, haha! No, I have his sister on facebook, and I talked to his mother a couple of times though Skype. He has met my mother, father, brother and sister though Skype too, so I feel like we know each others family a little bit. I'll probably not be visiting them anytime soon, because my SO is coming to me this summer and next summer will be a single ticket, as he is going to college here. I'd love to meet his family one day in real life, though!


        I have my SO's family on Facebook (parents, sisters, aunt and so on). We did visit them quite a lot when I was in New Zealand and once I'm back we're going to do the same thing.


          My parents are on terrible terms with the IDEA of him, that they would refuse to meet him on skype. He's been out and on his own for years now, so meeting his parents is not an important issue, until/unless this works out to marriage.


            I LOVE Loui's family!
            At first his father and both brothers lived very far away and I thought i'd never get to meet them before I left for England. However even when my ministry banned us from seeing each other when ever I would sneek out he'd say 'lets go and see...then he'd name a random relative...and off we'd go. So I ended up on great terms with his Cousins,Aunts, Uncles ect ect.
            Then out of the one of his Aunts died, so I sneak of to the wake...and who should be there but DAD and BROTHER! well it turned outhis father loves me and texts me all the time in England just to see how I am! As do his Cousins!

            It made me feel great to have a family there in the philippines, it makes me miss my own alot less.


              That's too bad. I hope someday it works out. My parents were like that when we first started dating. Heck, my stepdad won't even talk with him, and it's been 4 years. Hopefully your parents will eventually come to realize that he makes you happy and thats what matters. Good luck with everything!


                @Louigene's Girl: What a cool story. It's always great to be so close to family. Right after Josh and I started dating his family welcomed me like I had been there forever. I don't have a lot of family around, so I agree with you is nice to have people around when your own arent there.


                  hahaha I know its great, especially whe myown family don't really support my life as a missionary.
                  its so funny we've only been together 3 months but already when his father texts i'm like 'Hi Dad!'

                  ....oh how I miss them...


                    My SO has a VERY large family (coming from a household of 5 women and thats it - thats a big adjustment for me!)

                    On the whole I really like them, love most of them and love spending time with them. His cousins and mum I get on really well with and will happily spend lots of time with without him.

                    Unfortunately they all live in the States with him so I dont get to see them without him. But I do keep up with a good part of the family on facebook...which has its pros and cons!
                    Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                    Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                    And remember....Love really IS all around.


                      I can't really do anything with my SO family since they are in NY. The only relative I speak to is his older brother since he plays world of warcraft. Aside from that I don't really interact with his family unless I am in NY.


                        I absolutely ADORE my SO's family. I'm friends with his dad, two brothers, and (soon to be) sister-in-law on facebook. His mom doesn't have an account. I've talked to them all, but not the brother and sister-in-law lately as they've been busy planning a wedding. I really love his whole family, and I can't wait to get to spend time with them when I'm in England this summer.
                        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                        Met: August 22, 2010
                        Made it official: September 17, 2010
                        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                        Got married: November 21, 2012
                        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                          I've been with my SO for a while now, and his family has really become like my own. It's honestly like having a second set of parents, and I love them so much. There will be times when I'll call them for advice or to vent over my own parents (depending on the situation). I'm just as grateful to have them a part of my life as I am my SO <3


                            I'm friends with his brother on facebook and we chat sometimes...He isn't very close to any of his other family members though, so doubtful I will have that kind of relationship with his dad and his mother passed away 5 months ago. My family is extremely close, and most of them added him on facebook and try to keep up with's a weird thing for him because he thinks it odd that we talk all the time, but I am trying to get him into the habit of talking to them more so he gets more comfortable with being part of a big family


                              Thanks for all the input y'all. Facebook is great for connecting with family.

