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Why did you choose a LDR over a CDR?

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    I don't know if anyone has said this already (8 pages is a lot of read through), but I didn't choose a long distance relationship. I chose the man I'm in love with. I didn't purposely fall in love with a guy who lives far away from me. It's hard on me every day being away from him. Makes me cry all the time, but the love is worth the pain. It's his fault for being so wonderful.


      It wasn't so much a choice to fall in love. However, starting off as an LDR works better for me. I'm a pretty fearful person, especially when it comes to intimacy, physical expectations, etc. So this has let me work at my own pace in those regards, and the pressure of a visit, should help too. Everything means more this way, and you really know for sure that you love them for them, Thier personality, their voice, persistence, any part of them you can get to despite the distance.
      If I had just met him irl I'd prolly be his friend and close myself off before he could ever think of touching me.

