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THOSE WHO MEET THEIR SO's....what is the memorable THING that they LEFT TO YOU?

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    I have his hoodie which I sometimes wear to bed..generally I wear it around the house when I am studying


      he left me a Chinese red bowl (he had blue one) also a picture of him, he also left me his laptop bag that suit mine..he gave me some good stuff... like Ipod touch! i put his baby picture as wallpaper (hehe he wont like it tho hahah)

      We split the tickets that we had, for bungee jump, i get his, he got mine, also for gondola ride at Grand Venisian Macau.... i gave him a tshirt said, "someone who love me so much went to Hongkong and gave me this t-shirt" haha tacky perhaps.. but he wore it to work!! hahahah!

      ...hum.. he offer me his shirt that time.. but.. i think that time i don't know if i should take it or not.. and regret it now anyway haha i will left something for him for sure when i visit him!


        My SO left one of his shirts here and a pair of jeans which he forgot. I love wearing his shirt though!


          Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
          My SO left one of his shirts here and a pair of jeans which he forgot. I love wearing his shirt though!
          yay!...thats cool!


            My fiance gave me his t-shirt. It has his smell and cologne. When I'm not in a good mood or when I feel lonely and sad, then I hug it and smell it. It relax me and makes me feel very comfy. I miss him very much...


              Originally posted by LotusWing View Post
              My fiance gave me his t-shirt. It has his smell and cologne. When I'm not in a good mood or when I feel lonely and sad, then I hug it and smell it. It relax me and makes me feel very comfy. I miss him very much...
              yah me SO's deo roll on,,he left it too,,and i usually put it in his shirts armpit part,,so that I can always feel his scent...I miss him so much too,,and being away from him now for half a year,,and need to wait for half a year more..hope less...just to be with him again,,drives me crazy...still its different if your SO is around you,,,, :'(


                My SO is coming this june so we'll see how our first meeting comes, but i doubt he will accidently leave anything cause aparently he's only taking one small bag for his month and a half visit here. but he has sent me 2 shirts a pair of boxers and some comfy pants, i love wearing them, just around the house or out, loved when i first got had his scent.... lol sorry if that sounds wierd, but i love it! sometimes ill get one of the shirts and put it over a pillow like a pillow case and sleep with it, so maybe when he comes ill trade one of the shirts for a new one haha
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3

