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Saying I love you

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    I said if after 6 months and he said " I think I do". I was crushed, but I told him to wait until he felt it to say it. He said it about three months later. I'm glad that I waited.
    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


      I'd felt it for a while and now I know he did too, but I couldn't bring myself to say it, because I knew I had to leave in a few months and we hadn't had the "what are we going to do? LD?" talk yet. And by the way he was talking, it sounded like he wanted to end it when I left and he was going to move to Chicago and that would be us done. I was so in love with him and couldn't say anything, I was almost on the verge of breaking it off because I didn't want to get in any more deeper then I already was, if all he was going to do was throw me away at the end of it.

      So this of course was upsetting, and one day I just cried and cried and cried for hours. By the end we were both sat on the bet facing each other, me bawling still and him looking terrified, then he said "So you care for me a lot right?" and I nodded, and he said "I care for you too..... would you say you loved me?" and I nodded again because I couldn't speak, and he said "I love you too" and wrapped me up in his arms. I was still crying, so it took a while to say it back haha. 7 months but we got there in the end.

      Then the week after that we decided we would make it work and go long distance

      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


        A few months before our first meeting I remember asking him this question, "Do you love me?" He didn't really answer my question, he only said that he had liked me so much. However, it didn't take long after that when we finally said "I love you" to each other. He also confessed why saying "I like you so much" instead of "I love you" previously, simply becoz he realised that by saying "I love you" it means that relationship and loving somebody took responbilities. I guess it didn't mean that he didn't want to take any responsibilities but he just wanted to be sure that he would love for what I am and he would take good of our relationship. A lot of I Love Yous have been exchanged and it's so sweet to see that it seems he doesn't want to even let a minute slip without expressing his love for me. I am thankful.


          At that time, we lived in the same city and he went out drinking with his friends. After 10pm he texted me if it was too late to meet that day, I said no because I was worried what was going on, so he walked it up from the city centre to a place where we used to meet and said: ''I am drunk, but I still love you''


            I don't think I'll ever forget the day my SO told me he loved me. It was 3 months on the dot after we'd met (rather quick, yes, but it still makes my heart flutter when he says it). I was having a really bad night, and went to bed in a terrible mood. He had tried to talk me out of it, making me look at the positive side of things, but it really wasn't going anywhere. After a few minutes of silence, I thought he was going to leave it at that, then I got this... "I love you, Kaitlen. These words have been on the tip of my tongue for quite some time now, and I have been afraid to say them for fear of tangling us prematurely before we’d truly gotten to know each other, but… I think we can move forward responsibly being open about our feelings. And I care about you so much more than “I like you” can ever express. This is how I feel now, and how I have felt for some time, and how I imagine I will feel for a long time to come. So don’t go telling yourself that you don’t “really have me” – because you do, in more ways than you can imagine."
            I don't think I'll ever forget those words.


              The first time he said it was over the phone after I went and visited him at school the first time (so right after we officially started dating). I remember it sent a shock down my body and it made me happy, but I couldn't say it back, I didn't feel it, and it felt way too soon... I didn't even believe him yet (it didn't take long for me to believe him though). Before Christmas I was sitting in my dorm, skyping with him and all of a sudden I knew that I loved him, but I couldn't say it yet... I just got this huge smile on my face and I told him "I'm so happy I could explode", and I think he knew what I was thinking but he let me leave it at that. I didn't end up telling him until March when he came to visit me at school, by then I was sure that I loved him... I don't really remember exactly how it went, but after I said it he got a huge smile on his face and wrapped me in a hug!



                I said it for the first time after we'd been dating for a little over two months. I had been wanting to say it for a couple weeks because I knew that I felt it but... I don't know, I just couldn't get it out. Part of me was very concerned with saying it too early and coming on too strong. But we were CD at the time and I was about to leave and go LD so I kind of had this idea somewhere in the back of my head that if I didn't say it before I left we wouldn't be able to make it... but if we told each other we loved each other, we'd find the strength to make it work. There were a few times when I tried to say it and literally couldn't get the words out and sounded like an idiot, haha. We went to the ball drop on New Years Eve and I wanted to say it there so badly but still nothing... but then that night we were lying in bed whispering to each other and he said "I love everything about you" and I just blurted out "I love you." He seemed surprised but he said it back and we fell asleep, it was really romantic. That was three days before I left. Now it's 13 days before I go home!


                  We met online and neither of us wanted to hear (see?) each other say it through IM for the first time, so we sort of decided not to say it until we were face-to-face. We were so head over heels for each other before we met for the first time which made it a real struggle not to say it sometimes so we said everything else to basically say it without actually saying it I'm so into you, I <3 you, I fancy you, you're my everything... etc

                  Then, after about.. 5-6 months of loving each other and not having told each other that, we met for the first time, he came to see me and at the airport he said "Guess what?" and looked sooo nervous, it was adorable I knew what was coming up, said "What?" and he looked into my eyes and said he loved me.. and I said it back straight after.

                  I'm so so happy that we waited to be able to say it face-to-face for the first time, it was amazing ♥


                    I knew I could love him when I met him...and I probably knew that I did months before he told me. We got into a huge fight where I stormed out of the restaurant in his city...and he was sooo worried and upset. We walked home silently in the snow and when we got to his apartment I went in his room and began folding my things and putting them in my suitcase. I had decided on the walk over there that I was too upset with him to stay and I needed to get a hotel for the night and perhaps catch an early flight home. He left me alone for a few minutes (I was in his room) and he came in asked why I was packing. I said because I felt that I needed to. He asked me to please stop and sit down so we can talk and that he didn't want me to leave. I just melted and sat down next to him so hurt because he didn't stop me and because of the conversation. I sat across from him and we talked and he told me how scared he was that I would leave and that would be the end of us. After we resolved the issue he touched my hand and I felt a bit better but were still emotional he said that he didn't want to lose me and he really liked me maybe more than liked me. I said what do you mean more than like and he said that I love you. I told him I love you too and was overjoyed. I had been waiting so long to tell him I wanted him to be first so I could know it was real. I got up and kissed him and sat on his lap and looked into his eyes and told him I love you and have for a long time. He said I love you too this time not out of fear of losing me but simply because he meant it. We say it all the time now he is quite the romantic and I love hearing it and get excited every time.


                      Aww, everybody's stories are so sweet! I've loved reading them
                      Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                      First met: June 13th 2006


                        He was my best friend 1st he said it first we were in the airport and he got all nervous and sweaty and his cheeks were so red he was absolutely adorable so i kissed him and he said it while kissing me which made me freeze and kiss him again :0 and i said it right after even though i had known for about 3 months. it was the best departing gift i could have ever gotten.


                          it happened 3 months before we became official. it was during one of those hanging out together when he suddenly let go of himself. we were discussing something about internet love affairs when he asked me if i would give LDR a chance. i was caught unguarded, i didn't know exactly the challenges of being in an LDR. so while i was gathering my thoughts, and thinking about his question that he loudly spoke what's in his mind. he said, "God, I'm so in love with you!" i was like surprised and acted as if i didn't quite hear what he uttered. i asked him what it was and he said that he didn't realize that after passing through so many crossroads in his life that he could still find the right one towards forever.

                          i know i love him but i was just waiting for his first move. =)


                            Loic and I said it after dating for 7 weeks.
                            We'd known each other since New Years, but officially started dating May 22 last year. I realised I loved him at the beginning of July, and he knew I did. He spent a few weeks panicking about what he'd say when I told him, not really thinking about the possibility that he might actually love me!! I like to tease him and tell him he was worrying for longer than he needed to, haha.
                            So, July 15, I was leaving Cork on a bus to Belfast at 9am, to begin a month of traveling before heading home to Canada. He was going to be leaving for California a week after that. We woke up at about 6am and spent about 2 hours bawling, and I finally got up the nerve to tell him. I said "I think I'm falling in love with you." and he said "Me too." I was quiet for a minute then, and said "Ok, I lied. I'm not falling in love with you, I love you." And he again said "Me too." Not quite an "I love you too," but that was Loic, haha.
                            So he drove me and my housemate to the bus station, and outside the bus, we sobbed and kissed each other, and he finally actually said "I love you" to me.

                            That bus ride sucked.

                            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                              It was the second month when he asked me how I felt about him. He said I love you first. We have been saying it to each other ever since.


                                I said it first. I already knew I had to do such things first it was a couple of weeks after our first visit. I never doubted he felt the same, it was a no-risk thing in my opinion.
                                I was casual about it when I said it, he was surprised but very happy I felt that way. But he didn't say it back. It didn't bother me in the slightest, it was obvious how he felt about me. Then a few days later he just blurted it out during a chat. He first said it in my language, then in his. He said, "I really mean it. You got me. I've been thinking about it for a few days and I wanted to tell you next time we do a video call, but I just couldn't wait that long." I told him it means a lot to me, even more that he said it when he really felt like it.

                                So that was like 7 months ago. Looking back now I see that, much as we were completely into each other at the time, back then we just couldn't have known each other enough to fully love each other. In the mean time we got a lot more experience together and it's only been since his last visit this Easter that I feel like we're truly past the point of no return. We didn't know it then, but saying "I love you" at the time was more of a statement of intent, more like, I commit to getting there with you, and as such it was crucial if we wanted to continue.

                                Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

