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unforgettable line...

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    Originally posted by kteire View Post
    My boyfriend normally is so awkward with sentimental things, but when he's a little bit tipsy, he's blurting out nice things every couple minutes, haha.
    When I was visiting him in Dublin in March, he'd had a bad night (due to some of our jerk friends lacing his drink with more vodka) and he said something that made me upset. He felt awful, and told me "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I don't think I knew how to be happy before I met you."

    But the thing that gets me the most... I'm gonna cry thinking about it! The day I left Cork and our relationship became LD, we both sobbed and he was very embarrassed that I was seeing him cry. I knew that was a lot for some guys... but Loic told me that despite all the terrible things he's been through in life (and believe me, they're awful...), he can't remember something ever hurting him enough to make him cry. So he felt vulnerable and scared at the thought of losing me... Breaks my heart, but god, he's such a catch!!

    And in addition to that one, I later found out that after he dropped me off at the bus stop and I left town, he went to his dad's house, and was such a mess that his family was legitimately concerned about him. They'd never seen him get upset through everything they've had happen. Bah!
    yay!..its almost the same situation we had,,he is tipsy too as he said that,.and he's a bit cryin...hahaha...i know coz he is tough and awkward to him to tell things like that....but I love my SO no matter what...I know heaven sent him to me...


      My boyfriend isn't really one with mushy words, but after the start of our relationship I happened to call and he said, "I just told my friends it was my future wife calling." And... one time we were having some outside family drama and I told him that I didn't know the whole story when I was trying to explain what went down. He said, "I love you is the whole story." There's been more, but those are the two I am remembering this morning in my half asleep state.


        I have type one diabetes, I was diagnosed my senior year of high school. So freshman year when I met Beau I was still learning how to take care of myself and I was still pretty out of whack and upset about it. Once towards the end of the year but the beginning of our relationship, I had a little breakdown about it, I'm not sure what brought it on, maybe I had a blood sugar low or something, but I ended up sobbing about how shitty it is and how my future is a bit grimmer now and things like that. Beau made me feel a lot better and then said something about how it didn't matter, that he would deal with it, that he was "in it for the long haul." We still say it to each other now :-)


          Originally posted by Micah View Post
          My boyfriend isn't really one with mushy words, but after the start of our relationship I happened to call and he said, "I just told my friends it was my future wife calling." And... one time we were having some outside family drama and I told him that I didn't know the whole story when I was trying to explain what went down. He said, "I love you is the whole story." There's been more, but those are the two I am remembering this morning in my half asleep state.
          its overwhelming to hear if you hear that future wife is calling,,,,how sweet and awesome feeling...


            Originally posted by hillke View Post
            I have type one diabetes, I was diagnosed my senior year of high school. So freshman year when I met Beau I was still learning how to take care of myself and I was still pretty out of whack and upset about it. Once towards the end of the year but the beginning of our relationship, I had a little breakdown about it, I'm not sure what brought it on, maybe I had a blood sugar low or something, but I ended up sobbing about how shitty it is and how my future is a bit grimmer now and things like that. Beau made me feel a lot better and then said something about how it didn't matter, that he would deal with it, that he was "in it for the long haul." We still say it to each other now :-)
            ohh heart warming.... ...lovely to hear


              He was about to join the army (just had his medical done and was due to sign the final papers and shizzel about 3 weeks after met) and he discussed it with me and i was against him going because i know people who have been killed in afghan and it really upsets me on the news and stuff, and i couldnt bare to lose him. So he said "I wont go love, not after seeing that sad face, i've got something to live for now, and thats you. Im not going to risk out future for anything, and i couldnt bare to put such an amazing and perfect girl like you through all that. You deserve more than that, and so do our future family." Thats just stuck in my mind >.< Theres so many cute things he says that never fail to make me smile


                There have been many, but this one was just on Sunday so it's really stuck in my mind. I was upset cos my makeup wasn't going right and I texted him I wish I was pretty. And he replied: 'You are pretty!! You're one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, and I've been on helicopter rides through Canadian mountains and ridden a camel up a volcano and seeing you easily matches if not beats the views I had there. so don't ever say that again. <3' He's rarely a mushy guy but when he is it's always really romantic.


                  There are so many things that I could write about that he says. My favorite, though, was when he sent me a random text early in the morning while I was in Spring Break in March. It said, "I just want you to know that you are the best thing ever happened to me. xx"
                  The most recent though was this past Saturday as he was getting ready to go through security to go back home. He told me, "Remember that I love you."
                  "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                  "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                  Met: August 22, 2010
                  Made it official: September 17, 2010
                  Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                  Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                  Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                  Got married: November 21, 2012
                  Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                  Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                    The day I was leaving after the first time he told me he loved me we were texting in the backseat of the car as we held hands on the way to the airport...I asked him what he was thinking about and he said that he didn't want me to leave. "But aside from that just you. How much I'm realizing how deep my love runs for you. And how I want to be your last everything." I asked him how deep his love was and if he was sure he wanted to be my last his answer was "Deep enough to cry at the idea of not being able to get lost in your eyes. Deep enough to make changes in myself for our sake. Deep enough to want to take care of you in every sense of the word. Deep enough to make the distance work and end it asap. I am positive about being your last I want nothing more". This was the first time I realized how much I loved him and how much he loved me! It made me feel so special there are many more since then but that was one of my favorites.

                    Oh and during conversations when he pauses and says I love you baby. You know that right? It makes me smile every time. Or when he is just staring at me when we are on Skype and just says you are so gorgeous. I don't know how I got so lucky. He is a very strong guy but also emotional and very expressive of how he feels both good and bad.


                      After spending the night together, he turned to me in the morning and said, "You know how I know we're meant to be? We spooned all night with you on my arm, and it didn't even fall asleep." haha, so cute. he's a goofball. Then he went on and on for like 30 minutes about how perfectly we fit together -- like he's the perfect big spoon to my little spoon

                      And he sent me a letter that said, "You'll always have my heart. I'll wait forever as long as I know you'll be waiting to see me at the end of time." He's adorable.
                      Why do you wait for me?
                      How do you wait for me?
                      I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
                      I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
                      Here's a song for you, lovely
                      Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
                      My heart is caught in a landslide
                      And it beats for you only, for you only.

                      -"My Lovely" by Eisley


                        Originally posted by TknandLvnIt View Post
                        The day I was leaving after the first time he told me he loved me we were texting in the backseat of the car as we held hands on the way to the airport...I asked him what he was thinking about and he said that he didn't want me to leave. "But aside from that just you. How much I'm realizing how deep my love runs for you. And how I want to be your last everything." I asked him how deep his love was and if he was sure he wanted to be my last his answer was "Deep enough to cry at the idea of not being able to get lost in your eyes. Deep enough to make changes in myself for our sake. Deep enough to want to take care of you in every sense of the word. Deep enough to make the distance work and end it asap. I am positive about being your last I want nothing more". This was the first time I realized how much I loved him and how much he loved me! It made me feel so special there are many more since then but that was one of my favorites.

                        Oh and during conversations when he pauses and says I love you baby. You know that right? It makes me smile every time. Or when he is just staring at me when we are on Skype and just says you are so gorgeous. I don't know how I got so lucky. He is a very strong guy but also emotional and very expressive of how he feels both good and bad.
                        ohh..I remember the time when my Man is about to leave me,,Its so hard,..coz I know that being 7000 miles apart and we will be having 16 hrs. time difference it will be so hard,,its not on the time adjustment,,but on the fact that I will miss him a lot,,though were seeing each other in skype,,since he left,,it makes me weak not to be with him around,,I miss my man.. ...I cried as I read your reply to my post,.we'll thats a part of life..what matters now is how deep our life for each other..LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER,,..Goodluck to us


                          XD ohgee, so many, one of my favorites:

                          "You're beautiful. Inside and out. F*cked up, yes. But beautiful nonetheless."


                            Originally posted by rori795 View Post
                            After spending the night together, he turned to me in the morning and said, "You know how I know we're meant to be? We spooned all night with you on my arm, and it didn't even fall asleep." haha, so cute. he's a goofball. Then he went on and on for like 30 minutes about how perfectly we fit together -- like he's the perfect big spoon to my little spoon

                            And he sent me a letter that said, "You'll always have my heart. I'll wait forever as long as I know you'll be waiting to see me at the end of time." He's adorable.


                              One thing he said when I got some upsetting news was: I'm here for you. It melted my heart.


                                My signature <3
                                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

