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unforgettable line...

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    I will never forget when we were like a year into our relationship and he told me that he often thought to himself "I love her so much. Why don't I just marry her?" I thought it was cute because our relationship was so new still. Last night when I said goodbye and we sat in the driveway hugging and crying for five min I thought to mysellf the same thing. I have a feeling that when we close the distance there may be some big news.


      #32 too I love to hear when my So is saying..he wanna marry me...yay!...touching


        there was one time, just before our latest visit where he said "God, the closer it gets the more I miss you". It was just a few days before the visit and I hadn't seen him in 2 months. I just thought it was so cute :3. Also, since we really haven't been officially together for all that long yet, he keeps telling me how much he's falling for me. He's not usually a sweet-talker, at all, he never talks like that. So when he does, I find it cute :3 and I love it<3
        [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


          My boyfriend says sappy cute things all the time (way more than me actually), but what really stuck with me was, after I had been waiting for him in front of his university building he told me that he had seen me cross the street through the window and his first thought was "What a cute girl!" and then he realized it was actually me

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Oh theres a few...

            One day I was having a really bad day...
            Me: I don't even know why you're with me...I'm such a mess...
            Mitch: yes you are...but you're my mess now...

            He says this now and then:

            "I've decided I'm going to keep you. Hope you're ok with that "

            And just today..He sent me a pic...

            Me: I have such a cute future husband
            Mitch: Yeah..well he loves his future wife very much

            He is the sweetest man ever!
            " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
            Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

            Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


              Me: "Your wrist still hurts? Let me kiss your booboo <3"
              Him: "Nah, forget kissing my wrist, kiss my lips" (hehehehe it was cute also cuz he stopped talking into the mic and just typed this part).


                "I love you times infinity times infinity times infinity to infinity squared"


                  The other night, we were just sitting at his house, cuddling and talking. He said to me "I love you so much. I wish I could sit here with you forever." Awwww! <3

                  "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                  Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                    earlier tonight: you've made me so happy this past year and I can't imagine not being with you. You're pretty- no, you're beautiful. I think you're really beautiful inside and out. I love you more than anything in the world.


                      When she first told me she was in love with me. :swoon:


                        "You make me want to be the best man I can be."


                          wow... there so many but 1 of my favs is when he told me that, I was the most beautiful woman in the world & that he loves everything about me & wouldn't change a thing & that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me


                            Originally posted by traditionalgirl75 View Post
                            wow... there so many but 1 of my favs is when he told me that, I was the most beautiful woman in the world & that he loves everything about me & wouldn't change a thing & that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me
                            thats nice


                              There are quite a lot of those unforgettable lines, but here are a few that I love so much:

                              "I always want to continue this with you, and I want to finish it (with marriage) with you."
                              "I love it when you laugh. When you are happy, it means everything to me."
                              "You have all the criterias I want for a wife."

                              And of course, I love it when he says "I love you" in either Persian or Indonesian, sometimes both! It's just sooooooooooooo cute!


                                He said a lot of wonderul things, I have trouble remembering them, though I have some saved texts. =3

                                Once when I was missing him, he mentioned my cat, Sparks. "Awww love it's alright. You'll be with me again sooner than it ever seems. I love you so much baby. Sparkies loves you too" it was so sweet.

                                "After I finish a call with you I always seem to look up at my ceiling and think about how much I love you. Amazed at how wonderful you are and how much I simply enjoy talking to you." <3

                                Then one night, soon after our first meeting, he'd had a bad dream about us, and he messaged me this: "Ill let you get some sleep now. I just had to tell you about the dream and let you know i love you. I never want us to end. I want nothing more than to marry you some day, and spend my life with you. I love you i love you i love you." Now that made me melt
                                Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                                First met: June 13th 2006

