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"But it's not FACEBOOK official" o.O

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    Me and my SO are on FB and we both are 'in a relationship with ..... ' but nothing to do with it being 'real' or 'official'
    we are official together and we know it the only thing I like about it at FB is when I'm sad or that I have a look or if I'm fixing stuff I'll see that I'm in a relationship with him and it does make me smile
    Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


      Both of us changed our status to "In a relationship". He did it first, but we haven't listed each other. When I did it, I did it more for us, than anyone else. I had guys hitting on me a lot and I wanted it to stop and I also wanted to show him that I wasn't down with it either. It also kind of keeps the air of mystery there, and feels like its something only him and I know... like our little secret (not really a secret anymore to people close to us, though haha).


        Neither of us disclosed our relationship status' but we both have our profile pics set to one of us together. I guess that speaks volumes as well. I'm a very private person and I always rejected putting up my relationship status. Its nobody's business - people I talk to in real life already know what's up, people I only have contact with through FB really dont need to know.

        But I felt a sudden urge of pride since we got together and I've since entertained the idea of publishing a relationship status. I'm still kinda worried I might jinx it lol.
        I don't know how he feels about it either, although he's the one who first suggested we put our pics together as profile pics. Our anniversary is coming up in a couple of months, maybe we do it then.

        ---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

        Neither of us disclosed our relationship status' but we both have our profile pics set to one of us together. I guess that speaks volumes as well. I'm a very private person and I always rejected putting up my relationship status. Its nobody's business - people I talk to in real life already know what's up, people I only have contact with through FB really dont need to know.

        But I felt a sudden urge of pride since we got together and I've since entertained the idea of publishing a relationship status. I'm still kinda worried I might jinx it lol.
        I don't know how he feels about it either, although he's the one who first suggested we put our pics together as profile pics. Our anniversary is coming up in a couple of months, maybe we do it then.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

