We met over four years ago on another online site, and things picked up between us pretty fast. I live in Canada, and she lives in Finland. We're the same age minus a month, so that was never an issue. We started dating in a LDR about a year or so after we started interacting, and we hit it off really good at first, but then, about eight months in, she called it off, because neither of us had any support really from friends or family in our relationship, and the pressure got to her.
After that, I was pretty devastated, so things were pretty up and down between us for the next few months, but eventually, things became stable between us. From there we continued to talk and stuff, and our love for eachother actually grew. Today, her and I still love eachother, and we both know that we do...but...we're not in a relationship. We both talked about it in the past, alot, and pretty much agreed that right now, LDR's are too hard, since we can't actually meet up and see eachother, and thus agreed to look for more 'local' relationships. She's been with a few guys briefly since our breakup, I haven't, but not from lack of trying, yet here we are, dancing around one another. Saying we still love eachother, and miss eachother, and still making eachother happy beyond description. Infact I got a message from her just the other day that begins with...
"ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImiss youI missyouImissyou
ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouIm issyouImissyouImiss
youImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyo uImissyouImissyouImissyou
ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouIm issyouImissyouImissyouImiss
Was that enough? ;P Yeah, I dont say that often enough, especially since you seem to be the only one nowdays who is able to bring a real smile on my face."
Due to both life and time zones, it's hard for us to get together and IM eachother or anything these days, especially on her end cause she doesn't get many breaks. Yet despite this, we both email eachother when we can, we've done the voice chat and video chats (though not for awhile) and while we haven't had a chance to try it yet, I got her a phone card so she can call me on the phone now and talk to me that way. We've also started sending handwritten letters to eachother, and gifts with them. I've only sent out two letters so far, and only recieved one but, in it I got a bunch of handmade stuff from her. Not exactly a 'friend' type of gift, as they were a necklance and two braceletes, all handmade by her.
Anyway, point of this rant is, I'm just wondering what others think of this situation I have with this girl? Is it common in LDR's, or is it just her and I's own personal romance drama we've created. If this is a bad situation, I'm wondering what people think I should do about it, cause, my logic and emotions are kinda conflicted on this issue. I'm asking here because wanted some opinions from people who have been in LDR's themselves, instead of mr RL friends who haven't been, so, yeah, thoughts and opinions would be nice.
So please, thoughts and advice (if thought to be needed) would be great. Thank you very much.
After that, I was pretty devastated, so things were pretty up and down between us for the next few months, but eventually, things became stable between us. From there we continued to talk and stuff, and our love for eachother actually grew. Today, her and I still love eachother, and we both know that we do...but...we're not in a relationship. We both talked about it in the past, alot, and pretty much agreed that right now, LDR's are too hard, since we can't actually meet up and see eachother, and thus agreed to look for more 'local' relationships. She's been with a few guys briefly since our breakup, I haven't, but not from lack of trying, yet here we are, dancing around one another. Saying we still love eachother, and miss eachother, and still making eachother happy beyond description. Infact I got a message from her just the other day that begins with...
"ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImiss youI missyouImissyou
ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouIm issyouImissyouImiss
youImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyo uImissyouImissyouImissyou
ImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouImissyouIm issyouImissyouImissyouImiss
Was that enough? ;P Yeah, I dont say that often enough, especially since you seem to be the only one nowdays who is able to bring a real smile on my face."
Due to both life and time zones, it's hard for us to get together and IM eachother or anything these days, especially on her end cause she doesn't get many breaks. Yet despite this, we both email eachother when we can, we've done the voice chat and video chats (though not for awhile) and while we haven't had a chance to try it yet, I got her a phone card so she can call me on the phone now and talk to me that way. We've also started sending handwritten letters to eachother, and gifts with them. I've only sent out two letters so far, and only recieved one but, in it I got a bunch of handmade stuff from her. Not exactly a 'friend' type of gift, as they were a necklance and two braceletes, all handmade by her.
Anyway, point of this rant is, I'm just wondering what others think of this situation I have with this girl? Is it common in LDR's, or is it just her and I's own personal romance drama we've created. If this is a bad situation, I'm wondering what people think I should do about it, cause, my logic and emotions are kinda conflicted on this issue. I'm asking here because wanted some opinions from people who have been in LDR's themselves, instead of mr RL friends who haven't been, so, yeah, thoughts and opinions would be nice.
So please, thoughts and advice (if thought to be needed) would be great. Thank you very much.
