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    I don't consider them kids till they've been pushed painfully out of an orifice >.>...<.<...>.>... Wait, then where does that count c-section babies? Screw it, I'll make a new definition later.

    Anyway, I bring this up after my most recent visit. I was with Enrique this week for his Spring Break. Well, he's gained a tiny bit of weight this time I saw him. I decided to poke some fun at his new chubbiness (he knows I kid :'D) and would randomly rub his belly like a pregnant woman's. He'd glare at me every time and threaten to kill me :'D. Then we decided to expand this stupidity by saying he whored around with a facehugger from the Alien franchise. When he killed it, he found out he was "pregnant". We decided to name the alien baby, and give it a future. Then when I left on Friday he said it was twins since we couldn't decide what gender it would be. Don't point out the continuity errors, this works for us ;_;! Anyway, I took on the fatherly (even though he says motherly) duties for these alien babies. If you're over 18 I'll tell you what we named them. The names are a little too provocative for me to post here :P.

    Anyway, this got me to thinking. I think this is the most serious conversation we've had about kids xD. Well, except random times he's hinted at wanting them with me one day...Oh God I'm so scared ;_;. Where was I...Oh right! I decided that I wanted to ask the rest of you about this.

    Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
    Have you ever even thought about it?
    Started the baby making or adopting process? :P
    Already have any?

    Well we didn't go about our talking in quite the same manner as you :P but we are planning to try to have a baby fairly soon after we're married. We only want one, and we want it soon. Our thoughts were exactly the same, so it was an easy talk to have.


      Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
      Yep, and we both want 2. As for their names.... don't know yet.
      Have you ever even thought about it?
      We both have.
      Started the baby making or adopting process?
      Once we are married of course!
      Already have any?

      Here is a list of questions you could ask each other before you get married/have kids: (mind you it is long!)
      "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
      "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
      "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

      Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


        I am going for Early Childhood Education (Pre-k to 3rd) he knows I love children and would love nothing more than having a family with him. I've seen him with kids (friends' children and what not) and he's really incredible. I teared up watching him with his friends' daughter during one of my last visits bc I couldn't help but thinking, "If he's that great with her just imagine what he'd be like with his own child." We've talked about "when we have kids." I talk about a girl named Lucy (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds lol) and a boy named Jude (Hey Jude ;D) and he talks about a Bryce Jr. I insist at least one our kids will be into dance and theater while he insists they will all be into dirt bikes, 4-wheelers, and that BMX biking stuff. I'm not sure how it all initially came up but kids have always been a big part of my vision of my future. My ex was very much against having children so it came up fairly early for in the relationship. I remember him saying he wasn't ready for them now but he couldn't wait to be at the point in his life that he was ready for them bc he knew it would be one of the happiest days of his life!!

        Another reason to fall in love with him. Definitely found my match on that one!! XD


          He has children, I have children...we won't be having any together ! We talked about it fairly soon...we are at stages in our lifes that we don't want to have a little one running around. It was good that we were both on the same page.
          Last edited by agentholli; April 6, 2010, 09:54 PM.


            I don't want kids, I think he *might* but not seriously (like "10 years in the future" sort of thing) but we've never discussed it nor will we for many years I think.


              he used to not like having one. he doesn't have a good father figure while growing up and he's afraid that he'll fail to be a good father too. but after we talked about having children several times, he decided to have 2 children as long as the mom would be me.


                I have one daughter already but I definitely want kids with Andy and he wants them too, we both would like a big family but obviously that's not always possible cause of circumstances and it'll depend on the kind of jobs we have etc. But we're definitely having them and he said he wants a boy so if it's a girl then we'll have to keep trying until he gets his little footy player

                I don't care which sex it's gonna be, I just want a baby with him, lol!


                  lol first off thats funny as hell!

                  Have any of you spoken about kids yet? Yeah we have many times, only want 2 and yeah we have discussed names
                  Have you ever even thought about it?Yeah the thought is a bit frightening i wont lie but i do wanna be a mom and have a family
                  Started the baby making or adopting process? :P no not yet, were not gonna adopt, were gonna do it another way
                  Already have any? no. she did but were not gonna get into that due to it being a very private matter

                  We have discussed wanting kids for awhile now, however it wont be until waaaaaaaaaaay into the future


                    Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
                    Yes. Alex wants very much to be a father. He's always wanted that and so we've talked about kids a couple times. We know what we would want... and I'm actually hoping it happens someday ('someday' being the operative word here).
                    Have you ever even thought about it?
                    About having kids? Sure. ^^ It would be a lot of work but I haven't thought of it overly seriously yet because I don't want kids for a few years. I want to get married then have a year or two to ourselves and THEN have kids because once you have them you're not rid of them no matter how old they get and, while that's a beautiful thing, I think I'd want some alone time with my husband before then.
                    Started the baby making or adopting process? :P
                    lol, no. We haven't even met IRL yet and while he wants to have relations physically I'm too nervous about what if I get pregnant so I don't think we will. ^^;
                    Already have any?
                    Nope. Alex almost did. ...Then his ex-fiancee decided to drink until she killed it. >.> and then tell him tht she used to be pregnant. ...yeah, not happy.


                      Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
                      Yes, many times, it's something that me and Jim plan on "Making" xD, he said four but I don't want to pop out that many ._. so two .
                      Have you ever even thought about it?
                      Thought, talked, stressed over, it's all the same xD.
                      Started the baby making or adopting process? :P
                      We will after we get married this year! He is getting me a ring with my birth stone on it, since I don't really like jewelry all that much.
                      Already have any?
                      No but I wish there was an online game where you and your husband have to look after one D: It might be good practice xD >_>


                        Have any of you spoken about kids yet?Yush we have XD;; a lot infact we decided on 4 children ^^
                        Have you ever even thought about it?Yup i have i really want to have them before 30 >_<
                        Started the baby making or adopting process? Nope we are too immature i think for that now and we need everything settled before any babies pop out of me XDD
                        Already have any? Nope nope ^^


                          We talk about having kids, and we both want them. I come from a huge family and teach nursery school so right from the start he knew I love and want kids. I want 4, he thinks three is enough. I'm hoping we'll have two then try for one more and bam twins...haha!We haven't really talked about names too much. We haven't been actively trying to get pregnant, but we sure do like practicing : ) Neither of us have kids.


                            Hmmm interesting topic!
                            My SO and I have mentioned babies There's still roughly 3 to 4 yrs before we get married, but yes we WILL definitely get married and also definitely have babies after that. Awww just love the thought of having cute babies with him! Totally makes my heart melt!! I adore babies. Will probably end up having just 1 or 2 though. But yeah, I often wonder how our babies will look. Will they look like him? Like me? Combination of the 2 of us?? He and I have opposite features in almost everything... for example, he is quite chubby but I'm not ....etc. So I wonder what our "combination" will look like hehehe!!


                              Have any of you spoken about kids yet? It's come up in conversation a few times, and to start with his views were like, 'Not till i'm 35 at least' but that's now actually gone down to 25 lol. I always sort of thought at least 25 becuase i'd much rather have my life more togheter before i plan to have kids. We had a bit of a scare a few weeks ago, and that really freaked both of us out though... neither of us are ready, but he's now said that one day when we're both ready he 'would love to make a baby' with me

                              Have you ever even thought about it? Yeah I'm starting to think about it quite a lot actually - it's only been quite recently that I ever thought about us lasting long enough to have kids, so.. yeah...

                              Started the baby making or adopting process? No, but we practice alot. heh.

                              Already have any? Nope, neither of us.

