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    though we're absolutely too young to have them, we both want them very badly once we get married! we want two. i have a step sister, he as a sister. it's a comfortable number. plus we can have any car, not a huge one by necessity. we can sit in a regular booth at a restaruant. also, there's no "middle child syndrome" like my aunt. no "baby." just Older and Younger. sounds good to us! we've talked about names but we figure we'll have a better idea when they come out... or even when they're in my tummy


      Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
      Yep , we have pretty much varied between 2-4 lol. we want atleast one of each- but we'd be happy with any happy healthy baby =] (i've had a miscarriage previously- hopefully will never experience that again)
      Have you ever even thought about it?
      very much so. Bobby has always wanted to be a daddy and people joke saying that i was born to be a mommy =]
      Started the baby making or adopting process?
      We'd start the baby making process after we're married =]
      Already have any?
      I’m lucky that I have found someone that let’s me clutter every smooth surface in our house, wants to cuddle and take 100 hour naps with me and doesn’t mind if I exaggerate a little while telling a story. I never thought a girl could be this lucky, until I found you. You came into my life and I was hoping you would stay for awhile. You warmed my soul and then I hoped you would stay forever. I love you Cody =]


        Originally posted by ErinKristine View Post
        We haven't really talked about names too much. We haven't been actively trying to get pregnant, but we sure do like practicing : ) Neither of us have kids.
        LMAO OMG! The SO is always telling me, "Well I'm sure not ready for kids right right now, but should get to practicing!" ahahaha He's such a dweeb! We sure do like practicing too!


          Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
          Yes. A lot. We know that we want 2-3 kids. We even know names =P Tiber or Cyrus for boys, Arianne, Cassia or Esperanza for girls. We are both certain that our futures lie with eachother and we both know that we want a family =) I got bored one day and even made us a family on Sims 3. Perfect house and all ^.^

          Have you ever even thought about it?
          I love the idea of having kids, I'm already very involved in child care (gymnastics coach to 2-12 year olds. I've seen all the tears, drama, tantrums, and sadly, injuries) I'm a young leader for the English equivalant of girl scouts and I'm dong my work experiance in a primary (elementary) school. Being a mother is something I look forward to greatly, but I'm not going to be jumping into it as early as I think Alex hopes XD He can't wait to be a dad, and although I love the idea of being a mother, I want to wait until I've got very stable circumstances.

          Started the baby making or adopting process? :P
          Lolno, I'm only 14 and he's 18 XD Although, where he lives its pretty normal to have kids by the time you're 20. Where I live, people that have kids under 25 are frowned at. We also haven't met in RL yet and we've both got many years until we've finished college and gotten into financially stable circumstances (neither of us have much money)


            Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
            Yes, we spoke about it since almost the beginning of our relationship.
            Have you ever even thought about it?
            I ever though about kids, I love kids, and I enjoy their company a lot. But I wouldn't like to have children, and so does he. So we are in the same page.
            Started the baby making or adopting process?
            No, if I get a child it would be a loving surprised but not planned.
            Already have any?


              haha your thread is cute we havent ever seriously thought about it because the idea scares the shit out of us..:P but i think we are both quite young, maybe i'll feel different when im older. we would like kids... $ but we'll see what happens in the future,, the far far future :P we have talked about it though, its cute ^.^


                My SO has Hemophilia so he won't even consider having children. He also seems to think that he wouldn't be able to love his children because he hates all of his nieces and nephews. This makes me sad but I have a feeling that when we both grow up a bit he'll come around to the idea. When I have gotten him to talk to me about it in a vague hypothetical we both agreed that we wouldn't want to have or adopt a child that we weren't positive that we would have the financial means to give him or her a good life. Stability wasn't something that either of us had growing up so we think it's important to take it seriously.


                  We haven't seriously talked about it because we think it's way too early. But once he told me he wanted to have THREE! And that scares me SO MUCH since I don't want to pop out any, okay maybe one, but in 10 years or so.........


                    Haha! That's hilarious. xD

                    We've talked about kids. I definitely don't want them. I want us to go on adventures together and not forget how much we love each other and not forget who we are for the sake of our kids. And I very much like sex. They'd ruin that, too! The reason I'm afraid we'll forget how much we love each other and who we are is because I know so many parents who do that, including mine.

                    He says he doesn't have an opinion either way, but I think he does want them. . . So maybe when I've had my fill of adventures and if I'm sure that won't happen to us I'll change my mind. :P Maybe. . .

                    If it just happens, though, we've talked about that too. It's both of our opinion that a baby that we both created with our love is a sacred thing that we could not forsake and if it happens, it was meant to happen.


                      Originally posted by Kiyenna View Post
                      We've talked about kids. I definitely don't want them. I want us to go on adventures together and not forget how much we love each other and not forget who we are for the sake of our kids. And I very much like sex. They'd ruin that, too! The reason I'm afraid we'll forget how much we love each other and who we are is because I know so many parents who do that, including mine.

                      He says he doesn't have an opinion either way, but I think he does want them. . . So maybe when I've had my fill of adventures and if I'm sure that won't happen to us I'll change my mind. :P Maybe. . .
                      I feel similarly, both with the wanting to enjoy our life together and travel the world etc. and also because I do believe children are a real strain on a relationship, even on one much more stable than ours. My husband and I can hardly take care of our relationship without additional worries and duties, so I'm just not convinced it would be good for the kid(s). Perhaps we'd even end up screwing them up as bad as my parents screwed me up emotionally... God knows I hardly ever saw my parents NOT fighting! My husband has a more positive perspective because his father was abroad a lot, so when his dad was home, they were a happy family and he also lived in a big family (4 siblings, grandparents) while I grew up with only my mom and dad.

                      My husband loves playing with his nieces and nephews, but he's not good with them when they get antsy or cry, he gets impatient really fast and after every visit, he says he actually doesn't want children. I never wanted kids but ever since we got married and as I'm growing older, I've started thinking about it more, because obviously we couldn't stay together if we're of opposite opinions on this matter. While we haven't ruled it out completely and are both still making up our minds, I don't think I'll ever feel ready. I feel much too young, even though most of my friends who are my age are getting ready to have kids - the thought just freaks me out! I know I'll alienate a lot of you simply by saying this, but the physical side of it really grosses me out, too. My mom keeps insisting that it's beautiful, but it just scares the heck out of me to think I'd have a human being inside of me, let alone giving birth to it... And while I'm already at it, I hate how a lot of people think you're not a woman if you're thinking this way or are just shocked that someone could be so "heartless" not to want any children, implying that you're uncaring and unfeeling just because you don't want to procreate. Rant about the societal expectations concerning woman- and motherhood over.

                      In conclusion: I'm not really sure my hb and me are supposed to be parents... while I like playing with kids (when they're not infants anymore - I'm probably the only person on earth who doesn't like babies!), I can just see me going the same way as my mom... staying home with the kid(s) while the husband is out by himself doing fun stuff. I just don't wanna end up that way and wouldn't want to risk bringing up kids by myself if the marriage fails or else having to stay together only for the kids.
                      Last edited by lunamea; April 13, 2010, 11:32 PM.


                        lol alien babies :P

                        We haven't spoken seriously about it. Just like random jokes that remind us of it. Like this CH vid:

                        We'll say, "That's so gonna be us!" and things like "Our daughter better not date an Alliance and holy crap it better not be a nelf." XD And how our kids probably won't like video games and want to play baseball. That brings up scenarios of them sneaking out with baseball gloves and us asking if they've leveled up their tailoring yet. XD Yeah, we're pretty geeky :P We think we're gonna be awesome parents together. ^^


                          LOL! Leveling up their tailoring. xD That's hilarious.

                          And Lunamea! I know what you mean. I just feel mothering instincts more toward animals. I think that's just what I was meant for. And I worry about the kind of future our kids would actually have with idiots like the Duggars popping out a million kids and overpopulating the world and such. And I don't think men ever consider the things it would do to us, which is really annoying. He would want to see me that way? Well that's not very nice! If I ever decided I wanted a child, I think I'd want to adopt one. There are so many kids already who don't have parents and it's selfish of so many people to think they need to make a new one instead of helping one who needs you now.
                          Last edited by Kiyenna; April 14, 2010, 03:27 PM. Reason: I don't know what the heck was wrong with my punctuation!!


                            Originally posted by Kiyenna View Post
                            And I very much like sex. They'd ruin that, too!
                            I agree. Alot.


                              We talked about kids the night before we started dating. She's 8 years older than I am, and that leads to some biological clock issues, so we had a good understanding about kids before we started out dating.
                              We want kids in like 4-5 years when we're financially stable and everything. 2 kids, preferably a boy and a girl.

                              We'll see in a few years I suppose


                                Have any of you spoken about kids yet? We've jokingly talked about it when I tell him he has to wear "hats" (condoms) and he'll whine about wanting me to have his 'spawn'. The one time we seriously discussed it caught me off-guard. I don't recall the whole conversation but we were talking about being together and he sort of skirted my reply with something and I jabbed until he told me he wanted me to be the mother of his child. It really surprised me since I'm used to the guys being anti-baby. It was touching, though, knowing he felt that strongly about me that he wanted to have a family with me.

                                Have you ever even thought about it? I've NEVER wanted kids, and I'm still not sure I do. I have a lot of mental problems so I'm scared I'll be a horrible mother as well as pass these defects onto the kid. Plus I'm not keen on having part of my vagoo snipped in the birthing process. That's scary. I'm considering otherwise sometimes (ONE KID. ONE. ...and 45 cats) but I'll wait until we're living together to get a definite opinion.

                                Started the baby making or adopting process? :P We haven't even been in the same room. Adoption scares me even though I know how tough it is on the kids to be in the system like that.

                                Already have any? My hymen is intact, you tell me. /poor attempt at being witty

