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    Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
    We've talked about it a few times. We both agree that we have to be ready and so we want to wait a while. Today, Ja'Ron did say that he wants me to mother his child and that id be a great mom =D

    Have you ever even thought about it?
    I used to think about it a lot as a kid. Ever since i was a teen though, the idea scares me s***less. It makes me happy to think of having a family with Ja'Ron but, not until we are prepared and im ready.

    Started the baby making or adopting process? :P
    Lol, no. We practice but with every intention to avoid reproducing lol.

    Already have any?
    Neither of us have any children yet.


      You know it's love when you can discuss your future, including future children, and even naming them!
      But first we gotta get married!
      And that's still quite a bit aways. XD


        Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
        Oh yes. We've spoken at great length about starting a family and having children. We can't wait to get married and have three of them. XD

        Have you ever even thought about it?
        I think above pretty much covers it.

        Started the baby making or adopting process? :P
        Just the practicing.

        Already have any?

        Not yet, but within the next few years.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Have any of you spoken about kids yet? Yes and we are sure, that we want kids in the future, when everything is settled down, we both have jobs and a nice place to live.
          Have you ever even thought about it? Yes, since i know Anton pretty often already, eventhough i hated kids before....
          Started the baby making or adopting process? No,hopefully not XD
          Already have any? No.


            Have any of you spoken about kids yet? Yes in depth
            Have you ever even thought about it? You bet
            Started the baby making or adopting process? Nope
            Already have any? We have two each which is more than enough


              Have any of you spoken about kids yet? Yes we have talked about it. We came up with names : Boys- John Edward, William Leonard Girl- Juliana Mercedes
              Have you ever even thought about it? I think about it all the time!
              Started the baby making or adopting process? :P We use protection until we are married and have been married for about a year or two.
              Already have any? Not yet.


                Have any of you spoken about kids yet? Yup! Would love to have 2 girls, and 1 boy *fingers crossed* Girl names : Vania/Alexa ... Boy name: Xavier
                Have you ever even thought about it? Yess. alot.
                Started the baby making or adopting process? Lol, not yet. Maybe in about 8 years or so but i sure cant wait to meet them!!
                Already have any? Not yet.


                  ROFL!!! Darth I have to admit that we joked around EXACTLY like that...and it was pretty random too. He just pat his stomach and said he was pregnant. I was like O.o srsly? and cracked up. We just started joking around about me not wanting it, him acting like a hormonal pregnant woman and then laughing at each other. But in all seriousness my luv already has a 2 year old and I don't have any children of my own. I'm more than okay with the idea of him having a little boy (I think that's one of the reasons why I fell for him so hard...he's a really good dad) and I think it speaks volumes the kind of dad he is. We've never spoken about children but frankly I don't think we do...he has a little one to take care off and I don't wanna pop one out anytime soon lol. So we're fine the way we are right now. I have yet to meet his son but I'm ok with that just because i don't believe in introducing every Dick and Jane you date to your kids unless you're serious about them. I'm nervous at the idea but I already adore his little boy so I don't see any problems with me dealing with his son. Plus I literally raised my little sister (who's seven right now) and feel that I can handle children well. I do look forward to having kids one day but I take it a day at a time.


                    We both already each have children and we established early on that we don't want them together. Although we love the children we have, we're aware of how they impact a relationship, particularly in the baby stages. This relationship is about the two of us, time for each other, loving each other. Having children together is definitely not on the cards.


                      I'd like to have kids with m current bf when we're older, but maybe in like 6 years or so? So it still has some time. But yeah, we talked about it
                      "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                        Have any of you spoken about kids yet?
                        Yes, we've already decided names and how many we want (well I only want one, he wants two lol).
                        Have you ever even thought about it?
                        I never really wanted children before I met Travis. It's funny how much things change.
                        Started the baby making or adopting process?
                        I'm on birth control, and I don't want to start trying till I'm at least in my 20's.
                        Already have any?


                          We have talked about having kids because that is an important topic in the future. We both want at least 2 and at the most 4. We also want a boy and a girl typical right? haha. We've discussed names and such We decided we want to have kids about 1 year after we get married.


                            Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                            We have talked about having kids because that is an important topic in the future. We both want at least 2 and at the most 4. We also want a boy and a girl typical right? haha. We've discussed names and such We decided we want to have kids about 1 year after we get married.
                            You guys are so cute
                            "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                              I've talked about my kid, he's talked about his kid, we've nether had an "our" kid yet lol He laughed when I said my kid is not going to believe in santa clause, but believe in the Christmas ninjas instead and upset all the other kids at school with his/her stories lol.

                              We both want kids for sure, I know I want 2 or maybe even 3, but not for another couple of years, get my classes out of the way and we'll see anyway =p

                              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                                My SO and I know we want 2 children preferably a boy and a girl. We actually talk about it a lot lol but we know it won't be for quite a while. I am so thankful that my SO wants/likes to plan out the rest of our lives just like me!
                                Met: 2.20.10
                                Started Dating: 4.22.10
                                Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                                First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                                Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                                Closed the Distance: 10.9.10

