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Our First Fight in a LDR, Need Help... She Lied

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    Originally posted by kteire View Post
    I do agree with this - but I think the issue is the lack of trust... and maybe knowing how he'd react. I would be afraid to tell my boyfriend something I knew would send him into a rage.
    I get what you're saying, I'm just saying that from my experience when one member of a couple lies about a small issue it's signs of a bigger problem. That problem may be a jealousy issue, a trust issue, anything really, but the point is lying does not address the issue. Also I've noticed that one lie tends to beget another and another and another... So that's why in general I try and be completely honest at all times... kind of off topic, sorry...

    anyway as for this:

    Originally posted by ChristmasFanatic
    Thing is, I would never do this under any situation or atleast be truthful to her. Problem now is, how can I talk to her, Im so hurt and rageful. She didnt even attempted to even just text or email me of what really happened.
    You do what everyone here has suggested you do, you get over it, forgive her, and move on. The longer you allow yourself to be angry and hurt, the more damage you will cause to your own relationship. The sooner you make a conscious choice to forgive her, the sooner you will stop feeling hurt and angry.

