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What is your story??

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    When you met each other were you with someone else?
    I was. But the relationship had major flaws and it was good that I got out of it. Main thing, I was pretty much forced into love and it wasn't true.

    How did you first meet?
    He was in charge of a role playing website that I joined. It was recommended for everyone to get msn to stay in touch in case there needed to be help or anything. And well I talked to him and found out he was a good friend. Then we found so much more the more we talked.

    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
    It was hard at the time because I was still in my other relationship. But I had realized I was thinking about him a lot and talked about him almost all the time, so I went I looked up the definition for love, and found something almost like what I was feeling. For the first time I was in love, and it felt great. So I came out and told him, and he told me he felt the same days earlier than me, ha. I had to end my other relationship, which was very difficult. It was sort of before prom and my ex was mad and this one girl was trying to get us back together...ugh. But I always say I regret nothing, I'm happy where I am today. We were thrilled to have each other feel the same, it was fun telling everyone the news. And at the time we weren't really concerned with being a LD couple, but we did rush the gun and tried to plan a visit right away. That didn't happen though...oh my, am i ranting? ^_^;

    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
    Well no, I'd seen a picture of him when I had first met him really, heh. Before I really knew him knew him. I remember once he was like "Hey, everyone put a real picture of yourself in your display picture riiiiight now!" and I was thinking to myself "Uh, no, I don't know you like that >_>" ah how times have changed.

    One other thing I must rant briefly about. When I first met him, he would always say how he would never want to fall in love or settle down, how it would be a waste or something. I just find it funny how I turned that around, he says being with me is far better than being alone ^__^ I love my Matty!


      When you met each other were you with someone else?
      No, although I think he had some kind of connection with a girl when we first started talking.

      How did you first meet?
      At a wedding. I was dancing with my cousins and he came over and put his arm around me and the shyness in me took over so I pulled away hahaha. But he added me on facebook so obviously I didn't crush his ego too much, and we started talking and it all got better from there.

      How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

      He first asked me if I had a boyfriend and told me he thought I was beautiful and I told him I thought he was attractive, but I didn't really tell him that I had feelings for him until later. The fact that we were so far away made me really reluctant to get involved so I kept my feelings to myself, but he was such a sweetheart so I eventually gave in and told him his feelings for me were definitely mutual.

      When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

      I first met him in real life, and I didn't feel like I'd seen him before but I was paying a lot of attention to him even though there were a lot of attractive guys there :P It was weird, and my cousin even said to me "you should find a boyfriend here! What about him?" and pointed to my SO which looking back seems a little freaky!

      But honestly, he is incredibly sweet. English isn't his first language and he hadn't spoken it for about two years, so he started revising everything he learnt so we could talk properly and I just think it's adorable So in exchange I'm starting classes in his native language in 2 months so he wont have to put all the effort into speaking a language that isn't his native one. He's just nothing like any of the guys I've met before and I love it so much. I'm so glad I found him.

      Ahhh writing this all made me smile so much


        When you met each other were you with someone else?
        I wasn't, but she was (Long Distance too, but much closer than me. He was from Cali, she's from Miami). But then, I think about 5 months after we met and started being friends, I got together with an ex of mine CD.

        How did you first meet?
        I'd read her fanfictions of my favorite JPop band, and then I joined a forum of my favorite Idol back then. One day I decided to go on the IRC chat of that group and she was the only one who was interested enough in a new person.

        How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
        Well, She confessed to me first. I was so dense that I never thought anything when she'd flirt (she had someone and I had someone CD. Also, she was straight...). I mean, she was over 4k miles away from me, we only talked online, I had someone close to me and she had her own things to take care of. But one day she said she liked me, liked me. Not as friends.
        But even so, I never thought anything much. Then one day she said she loved me. EVEN SO I still kept my gf and she kept her bf. We fought a lot this feeling. But then one day I was returning home from college and I was upset and stressed about my final paper. She was the thought that came to my head instead of my then gf.
        Then I thought back and I saw a pattern: Every time I'd fight with the gf, she was the one in my head. She was my happy place. Whenever I was having probems with the gf, I'd think of her and think about when I'd be home to talk to her.
        That day I chatted with her and asked if I could call her on her phone, because I couldn't say type that (She did the same to me. At that time, we'd talk on the phone already). Anyway, I called her for the first time on her phone (I didn't have a skype plan back then) and I told her what happened. I told about the bus trip, about the pattern and last but not least: I told her I loved her too.
        But EVEN THEN we still kept our partners.
        Then on Sept 1st we webcammed for the first time the both of us. That webcam talk sealed the deal mostly. We did things I wouldn't be proud of had I not been sure I was going to break up with my girlfriend.
        The next day I couldn't bare anymore, the gf and I were having many many problems, so I broke up with her.
        When I talked to her at night, I told her I was single for good (I'd broken up with the gf before, but have gotten back together many times). She said the same and we decided to be faithful and have been, since then. (I'll make a thread with more details. Believe me, this is a summary of events. I'm a sensor, I can't get graphic enough)

        When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
        I blushed when I saw her picture. I'd seen only half of her face on msn avatars, but when I got the full portrait, I thught she was REALLY pretty. Still think. But now she's just the prettiest girl in the world in my eyes.

        I am on the process of writing a more detailed story of us on my blog. Feel free to read.
        My blog: A revisit of my most successful LDR. Posting the story of us in chapters.


          When you met each other were you with someone else? No.

          How did you first meet? We met on a web site called Fundies Say the Darnedest Things!; I found the site when someone posted a quote from the main page in one of the childfree communities on Livejournal. I eventually joined the forums, I think this was around November 2007, and he was one of the mods.

          How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them? Well we knew each other on FSTDT and Facebook for a few years; we would often flirt with each other when we were both in the IRC chat. We had a lot in common and I always complained that he lived so far away. Mostly I was just having fun with it, not thinking anything would actually come of it but I always figured we'd at least meet in person one day. Last summer I was dating a guy here; after he broke my heart my SO started talking to me and flirting with me more, and said I was one of the few people he really cares about and said we should meet in person, and started talking about becoming LDR. I was pleasantly surprised! Then we got to video chat a couple times and I heard his voice and saw his smile for the first time; he was beautiful, I was hooked! That was in October last year.

          When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before? No; I just remember thinking he was really cute.


            When you met each other were you with someone else?
            We were both single, though I had been flirting with a guy for a couple of months and I had a lot of trouble with him when I met my SO.

            How did you first meet?
            I was on a one-week exchange with his school in America. I shadowed my correspondent for the day, and my SO happened to be in her math and English classes. Everyone was asking me questions about the Netherlands, so was he. He already knew a lot about it, because he wanted to study there. I was really interested by that, and we decided to keep in touch after I went back home.

            How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
            I didn't know what I felt for him after I was back in my country, but I knew that he had a crush on me ever since he saw me for the first time. The other guy had made me really insecure and I wasn't sure if I was even ready for a relationship. Within a month after I got back, he expressed his feelings to me and I completely melted, because he was so damn cute. I realized that I really wanted to date him, and that is how our relationship started.

            When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
            No, I have to admit that I didn't think he was very good looking at first. Now, looking at the same pictures, I can not imagine how I could EVER have thought that, as he is really handsome in my eyes


              When you met each other were you with someone else?

              How did you first meet?
              A mutual friend of ours was going to set us up. Unfortunately, she never did. So I was on our mutual friend's Facebook page and saw that my future SO commented on one of of her statuses. He commented back and we went back and forth... I felt bad for how many notifications she must have had :P We then took it to Facebook chat and texting. After three weeks of talking we went to the movies together and the rest is history!

              How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
              I literally just said "So.... I like you". He said "I like you back". I said "People who like each other normally date" and he said "Yes they do". So we became official.

              When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

              Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
              Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
              Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
              Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
              Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                I'm loving this thread!

                When you met each other were you with someone else?
                I was dating someone at the time, but I was open to meeting new people since my ex at the time was kind of friends with Jacob (only acquaintances lol).

                How did you first meet?
                I met him over Skype the first time I ever saw him. Jacob is friends with a friend on mine from high school. One night my friend was bored and he was at Jacob's house, so we had a little Skype party. We met in person the first time with my same friend when we all decided to go eat at Ihop. I had never laughed so hard in my life! Jacob was cracking up jokes left and right.

                How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

                Jacob and I took awhile before we finally told each other. At first I thought he was talking to me to help me with my bad breakup with my ex, but we kept talking in general long after the breakup. It was my week long trip to Washington DC where I started to notice that he had feelings for me. We texted the whole trip and he kept telling me how he's been bored because I wasn't in town. xD As cute as it was, I picked up on it right away. When we got back, he invited me to go to a waterpark with him and some of his friends. It was then when I realized I had feelings for Jacob. We began to hang out A LOT more in person and we finally told each other one night. He came over to my house and my family had all gone to bed and we found ourselves just talking about our lives and such. He told me about the hardships he faced as a child, which broke my heart because I couldn't believe how humble he was after all he had been through. I found myself giving him a hug and we ended up cuddling on the couch. I could hear his heart beating fast and I asked him if he was ok. He said he was fine, but he asked if I would be his girlfriend to make it better. Of course I said yes and we talked about how we each liked each other for awhile.

                When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                Not really, but I knew he looked like someone I would really get along with.
                "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob


                  Fun thread, okay my story.
                  When you met each other were you with someone else?
                  Nope, hes actually my first bf. He was single to although he had a few other options if you will.
                  How did you first meet?
                  eh okay. We met on a game site. Neopets. Lol not the place you would think and imagine falling in love with someone at. I was bored so I randomly messaged him. He had this wolf avatar that i liked. I can't even remember what I said, probably just hi. Don't remember the first convo's but he replied back, and we talked and i soon became excited and wanted to talk to him hoping he was on every time I went on. Became flirty pretty fast. And just grew from there.

                  How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                  After talking for some time, not sure how long but i know it was a couple of months, not that long though. I had already liked him but I wasn't sure if he liked me that way. I mean it was online, scary. I wanted to ask him but couldn't say it or get the words out. he knew though lol He wrote just say it, and i replied with no, what if you dont feel the same. He kept saying i wont know until I say it, but i wouldn't so he asked me. His words were "will you be my girl?" those words are still so sweet lol but im sure you can guess my answer. And then nearly 3 years later here we are.

                  When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                  Nope, had never seen him. But I wasn't exactly attracted to his picture. Lol his fault. Cause when i saw him he was cute but so young looking! I was like hmmm but it didnt mater because i already had feelings turns out though that was a old pic. he was like 3 years younger in it, but i think maybe even younger! haha but then seeing him on webcam ah was like yay!! lol omg hes yummy okay.
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3


                    This is a really sweet idea for a thread... reminds us all how/why we started in the first place!

                    When you met each other were you with someone else?
                    No, but we were introduced to each other by my ex... we were eleven at the time, and, obviously, my ex and I hadn't started dating yet. We met a pretty long time before we started to date!

                    How did you first meet?
                    At our lunch table in sixth grade. My ex (and one of my best friends at the time) brought him to the lunch table where we sat with our group of friends, and said he was one of his friends on his baseball team. He was very quiet, and no one really noticed he was there for a few weeks! I remember trying to engage him in conversation a few weeks later by talking about how many times we had "gotten married" to someone in kindergarten!

                    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                    I think by our junior year of high school, he knew. We went with each other as "back ups" to junior prom (upon my suggestion) and had fun, but he was not at all ready for any kind of relationship. In fact, I remember that throughout our whole senior year, he was very vocal about how getting into relationships at that point was a stupid idea because we were all going off to college soon. But, as he's told me more recently, he started having feelings for me that year, but tried to ignore them because of college. Apparently, our senior prom changed everything, and he struggled for a few months afterword to try and figure out how to tell me, which he eventually did in early July. Meanwhile, I'd had feelings for him for three and a half years, and was just trying to get over the boy that (I thought) would never like me back. Wow, we've come pretty far!

                    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                    We didn't start out online, so no, but I have known him for a good portion of my life, so seeing old pictures of us together (with a bunch of other kids) is always pretty trippy!


                      Our story is in my Signature~ But neither of us were in a relationship, we met on a MMORPG called Mabinogi, he asked me out really cutely and awkwardly~ And when I saw him for the first time.. I don't think I'd ever seen anyone like him before. He was totally unique. There were little traits, like a scar above his eye that looked exactly like one my friend Derek has, that were similar to other people I knew. But overall... He was the cutest guy i'd ever seen in my entire life, and he still is.


                        *When you met each other were you with someone else?
                        No, but I was trying to work out a relationship between a friend who I thought I could never live without, he was there to help me open my eyes and show me that I deserved better
                        *How did you first meet?
                        Facebook lol I had never talked to him before that night when he put a status about feeling lonely, when I commented we quickly hit it of wit a loong conversation ....followed by many others
                        *How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for him?
                        I told him straight out when we were talking one night :P he told me he felt the same way...
                        *When you first saw a picture of him, did you feel like you had seen him before?
                        He did actually jaja he looked like my supervisor where I used to work, I even asked him if his name on FB was fake ...


                          When you met each other were you with someone else?
                          No, but I was hung up on someone else, so we were friends for a while before anything happened.

                          How did you first meet?
                          On a website named stickam. I was doing a live show and he random came into my chat room. He was being highly entertaining and I thought he was hilarious, but a moderator of mine found him inappropriate and kicked him out without consulting me prior to that. So I found his account and messaged him, apologising for that moderators behaviour and that I really enjoyed his company. He gave me his email and then we spoke on msn, then FB, then skype.

                          How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                          He had always made it obvious to me that he enjoyed talking to me and thought I was an amazing girl. It took me a while to warm up to him because I had just gone through a bit of a heart break and we were still friends at that time so he knew about it. Eventually I stopped being scared of the unknown and I decided to let the feelings for him - that I had tried to bury - grow. And it went from there.

                          When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

                          No, not really. I first saw him on webcam during my live show. But he is honestly everything I've always secretly wanted in a guy - looks and personality.


                            When you met each other were you with someone else?
                            No, but there was a guy that I liked and was flirting with a bit.

                            How did you first meet?
                            Through the guy I mentioned above! I used to talk to him and his friend on Xbox Live. His friends younger brother is my boys best friend! We all used to be in a party and would talk pretty much every night, this lasted for about a month I think or two I think. Though me and Thomas got off to a bad start. The other guys had told me that he was ginger and gay (I don't have anything against gingers or gays btw). So I asked him, and used to call him queer, which he took offense to. But I was going through a phase of calling everyone queer, so I wasn't actually calling him gay. We used to play on Call Of Duty: Black Ops, and some how I always managed to end up killing Thomas! (Hehe). We never really talked to each other until we were suddenly left in a party with each other one night. We talked constantly for the next nine hours! And started talking on facebook and xbox more.

                            How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                            We started saying 'love ya' and 'love you' as a joke at first, but then we did start to love each other. I was due to go up to Edinburough for tests into the army (I was going to go in, I'm not now), and then a few nights before, I realised that I was madly and truly in love with him. I didn't dare tell him, so I told him that he can tell me anything that he wants, absaloutly anything. He can trust me to tell me anything, and I made sure that he understood that, because he's not shy, and I knew that if he was in love with me too, then he would think about what I had said and would tell me. The next night when I was on my way back from Edingborough (its only an overnight thing, but I got deferred for a heart murmur on the medicals which was the first thing that you had to do when you got there), he told me he was in love with me. I was getting on the train from Newcastle to Hartlepool (the town I live in) and was saying that I would be home soon, and he said I'd better be because he missed me, and I asked why, and he sent me a text that was a mixture of 'I love you' and 'I'm in love with you'. I text back asking what? and he just replied 'I love you'. Then he sent me a text saying about how I'd talk him that he could tell me anything, and he said 'I'm in love with you', right as the train was going past the Stadium of Light. I must have taken a while to reply, I was just so happy and a little bit shocked that he did tell me, that he nearly sent a message saying that he was joking!!!

                            When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                            No it didn't, he changed a lot in the past year, and looks a bit different now. When I try and think back, the newest photo that he had on his Facebook did seem to make him look familiar, but then, I am thinking back and could be wrong with what I am remembering....


                              When you met each other were you with someone else?
                              I was not. I went on a trip to Mexico most definitely single, because I have what can only be described as a HUUUUGE Mexican fetish, and this was my first time going with out parents. I had every intention of taking advantage of those two combined facts He DID have a girlfriend though, so I behaved myself around him. (I swear! ) They broke up when he moved to Canada 2 weeks after I left. And I donīt care what anyone thinks of me, it makes me secretly happy that he thought I was worth the distance when she was not.

                              How did you first meet?
                              On a trip to Mexico with my best friend, Jessie, who is from there. We stayed with her cousins who are about our age, Alexa y Rodrigo. One day we decided to go to Six Flags, and Alexa invited her best friend, Miguel. I still remember his first words to me: "I DO speak English?" We had a blast that day, and continued hanging out for the duration of our stay. He had the best English out of anyone I talked to there, so we spent a LOT of time just talking between the two of us.

                              How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                              It was an accident!!! I had a crush on him from the moment I laid eyes on him, but I knew he was in a serious relationship at the time. And even after they broke up, I didnīt want to be like a vulture :P However the first time we ever web cammed together, I wanted to send Jessie a text saying how absolutely gorgeous and fabulous and fantastic and sweet and cute this guy was. Sadly, I did that drunken-text thing where you send it to the person who is the subject of the text Iīm one lucky-ass white girl though. He made me look him in the eyes, and he told me he felt the same ^^ It took us about 2 months from there to give in to an LDR, but that was the beginning of something special

                              When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                              We met in person, but actually, I did have that feeling! I have an ex that I was completely in love with, who basically left me for another girl with out telling me. Schmuck. Anyways, when we first met, he did used to be quite sweet and innocent. Meeting Miguel, it was like seeing the man that this guy had the potential to be. It was nice to see that sometimes, people DO retain their childhood innocence ^^

                              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                              -Miguel De Cervantes

                              Read our story HERE


                                When you met each other were you with someone else?
                                No, I hadn't dated anyone for a few months before we met.

                                How did you first meet?
                                I lived with a few of his friends from high school, and went to a new years party with them. He was there and we spent the entire night talking.

                                How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                                We had a physical relationship for a few months whenever he'd be in Cork, and when he moved home for the summer, after a few weeks of spending every day together, I said, "You know I like you right?" And he laughed and said "I know, I like you too."

                                When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                                No, he was unlike anyone I've ever met. I saw a picture of him a few days before I met him and thought, damn, that guys is very cute. So I made a point of talking to him when I did meet him!

                                Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                                Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                                Closed the distance June 18, 2012!

