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What is your story??

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    When you met each other were you with someone else?
    Not exactly. We started talking on Facebook, and I was single... he ended up with a girlfriend soon after we started talking. We were just friends, best friends, for months after that.

    How did you first meet?
    I've never actually met him in person, but I know he is who I want to be with. We started talking on Facebook last September (2009), and we were just friends until recently. He lives in Virginia, and I live in Michigan. When we met, he was only 17, and I was 18. For some reason, I seem to have a thing for the younger guys But he turned 18 in February, and I am still 18 until May, so it really isn't too bad.

    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
    I have liked him since we started talking. He ended up with a girlfriend back home, but we kept talking almost every day. He'd tell me he loves me all the time, even though it was just as friends at that point. They were together for months, and I hated every moment of it, haha. When they finally did break up back in January, I have to say it kind of made me happy. I wanted to be with him, but he wanted to wait until we meet, which made sense to me even though I wanted to be with him. So, i decided to talk to guys around here, and got a boyfriend. That lasted only a few days, because I knew I wanted to be with Nolan and I only thought about him EVERY day. I was upset one day, and really missing him, so I told him I didn't want to wait to be with him. I wanted to be his girlfriend NOW. And, surprisingly, he agreed, saying he loved me and he wanted to be with me no matter what. We became a couple, on March 28th =] and I love it! We've talked about seeing each other, and meeting each other's parents and family. I love him more than anything, and I miss him every day and cannot wait until we can finally be together.

    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
    When I first saw his picture, I knew he was something special. I don't know why, but I just knew it in my heart. We've talked almost EVERY day since the first day he talked to me, and we've only had one or two days where we haven't talked. I dream about him almost every night now, and he does the same with me. Our relationship is very different, I know that much, but I love the boy <3
    [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


      When you met each other were you with someone else?

      I wasn't with anyone when I met Garnet, as she is the first, and last girl in my life.

      How did you first meet?

      We met when I joined her guild in World of Warcraft. I had been sort of unhappy with the current guild I was in, and another guy in her guild talked to me about joining, and shortly after I looked into it. Our first raid we did together, I got this helmet that I guess later found out that she wanted, and that she hated me for getting it. Of course, she didn't stay mad at me for long! And then, the friendship part of our relationship started growing.

      How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

      Well we had been spending more and more late nights together just the two of us, doing various activities, and I started developing really strong feelings for her. This continued for a short period, until one night, we started talking about another guild member, and how I liked him, but didn't want to say anything because it wasn't the usual. (Yes, I said HIM. :P) Now we both had different ideas of what this meant. I had thought that she had been dropping hints to me that she was interested, I don't know, because I'm stuck up on myself or something maybe, anyways! However she, thought that we were talking about another female guild member, as she thought I was interested in this other girl.

      So we continued on with this very bizarre conversation, until we got to the point where she was like, well just tell me, and I was a little coward and was like, no way! And so eventually I was like, well okay, I'll tell you. ...Tomorrow! And so I waited until tomorrow, December 22nd 2008, to be exact, because you know, somehow it would be easier to spill my heart out at that time. When the time finally did come, we were in Moonglade (An area in the game, for those who aren't familiar with it. We both played Druids, so it was a sort of special place for us.), and so I told her how I felt. That I thought she was so beautiful, and just all around amazing. I was actually expecting to just get shot down, so it was a huge surprise when she told me she felt the same way.

      After this, I think it was either later on in the night, or early the next day that the "I love you"s came. We sort of moved fast, and it worked for us.

      When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

      I can't say that I felt like I had seen her before? I didn't read other peoples' answers on this question yet, but have many felt this way? That seems sort of strange to me. :O


        Originally posted by Bluestars View Post
        How did you first meet?
        A little over a year ago, my best friend at the time and I joined a dating site called OkCupid because we were bored and wanted to see who the site would match us up with. While it initially began as a joke, but somehow we both got really into it and started talking to people. A week after a joined, I got a message from this gorgeous boy who said, "I see that you like the band Of Montreal! Kudos!" I responded, and for two weeks we emailed each other back and forth. After two weeks, we started talking on AIM daily, and slowly I came to develop a huge crush on Jared....however, he was over 800 miles apart. Soon, we progressed to talking on the phone every night for hours on end, and although we flirted and it was obvious that we both liked each other, we didn't think it would work because of the distance (and the fact that we had never met in person).
        Bluestars, my SO and I met on that dating website too!!!


          Originally posted by Sixx View Post
          Bluestars, my SO and I met on that dating website too!!!
          Awesome!!!! Ha ha! I love seeing other people who met on there as well In a few years I think I will submit out story to the success page


            I like this. It's more original than the ones you usually see!

            When you met each other were you with someone else?

            No, but I found him while pursuing someone else. XD And he was single, too.

            How did you first meet?

            When I was a young sprout, I was never attracted to any boy. >.> So I settled for a disgusting fool because he was closeby and convenient and I didn't want to end up alone forever.

            He never showed much interest in me and I wanted to get him to like me! He played an MMORPG called FFXI and suggested I play it. I liked Final Fantasy, talking to people online, and I thought maybe I could get him closer to me that way.

            When I finally got everything I needed to play, the asshat took a whole week to get me a world pass.

            My very first day, he never showed up to help me get started. I wandered the streets of San d'Oria a sad, stupid newb who couldn't even find her way outside. I ended up in front of the auction house where I asked for help and people ignored me, but then I was poked by someone named Shadeslayer. He helped me get started and we spent time together almost every day and have since then. >.>; 4 years, 7 months!

            He was about to go to bed! And quit FFXI. Had I arrived even a few minutes later, there's no way I would have met him and my life would be dramatically different. The tiniest change would have thrown everything off. For this reason, I'm convinced it was supposed to happen. :3

            How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

            I lost someone important to me and when I came home from their funeral he was there for me, just like he always was. He was afraid I'd do something to myself and he told me that if I did, it would hurt him very badly and he'd never forgive me and he made me promise not to. And before I went to bed, I figured it was safe to say it after he did that, so I told him that I loved him. And he said he loved me too. We didn't act like it was momentous or anything because we both already knew. We kissed and went to bed just like always, but it was special that we finally said it and we always say we love each other before we go to bed since then.

            When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

            No!! Haha. XD I was very surprised at how beautiful he was.


              Telling this story makes me feel so girly...

              When you met each other were you with someone else?

              I had gotten out of my last relationship about a month before I met him. My ex dumped me because I didn't want to do a summer internship with him at some stuffy laboratory.

              How did you first meet?

              A couple that I'm friends with were having an engagement party back in summer of '09. It was a big barbecue with over a hundred people and I only knew the two girls I had come with. I knew when I walked into the yard that it was going to be a good night. The life of the party were these 5 British boys with legendary alcohol tolerance. They had travelled all over the U.S just exploring and staying with friends or friends of friends.

              My SO, Max, was the only one out of them that abstained and didn't seem intent on making an idiot out of himself. I didn't even notice him at first. He was sitting with his ipod on the garden wall away from the rest of the party. I don't know what possessed me to go over to him. He gave off that "f*** you" aura. I guess it felt like a challenge to me.

              I asked him about his trip and he told me that it had been "utter shit" and his friends were "f***ing morons". I think he wanted me to go away. But I didn't of course. And then somehow we spent the next 10 hours talking non-stop. He was completely hostile the first hour and by the last he had started to open up.

              His friends and him were crashing in the guest house of the newly engaged couple. They were only supposed to spend 3 days but somehow they ended up staying 3 weeks. One of his friends said that it was because of me, but I'm not sure how truthful he was being. Max and I spent every day together. The entire time I kept emphasizing that there was nothing romantic between us and I insisted that we were just friends.

              How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

              Finally, I broke. On his last night I told him that I thought that I was falling in love with him. He looked like he wanted to throw up. He said thanks and told me that he was flattered. I was mortified. The trip to the airport was awkward and our goodbye was uncomfortable. He wouldn't even hug me. We shook hands instead. I felt like an idiot.

              When he got back to London he sent me this really brisk almost robotic sounding email, telling me that he had arrived safely and thanking me for being a good host and tour guide. I spent the next three days crying into my tub of chocolate ice cream until I get another email from him, a very different one. This time he basically poured his heart out and proclaimed his undying love for me and his determination to make this work.

              When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

              I laughed when his friends showed me a picture of him in his school uniform. It didn't look like him at all!




                  I'm curious to know what people's story's are on meeting one another? I like to hear stories like that.

                  When you met each other were you with someone else?
                  nope. i had been single for a long time since, and i was just looking for someone special.

                  How did you first meet?
                  at this church camp called efy. it's like a teenager's paradise for meeting people of the same faith and standards as you. we just so happened to get placed in the same group.

                  How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                  we played the guessing game for about 5 days, then finally, the night before it ended, there was a dance. i asked her to dance, and i just told her that i liked her, and she said she liked me too. there's a lot more to it than that, but that's the gist of it.

                  When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                  not exactly. but when i first saw her, i just knew inside me that it wasn't just a simple crush.


                    When you met each other were you with someone else?
                    Nope... we were both single at the time.
                    How did you first meet?
                    I added her on facebook by 'accident' thinking she was someone else. I wrote this story under my blog and under my about me section of my profile (I think the one under my profile needs some editing for clarification). but i'll sum it up for ya guys

                    I added her on November 3rd 2009 after finally gathering enough courage to ask the megan in my class to see if she was on facebook. She gave me her full name near the end of philosophy class... so after class I went home and tried to find her on facebook. Seven Megan's came up in when I typed her name in the search bar. I thought to myself, one of them must be the one from college... but who? So I added two and message two Megan's. My message was simple... "Hey Megan, Are you currently enrolled at Camosun College and taking Philosophy 102?". Only my SO replied saying "hi, I am sorry but no, I am from Malaysia. nice to meet you by the way!" Which completely caught me by surprise. We sent a few emails to each other that night and kept on asking each other questions as the days went by. On Thursday of the same week I asked the Megan from college why I couldn't find her when I searched for her. She told me she had her security settings and therefore had to add me. When the Megan from college finally did add me, I noticed when I checked out her profile to see that she changed her relationship status only a few days before. Another thing really surprising to me is... that both my SO and the Megan from college had VERY similar astrology. Turns out they both shared the same Chinese astrology sign... yes the same. Its like I true love and a doppelganger who I was completely uncompilable with. We kept on sending emails to each other and well... we kept on finding more and more things in common with each other. I actually started hinting towards love only one week after talking to her and started using the word love two weeks after we first met in our emails. Jumping ahead a few months we spend New Years eve together. Also we planning to meet in person this summer for the first time.
                    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                    I told her in the first week without hold back. why? I feared if I waited someone else would snatch my SO away.
                    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                    At first I was thinking... is this the same megan from college? that became later the same day... Oh my gosh! I'm talking to her!
                    I'm slightly embarrassed my love for saying this
                    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                      When you met each other were you with someone else?
                      No, We had both been single for quite a while. My ex and I were together for about 6 years, and after that breakup I only tried dating one other person, which did not workout(because of the person's situation)

                      How did you first meet?
                      We met on the dating site OkCupid. I had signed up on that site because I am a pretty shy person and when it comes to talking to someone I like, well it just doesn't work out for me. So I decided, Why not?, I had nothing to lose. After a few weeks of just talking to men I wasn't really too interested in, I decided I was just gonna delete the profile.

                      My SO contacted me before I did delete the profile, I wasn't looking for an LDR but he talked to me, so I decided to get to know him. So he gave me his cell number because he was going on vacation for a week. During the whole week, we texted and also talked on the phone for hours at night. I just instantly had such a great feeling about him and I felt like we had an Instant connection. A week later, when he got back from vacation he was coming to visit me(which was planned during our talks before). He drove only about 3 hours from Indianapolis to Chicago.

                      When I first saw him, I felt as though I was just meeting up with someone I had not seen in a while, an old friend. I felt like I had known him for much longer than I actually had. We both just smiled widely, and gave eachother a huge hug. That smile pretty much killed me lol, and I fit so perfectly into his arms. I showed him around my city and we enjoyed a nice dinner and the rest of the evening outside watching the fireworks. (It was on July3rd, which is when we have The Taste of Chicago event and the pre independance day celebrations). We talked alot about pretty much everything. I loved the insightful things that he had to say, and we have many beliefs and interests in common. I just felt so strongly for him. After that weekend we both decided that we wanted to be together, making it "facebook official" as he said :P

                      How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                      I felt some scarily strong feelings for my SO. Scarily, because I was just afraid to fall in love and have it not work out. He told me he loved me before I did. We were just laying in bed together and he looked me straight in the eyes and said something along the lines of 'I love you so much, you are such a kind soul'. My reply just came naturally, I told him I loved him too.

                      When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                      Not really, no. I definitely felt as though he had been an old friend once I met him in person though.


                        well, my 1st post :$

                        When you met each other were you with someone else?
                        Nope, both single but i was still a bit hung up on my last gf who id broken up with (long story) about half a month before i met natacha

                        How did you first meet?
                        her friend moved from canada to england years ago and last summer (2009) i met her friend at a gig, and both of our friend groups sorta merged. anyway, my best friend started dating her friend and somehow got natacha's (my girl) msn and then he slept round one time and was speeking to her and when he went to the toilet, i stole his laptop and started speeking to her, i gave her my msn and it sort of went from there on.

                        How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                        we wer just sitting there one night vid calling, like we do, and she was going away to somewhere else for the week (i think it was sherbroke?) and she was just like "adam just told me he likes me, wich isnt good" so i said, "whys that not good?" and she replyed "well, i now have to go a whole week knowing someone likes me, and i like you" and i was just like :O "is it bad, that i sorta like you too?". then about a month(?) passed, and i was sleeping round a mates and i remember saying to her "what would you do iff i asked you out?" and she just said "probly fall off the bed" witch made me lol and i was like "no seriously?" so she replyd "id say yes, i love you" so obviously the next thing i said was "will you go out with me?" and she said "Oh. Fuck. Yes."

                        When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                        She sorta looks like one of my best friends so i was just like wow, thts odd, but 'cept from that, nope :L


                          When you met each other were you with someone else?

                          How did you first meet?

                          Well...we met on a dating of those rip offs that you have to pay to talk to anyone! Well I attempted to cheat the system after no longer wanting to pay for it anymore by strategically placing my yahoo IM in my 'about me' section. And to my surprise,while talking to someone else from the site,he popped up and was the only to get my clue. Thank gosh for that! He lives in Ireland while I live in the states so there was an 8 hour time difference but we managed to talk pretty much everyday...for like 6hrs at a time. We both knew there was something there the first time we talked, and continued to talk throughout the whole summer and when Christmas break came ( we had made joking comments about me visiting him or us meeting) and then I figured...what the heck...he doesnt seem like any stalker, crazy, psycho type lol So I went to visit him in Ireland for a week ( man was that a loooooong flight!). After my visit we decided to become a couple and everything since then has gone great. He has come to visit me in Seattle two times since for 7 weeks all together and I returned to Ireland in last November to watch my hunny receive his second degree from Uni. He is now returning for his third time the 26th of April to sign our visa papers to be married. Little did we both imagine that we would meet our future husband/wife online and things work out how they have.

                          How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

                          I remember it oh so well. He was really shy at the beginning so I was the first one to say that I really liked him and only then did he say he "fancied me A LOT". I was also the first one to put out there that I was falling in love with him after only the first visit and talking for 6 months. He responded on Valentines day with a bouquet of flowers called "P.S I Love You" and another card saying "P.P.S I Do".

                          When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                          I didn't feel like I had seen him before but I was amazed and it was so nice how we both felt so comfortable with each other. Never nervous when we first met and from the first time we met everything seemed right. It felt like we had known each other for forever.


                            When you met each other were you with someone else?
                            At the time that we met, I was interested in someone in RL. That didn't work out though. Alex and I were friends for years before it went any further.

                            How did you first meet?
                            We met over a game called Animal Crossing: Wild World and continued to contact eachother through a forum for the game. Eventually it moved on to msn, skype, other games etc.

                            How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                            Oh, funny, funny story this! I had my best friend Domi, that he also knows help me tell him. We ended up playing a game where he tried to guess who I liked and she added more and more letters to the name. It got to "Ale_" and he STILL didn't say it! He was fully convinced through and through that I had NO feelings for him even though he was crazy for me! Eventually I just blurted out "YOU! I LIKE YOU!" and it went from there =P

                            When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                            XD not at all, at first I was really shocked! I never imagined him to look like he does. At first I actually didn't find him attractive! I don't quite know why XD But now...omg I'm totally CRAZY for him, both outside and in!


                              I want to post my story, but it's really long. (I'm pretty verbose, and I apologize.) Currently it's at two typed pages. I won't post all of it if you guys thing that's too much. What are your opinions? I feel silly even asking.

                              Edit: I decided I wanted to post the full story, but I'm going to make a new topic so that I don't take up so much space on here. If you guys want to read it feel free. Here is the brief version:

                              When you met each other were you with someone else?
                              No. We were both single, and not expecting to fall in love.

                              How did you first meet?
                              We first met online in 2006 while playing World of Warcraft. We were raiding AQ20 after clearing BWL. As a raid we were talking on vent, and he messaged me saying "I'm older than I sound." That one random lined launched a fairytale romance.

                              How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                              He told me first. We were talking one night about how much we wished we could be together. He said that he had been doodling on paper while working on homework, and he had written the word "love" and "Carrie." He said that "I, Jason, know that I love you, Carrie, and nothing is going to change that." I remember crying from pure happiness as my heart soared.

                              When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                              When I first got Jason's picture I couldn't believe that someone like him would be in love with someone like me. I thought he was insanely attractive, and had the cutest little sideways grin. When we met in person, it was instant attraction; he to me and I to him.
                              Last edited by PandorianRose; April 19, 2010, 05:54 PM.
                              “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”


                                When you met each other were you with someone else?
                                my last ex, Brandon had just dumped me about 3 weeks before I met him.
                                but I was single.

                                How did you first meet?
                                well, he was on the "people you may know" thing on facebook for me, so I said screw it and added him, because I seen we both went to the same online school. we never talked but a couple times he commented on some of my stuff on facebook. at one point, I did this thing that said how ugly you were, and it said something like 44%. he commented on it and said (and I quote) "psh, you're more like a 94% or so" and I was honestly kinda amazed that someone I'd never even talked to said that. it made me smile.
                                3 days later, he randomly messages me on facebook chat and we talked, then we exchanged MSN's. we talked for hours on there and then I got his number, and we talked on the phone. we instantly clicked and I knew he was something special from the minute we started talking.
                                the next day, we got talking and he asked what I "wanted to be to him" and I said I'd be anything as long as it was something to him (corny, I know)
                                he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. we've been together ever since!

                                How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                                well he started hitting on me, and I flirted back. he asked me what I'd do if he showed at my door, and I said I'd give him a hug.
                                he asked why, and I said "because I might just like you a lot."

                                When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                                a little, but not really.

                                I love this! I love reading everybody's stories!

