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What caught your attention?

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    What caught your attention?

    What were some qualities or things your SO does that you really love about them?

    For me, Knowing her as a child, I LOVE the rebellious faces she makes, when its time to be cute and cuddly she makes me fall in love with her again and again, the way she gets scared from 80's\90's slasher films, the cute smile she gives me when i win our staring contests. the list goes on and on!

    So tell me about your SO, even if you have not met in person, what were some things that grabbed your attention? I'd love to know.
    My favorite text message conversation:

    Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
    Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
    Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
    Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
    Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
    Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
    Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
    Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
    Tobby: Addict!
    Nika: Addicted! <3

    well one thing i REALLY lovee about luis is his adorable accent!! it gives me butterflies and makes me smile thats probably why im sooo addicted to talking to him... he voice is just like music to my ears<3 ) hehe, and i love thee waay he says "i love you" hehe kinda sounds like he says "i luf you" hehe his accent is just too adorable!! and i think iys funny & cute how wen we text he says "jajajajajaja" instead of "hahahahahaha" ) hehe! at first it made me laugh and smile i love his laugh 2!! ok love everything about him!!!!!!<3


      I loved his healing abilities. We both played the same type of healing characters in WoW, and his skill was hot to this gamer nerd girl.


        For the LD part what first caught my attention was his childish side, i mean he loved disney like loved it, and that was what i had grew up watching and just him talking about things he liked how he would light up with enthusiasm if it interested him. I loved his romantic side, when he would spell out i love you with rose petals or suggest a romantic movie or pick out our love song. that he stops and thinks about these things and takes the time to be romantic just gets me. I like that when hes concerened about me he stays up hours and waits to talk when i really need him.

        And then CD i loved seeing him play with kids, my little brother running after him, my cousins explaining how to play games, just so sweet and makes me picture him as a dad. Then when we sit and see a little kid do something so cute and he whispers in my ear lets have one, lol omg!! i love his silly side. My family didn't get to see that, lol his silly voices, his funny faces, lol my dorky bf i love him so much!! Best think tho i loved that he made me feel safe, how he confirmed his feelings how he let me know hes making future plans for us, how he knew where we where going, made me feel so secure the whole time.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          Well we met on a forum, and he was the extremely funny, honest, blunt jerk on the forum. HAHAHA! Don't ask me why, but the fact that he just told it like it was and didn't sugar coat everything attracted me to him. And, he's just hilarious, he makes me laugh so much. I love that about him.
          ♥Started talking online around: 10.31.09
          Started getting serious on: 2.14.10
          Met in person for the first time: 10.11.10
          Closed the distance on 7.29.11 ♥


            I loveee his accent <3 he sounds adorable, especially when he's laughng at how American I sound lmao his whole nerdom about all things zombie, video games, or music is always so fun ^u^ he can be a major goofball too~ he's got the most awkward and flirtatious sense of humor X3 however, I love him just as much when he's serious; he's infallibly kind, sweet, clever, romantic, motivational~ and if I'm upset he offers heartfelt advice/condolences instead of brushing me off. Oh, and he's one of the only people who doesn't laugh at me for being entomphobic <3
            oh XD I'm ranting
            Before I stop just yet, here's a common example of me being a weirdo (and him being adorable) me: "I love my slutmuffin <3"
            Him: "I love you too, ma bella. "


              The first thing that caught my attention (even before we started communicating with each other) was his sense of humor and his intelligence. I would read things that he wrote and would burst out laughing. The things that caught my attention after I saw his picture was his smile and eyes.


                The fact he was the first American guy not to go "You're British? That's Hot" Honestly I met some douchebags in America who just wanted to bed an English girl, my SO was a breath of fresh air! He took me out on dates, made me laugh, got to know me, didn't pressure me at all, it was a slow, easy, natural thing- I was just drawn to him. He could make me talk too- I'm normally really shy at first, but I could talk and talk and talk to him. And also, his smile- still gives me butterflies, it's so cute!

                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                  Well, I'd heard loooads about my SO before I met him, as I was good friends with his group of guy friends from highschool for a few months before I met him. They'd always talked about how he was so much fun, how much they missed him (with them living in Cork and him in Dublin!), etc haha. And they'd always said that if they could set me up with anyone, it'd be him (I have a theory that was just because of how close he and I are in height, not like the rest of those 6'5" giants!!).
                  So I was already kind of interested before I met him, but he was adorable in person, cute curly hair, nice arms (my weakness, lol), gorgeous accent. He was instantly charming, asked me a lot of questions about myself, and we bonded over how much we both love Canada, the Lord of the Rings, and Final Fantasy VII! Hahaha.

                  Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                  Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                  Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                    up there i said i loved his accent but in his looks i love everything!! someone told me he looks lile taylor laughtner (sp?) wen he was a little boy.. aahhahah u know the lil boy on shark boy and lava girl thats tan and dark hair ? yah that taylor laughtner wen he was little and my best friend says he kinda looks like him haha he does just a lil' bit..>_< hes tan with dark hair... and hes just so adorablee in my eyes!! <3 xDD hehe


                      These kind of questions are always really hard for me to answer because long before we started dating, he and I were friends, so the things that would have caught my attention were things that I knew about him already. I guess one thing is that he's a perfect balance of sweetheart and asshole. What I mean by that is that he gives me my space when I need it and is close when I need him to be close. And he figures it out on his own, its not as though I have to tell him, hey, I need some space, or hey can you be a little more romantic? He just gets it. I'm not sure if he consciously does it, or if we're just balanced that way that when I need space he needs space.

                      Also, he's a gentleman, he would do anything for me, and as much as he says that he's a selfish person, he's not with me. Even before we were dating he would do anything for me.

                      Edited to add: He is the only guy that prior to us dating could share a bed with me without trying to do anything. Which I find so awesome because he told me later that originally all he wanted to do was hook up with me, he didn't want to date, but then he realized that he really did want to date me. But even with those goals in mind, he respected that I didn't want to do anything and he never tried to push it.



                        My love and I first met on Call of Duty, so naturally it was her voice that had first attracted me to her.
                        Once we added each other and played together, it was her presence, her aura, that made me form a crush on this girl.
                        Once we started talking in the ps3 chatrooms, her sense of humor became a turn on. (I tried very hard to make her laugh.)
                        Once we started texting and talking on the phone, it was how comfortable we were with each other. There was never an awkward moment, still today not a single one.
                        Once i fell in love with her, all superficial characteristics had no importance anymore, i just simply loved her.


                          His sense of humor and how much of a gamer, music, computer nerd he was. I love how he can spout off DPS (damage per second) calculations in games as if he invented it. Then I heard his accent and it was all over from there.....he has such a sweet and sensitive side that makes me melt.


                            I love his devilish yet childish side, and the way he is completely different around me than with othes, I feel as though I've helped mold him, all his friends have said his temper is a lot better ever since I've been with him.

                            Met: 8.17.09
                            Started Dating: 8.20.09
                            First Met: 10.2.10
                            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                              He took me out for a day as a favor for his ex, which I thought was incredibly kind since he didn't know me at all. We spent a whole day together and I just fell for him right then and there. He was older, and his maturity level, openness and honesty just clicked for me. And his really adorable squeezable butt helped me fall for him

