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I think its over...

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    I think its over...

    So lastnight I asked my SO if he wanted to video chat me sometime. He said sure just tell me when ever you want to I then told him we can when Im home alone because my parents still dont know about are realationship and he knows that. When I said that he freacked out for some reason and started yelled saying that my firends where up to this because he said he thinks they think hes a bad person or something. My friends had nothing to do with it I was just asking if he wanted to because I missed he and wanted to hear his voice.

    Then all a suden he started talk about my age saying im under age. Hes known that i was 17 the day we met. I dont understand why he just turned on me all a suden. We talk on twitter. thats how we comunicate with eachother. well he has now unfriended me on that and blocked me. Before he did that he told me good bye and that he gone for good then told me he will love me till the day he dies. If he really loved me he wouldnt leave me cause he promised me. I emailed him but he hasnt responed. I hope he does. I spent my whole school day crying. I didnt get any sleep lastnight at all cause I was crying the whole time.

    He has gotten upset with be before and has unfriended me but he would always come back and email me and say sorry for being stupid and that he loves me. I feel like this time is diffrent though because He was acting so weird because he was getting so upset about thinks he already knew and was fine about it im so sad I need the love of my life back !

    Have the two of you ever actually talked with video before? I wasn't sure from what you posted. I don't know if I'm just being a bit skeptical, but something seems off about this to me. Do you pretty much just talk on twitter, not on skype or by phone or anything? That's not a whole lot of communication, if it's just over twitter, and I do honestly wonder if he's who you think he is... I don't mean to be mean, but it's just something I worry about. And the fact that he thinks your friends are putting you up to making him webcam with you... I dunno, it really does seem off to me.

    But if everything's ok there, my guess is he's not worth the time. If he often freaks out and cuts off all contact with you, that's not a healthy relationship. Honestly, even if he does reinstate contact, you need to think about whether or not this is what you want, and whether or not you can believe that he is who he says.

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      We have talked every single day for 9 months we havent webcamed yet but he said he would when ever i wanted to. And when I he asked if my friends where up to this I said no but he said "okay lets get on skype right now and talk if you dont think its me then let me prove it to you im not lying to you!" but I didnt want to right now cause i didnt want to be yelled at and i was crying So i do hope he does come back so i can skype him and tell him he needs to straighten up. But we have talked over the phone before once. we talk everyday


        He makes a remark at your age but then goes and acts like a 5 year old. If he's going to throw a hissy fit and delete you then I think you are better off without him.


          I know I dont know why he had to go off and act like that im so confussed and upset. I really dont want him to leave cause I really do love him a lot


            Have you ever had any doubts about who he is? To not see him for 9 months and then once you say you want to see him maybe he freaked out and turned it around to get mad at you instead of you finding out he really isn't who he says he is. I'm not saying that is the case but he sends you a pic of a beautiful model then doesn't want to show himself on video seems like it could be a little fishy.


              he does send he pictures of him and his friends. I have seen that but when I did ask to go on video chat sometime he wanted to go on right then and there but i didnt want to cause I was crying. the whole thing got started when I said id have to do it when im home allow cause my parents still dont know. I told him that my parents didnt know a while back its like he forgot and got mad like he wanted me to telll them


                If he does initiate contact again, ask him to send you a webcam pic of himself or something proving he's not just picking random pictures of a model off of the internet.

                Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                  Okay ill do that if I ever get an email back. I know that he gets jealous easy but i dont think that has to do with this problem. he did say he wanted to video chat me so i really dont know what going on right now all i know is I guess i have to wait


                    After what I just read I wouldn't even give that boy the time of day anymore (just my opinion). He sounds very unstable and I also agree that the whole situation seems fishy. Good luck with this and if ya'll stay together I hope he will start treating you better!

                    Madly in love with Michael


                      This also seems a bit fishy to me too. 9 months and never webcammed or anything? Also, maybe you are just lucky but that pic of him seems a bit too good to be true.

                      As well, how he acted was WAYYYYYY overreacting to what happened and that alone would turn me off and make me run the opposite way as fast as my legs could carry me. A 'man' (I say that loosely because if you ask me what he did was so petty and childish he seems more like a boy) who acts like that obviously is emotionally unstable in some way. Just be careful, and I am sorry if I seem harsh but I happen to think running away from someone you 'love' after a dumb argument is the worst thing someone can do, and I had a ex who always did its a sore spot. Think of it this way, if this is his reaction, and he is who he says he is, you will have to deal with this forever. Try having a bad fight at 1am and him storming out and leaving you alone to cry, its not fun


                        Hey Breanna, I agree with everyone else that it seems a bit fishy but I'm going to throw out another possibility, of which I'm not sure is better or worse. Let's consider the fact that he is who you think he is, you say he's done this before, but if this was someone that I knew personally, I would wonder if they were on drugs. It seems to me that one day he's a really nice guy who says that he loves you and you're wonderful, and then the next thing you know he goes off the deep end. That is definitely a sign of caution, whether it's because he's hiding something or something is making him act that way, as in, something that alters peoples perceptions.

                        Do you know if he parties a lot? Does he drink? When he acts like this, does it almost seem like he's a completely different person? I'd be curious as to why he changes personalities so quickly. Just be cautious. From the little bit that I've talked to you on here, you seem like a really nice girl and I don't think that someone like that, whether it's because he's afraid of you finding out that he really isn't a British model or if it's because he has a drug problem, I don't think you deserve that.



                          I just wanted to say that if you were a little curious if he is who he says, you can download firefox (internet browser) and download a add-on called "tineye" which searches the internet for pics and see's if they have been used on other sites. It's a great way to check the legitimacy that he is who he says, just a thought I figured I'd post.

                          Best of luck!
                          Last edited by Rosser; August 22, 2011, 10:12 PM.


                            It all sounds a bit weird to me. The best thing you can do is go and live your life with your friends and enjoy being around people that you know. This person sounds like they have something to hide. If I were you, I wouldn't want anything to do with whatever it is. ...How old does he say he is, by the way?


                              He makes a remark at your age but then goes and acts like a 5 year old. If he's going to throw a hissy fit and delete you then I think you are better off without him.
                              I definitely agree with this. I know its difficult, but I wouldn't try and make contact with him, until he made it with you. and when/ if he does ... set him in his place. He was rude, disrespectful, ungrateful and sounds like a brat. Tell him to GROW UP!

