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In very terrible need of advice.

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    In very terrible need of advice.

    I've been pretty set in my decision to break up with my boyfriend in a few days. But as the day gets closer I keep flip-flopping back and forth. My family and friends don't really understand long distance relationships, and so rather than being supportive they tend to blow it off and try to act like it's not a real relationship. So I figured I'd spill everything here and see what some of the LDR pros think. I'm going to try to put together a complete and non-babbly account of our year together.

    We began dating in August of 2010. I met him about two months before and it was a fairly instant connection. The first few months all we did was spend time together. He called and texted me every chance he had. We'd stay up and watch netflix together. We were hardly ever not speaking. I know that this phase can't last forever, but it was so abrupt in the way that we transitioned. He would randomly not speak to me for days. No responses to my texts, no returning my calls. I would get really worried and it wasn't until I would start to really freak out that he'd start responding to me again.

    There were a couple of really shady things as well. He won't add me on facebook, which I know is somewhat trivial and he's told me that he never uses facebook, but when I looked at his page recently, the friend count was higher than it had been. We broke up earlier in the year, and I told him my condition for us to get back together was for him to buy a webcam. I had asked him on multiple occasions to get one, and even offered to get one for him, but he said he would handle it. He ended up guilting me out of it and we got back together. I nagged him about it for a while and he attempted to cam at one point but it wasn't working and he never tried again.

    There have been multiple promises made about visits as well that have never even really been discussed let alone taken place. He said Christmas then January then this summer. I tried to go out there and he said he was more comfortable coming here first. I also invited him to come to New Orleans with me for a weekend trip I was taking to a convention with my sister and he backed out at the last minute (although he never really showed much interest in coming anyway).

    In the past couple of months things have just continued to deteriorate. I've attempted to talk to him about how him vanishing really upsets me, but he blows it off with "I love you"'s and "I'm really sorry". I get so afraid that that's the only time he'll talk to me for a week that I just ignore it in hopes that he'll actually take it to heart. I can't remember the last time we talked on MSN. Our phone calls are few and far between and when they do happen it's very brief with promises to call back that are never followed through. I've let him know that this kind of stuff really upsets me and that all I really want is a couple minutes a day to just let me know how he is but he never follows through with it.

    He was in the path of Hurricane Irene recently, and I attempted to contact him throughout the weekend and let him know I was worried and just wanted him to let me know he was alright. All he said was "hey" on the following Monday. I let him know that I was really upset and that I needed him to figure out what he wanted from me and that if it was another year then he couldn't continue this vanishing act. He said nothing and I've yet to hear a response.

    So I decided that if he didn't say anything to me come this Monday then I was finished. I feel like I've been walked on throughout this relationship and no matter how many times I try to talk to him about it he won't budge. The truth of the matter is I'm tremendously in love with this guy and I really don't want this break up to happen and am grasping at any hope that maybe I'm over reacting. I appreciate any feedback and advice you may have. I'm really lost at this point and have no where else to turn.

    I don't think you're overreacting at all and I would be very wary of someone you've never met, haven't cammed with, and won't add you on Facebook. He also vanishes from time to time and doesn't seem to show any interest in visiting you. I'm not sure exactly what his deal is, but something isn't right there. I don't think you are overreacting at all and I definitely would advise you in moving on if he isn't willing to make some significant changes.


      I hate to say it, and don't know if it's my place to judge solely from what you've written here, but there are too many red flags. /: His refusal to video chat or meet you and his seemingly random disappearances leads me to suspect that he's not who he says he is.

      His behavior is rather shady and I think you're making the right decision by distancing yourself from him. Good luck!


        I would proceed. It doesn't seem like he was taking things as seriously as you were. When you get into a relationship where both people take it very seriously, you'll see what I mean, but if I were you I wouldn't waste any more time or sanity in this situation.

        I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


          He seems to be hiding something. And even if he's not, he's treating you pretty shabbily. So at worst, he's not who he says he is; at best he's treating you and your relationship like crap. I think you know what you need to do.

          No one deserves to be treated like this. You can do better.



            Thank you all so much. I definitely think I've known this for a long time but have been holding out in hopes that things would go back to how they were. All the advice I'd received until now has been from other guys who would rather have my attention and my family who has a tendency to joke about it rather than actually try to take this seriously. I think I just needed a third perspective.

            I'll definitely be doing it tomorrow. It will have been one week since I told him what he needed to do and he hasn't attempted to contact me since. Thank you for the advice.


              I wouldn't spend anymore time on this guy. He doesn't seem to care in the slightest about you, as harsh as that may sound :/ and to me he sounds more than a little fishy. I think you would be better moving on. I'm sorry


                *hugs* to you. May you find someone worthy of your love.

                Take care.


                  so sorry i think he just a guy with too many excuses... and the guy who want you will never give you more than 3 excuses not to see you or contact with you....

                  hope you will find someone better than him.. **hugs**


                    I agree breaking up seems like the right decision. He doesn't seem committed to the relationship and you really deserve so much more.


                      Thank yall. This is definitely what I needed to hear.


                        Too many red flags! No web cam? No visiting? No facebook? That is weird, for me facebook is a good tool, you can check if you have friends in common... That is what I did with my bf and we had one, I call her to ask about him and she told me he is an excelente person, inteligent, and honest! Then I decided to start dating him... And that thing that you don't talk often enough is another red flag!!!! I talk with my bf at least once a day, everyday!
                        I believe you already lost one year with this person, don't lose more time! You are not in love with him, you are in love with what you think he is! For me the no web cam thing is because he is not who he says he is...


                          Absolutely. And these are all things I've tried to address.
                          At one point he sent me a video but the person in the video didn't look like him at all. So i went into panic mode and I had a friend try to run a DOX on him and see if he could find anything. I also went through his facebook friends and asked them how well they knew him. Most said he was just a random add that they never really spoke to.
                          I tried to be understanding. Especially when I got a job we had conflicting schedules and didn't really get to spend a lot of time together. But I have a very good friend who works twice as much as James and we still get a chance to talk almost every day. If a friend can do it I definitely expect my boyfriend to be able to.

                          There have been a few red flags that I've tried to ignore and I'm just tired and I need to feel like I'm getting as much as I'm giving.


                            Any updated post if you broke up with him? How he responded? I can't say anything that everyone else has said. Do it, move on with your life, and get a guy that respects you and the relationship. You owe that to yourself. Best of luck. We're all here for you


                              Best of luck to you.
                              I'm glad you see that it's best to break up.
                              We'll still all be here for you <3

                              First Met Online: October 2010
                              First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
                              Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
                              First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
                              Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
                              Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
                              Engaged!: June 1, 2013
                              Picking out wedding dates now!

